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Everything posted by Heartznbowz

  1. When the expansion comes out and the Gree event returns will it still be level 50 dailies or will it jump up to the level 55 cap??
  2. I didn't get to do the event for almost the whole two weeks cause I was stuck in the hospital with only one level 50. Only way that I'll be able to get the legacy sabers is farming the hell out of the two world bosses and gathering those rep tokens. I just hope the vendors are around long enough to do so or that the event comes back before the expansion comes out.
  3. Everything I've found says they are crafted which makes no sense if there are tokens for them. I've only done EC (Denova) once & don't remember what dropped at end boss
  4. I don't think I've checked that one, I'm going to take a quick look.
  5. Where exactly do the tokens for the bracers, head piece & belt drop? I've checked multiple loot lists of HM TFB but can't find them on any list.
  6. How do I get an avatar picture on here?
  7. So when I log onto my account here it says I have 500 Cartel Coins, but when Im on game & open the market it says I have 0. Any ideas?? It actually says that "You will be granted 500 Complimentary Cartel Coins at the launch of the Free-to-Play option." This happened 2 days ago now so where are my coins? Lol
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