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Posts posted by johnatters

  1. I was referring to class story canon. I'm aware of what he said, i just think its stupid to say the decisions you make as a character have little to no significance in the long run as per canon. Its cheapens the experience and just star wars in general. that doesn't mean i don't like having the ability to chose, cuz i do. But like i said it cheapens the overall story of the star wars universe


    The statement is "Whilst the game is live". Once the game is down, they will make a certain story choices canon.


    Am I the only one that feels like we were basically just told that they're writing and acting like there will be a sequel...?

  2. Just to add some points from the other side of the fence... Sure there was some banter back and forth, but we didn't have any issues with people healing the commander. The thing that did get us a little riled up, was when the group defending the commander had people switch to their republic characters and start taunting him away so that he would get reset. Don't try to say you were trying to taunt him back into the pvp area, because that is not what happened. He was being taunted away from the pvp area. The part where we had 16 freedom warriors going up against the commander, his adds, and 5 flagged imp healers, (with an additional 2 or 3 that weren't flagged) was probably the most fun I've had since I started playing this game. Then once it turned into a group of maybe 15-16, sure, we called in a favor from <Republic>, who wouldn't at that point? Adexi knew what we were asking when she agreed to come, and no that didn't include our raid group flagging. Also, we weren't with RHG's group, so don't try to act like it was something out of 300.

    It played out as:

    1. You guys healed the boss.

    2. We fought for an hour.

    3. More Imperials showed up.

    4. Reinforcements arrived for the Republic.

    5. The Imperials won the battle.

    6. We still got our framework, and many more. :cool:


    TL--DR - Keep healing the bosses, that was fun for us. Just don't be ***** and try to reset the boss.


    At no point were there 15-16 Imps, the only imps turning up were the alts of our group as they logged over. We tried taunting him back to the pvp area, didn't work :/ And within minutes of us healing the boss, Pubs were in /say telling us we were being reported, I don't know if they were from your tag or not.


    And just for the record, we absolutely had zero problem with reinforcements. We were literally overjoyed when Republic turned up flagged. More unflagged pubs though? That's boring.

  3. You know, if the Republic ops group had been flagged, you would have gotten more support from your own faction. There were another 6-8 of us from <Saberwing> on another instance of Alderran that would have loved to come and help kick <Nemesis> off of the hill (or at least... you know... try). We wouldn't even have cared about not getting the materials from the commander or the points for conquest, and letting them all go to Freedom Warriors/Republic Honor Guard. It would have been enough just to have a fun OWPVP brawl.


    But when we found out that the ops group wasn't flagged and wasn't planned on getting flagged, but wanted the rest of us to come do their OWPVP for them while they took out the boss from the safety being unflagged - that's lame, my friends. Deeply lame. I was so annoyed last night that I almost logged on my op healer and offered to heal for the other side (not that y'all needed me, but it would have been amusing to witness what I am sure was quite epic QQ).


    Trying to cheese the OWPVP system is just stupid. Nut up, get a group together, and go get flagged. Make some friends who like to PVP or cut a deal with one of the PVP guilds to be your guards, build a team, and go down there and wreck face. Y'all are already at the top of the leaderboards anyway. The very worst that can happen is that you spend an hour or so dying in hilarious ways.


    You're good I like you


    Sorry I jumped you, I thought at the time you were reinforcements. :(


    Edit: If Saberwing want to team up with Republic and Regulators and go at this the right way some time, let us know! (I only mention these names as these are the ones I saw flagged last night)

  4. Is killing a group that's both engaged in a difficult NPC fight and not wearing PvP gear really much of an accomplishment beyond just pissing people off? :p


    I like that BW is trying to spur OWPvP, but their implementation leaves a bit to be desired. It would have to be a pretty huge group to be able to survive both the Commander and his entourage in addition to a group of opposite faction players. You basically have to hope that nobody is guarding it or your chances are basically zero. Maybe the crafted invasion forces should allow you to spawn a similar NPC entourage that keeps enemy players equally occupied.


    I had the exact same thought, until we killed it. If you do go up against another guild whilst trying to kill the NPC, you definitely need to bring some numbers though. Most people (gear/skill considered, of course) will need a 4+ man group dedicated to the NPC, and the rest is dependent on who is defending. The main factor is the insanely quick respawn time for the defenders, in the example we had last night, you literally respawn NEXT to the NPC, the second you release. There is no 'wearing' down the enemy, you just need to keep them busy whilst you kill the NPC.


    The biggest problem I see is exactly what happened here, healing the NPC. Frankly, I'm thinking now that attacking the NPC should force-flag you, and you shouldn't be able to heal the NPC. That way, anyone who attacks the NPC is fair game for defenders, but you can't keep the NPC alive for almost two hours, like we did, until we killed it..

  5. Tequilas Guide missed the elusive node_guard. Sitting in stealth (remember that you must remaistill. DO NOT MOVE!). Right beside the node. A key to this strategy is to be ready to break cc the instant you are stunned. Any hesitation to break will be your undoing.


    My fave is the Sniper who stands next to the node. :confused:

  6. After so many pages of absolutely nothing I can say this:


    Between Jaberse and now this I'm actually left with a worse impression of Proper Villains and many others on this server than either of the two "cheaters" (since Cotrex seems adamant of her innocence). I don't know if Cotrex altered her log, none of us do, but there is substantial evidence of that being the case. That being said there is no excuse for the behavior shown in this thread. I know a few members don't represent the entirety of Proper Villains, but a few bad apples spoils the bunch; and SnickerJew is not doing any favors for Zorz or Severity Gaming either, I would suggest his GM tighten his leash a bit. The same goes for Mazanator.


    I mean good lord people, are we in middle school? If any of my employees exhibited this kind of behavior they would be out the door within the day. And don't say this is a civilized discussion, it has devolved far from that.


    To Keyboardninja: I would suggest doing any analysis of parses in private, with any collaborators and the person who's parse is in question. If it ends up being fraudulent then make a public post saying it has issues and take it down. But I think you can see that dissecting a parse for everybody to watch ends up making a mess of things.


    To Cotrex: I don't know if you falsified your parse or not, if you did then you should be ashamed of yourself, not only for lying, but for dragging everybody on this wild chase and wasting people's time. If you did not, then I am truly sorry for you.


    So let me get this right. Tam, (who, say what you like about him, is not a man who struggles with math) says that there is more chance of him waving his hand around and causing hurricanes, than this parse being real, and you still want to entertain the idea that Cotrex isn't lying her face off?


    With the above in mind, everything else you said is thus utter bollox - back in your box.

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