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Posts posted by supernickx

  1. Deal breaker says it entirely. I have already payed for and received my box from Amazon, but have yet to open it in the event I am unable to play because of the queues (Amazon's return policy is awesome, really). This game has not been live for a week yet, I should not already be considering returning my boxed copy.


    I have played many MMO's, all of which had a huge player base at launch. Not one has had this type of issue. I am extremely unimpressed.


    The game isn't live at all.

  2. Not a threat, fact. Im having way more fun in my current game (which is an MMO), than I have when actually online in this one. I have rerolled 3 times already, only to have my new server fill up to 1h queues when I have 1-2hrs to play. The gameplay is already dull and tedious (reached lvl 13 on my first Sith Inqueuesitter)


    So what you're saying is you dislike the game and don't really want to sub as a result. Gotcha. You sure made it seem like it was the queue's fault. :)


    And yeah bit more on topic for above posts: What we have to endure in early access is our own choice for y'know, getting on early. What people won't tolerate for long (no more than 4 weeks imo) is this going on well into release.


    If Bioware's underlying plan from all this was to ensure servers are correctly balanced and come mid-late week we suddenly see queues disappear because they're happy with balance, fine. It's understandable they can't communicate such things to us.. "Hey, we are digitally herding you onto other servers so we are artificially capping your server at 3000 even though we have capacities of 10,000-15,000 people."


    Seeing as it is only a small number of servers affected by queues I don't forsee this being the death of SWTOR or the sky is falling as some would have you believe but I do think every subscriber should be important and hope this is resolved within the week somehow. (Server transfers etc etc if needbe)

  3. I'm assuming Galaxies was your first MMO, thus it was your MMO-honeymoon period. You will always look back on it as the "best" thing and use it as your benchmark to some degree. To me: SWG became very mediocre and stale after a year and then just went downhill with that 'patch'.


    Just as I look back on Asheron's Call as the daddy of MMOs (my first one) - I still to this day can see the similarities and compare against it.


    I've played well over 15 MMOs now. Everything from EQ1, EQ2, DAOC, Aion, WoW, Warhammer, Eve, Guild Wars, SWG, COH, Champions, STO.. the list goes on lol. After so many years in the genre now I look for a few simple things: is it a good engine, is the content fun and is the game balanced/enjoyable.


    Simply put: If I get a 'fun factor' from the game, i'm sold. I just view each new MMO as "new content" because the genre is so stabilized now it's like trying not to compare CoD with Battlefield.


    Sure, there are games like Warhammer, Guild Wars, Eve and Aion that attempt the radical and different. Even the upcoming GW2 is promising such things - however i've seen so many 'radical new innovations' come and go now. It's the tried-and-tested fun factor MMOs (which SWTOR has accomplished in my opinion) that retain the biggest subscribers. (See: WoW. For a newbie I bet that game is really fun to them, for me it's overplayed and done with)

  4. I'm not subbing because of this


    Sorry but those threats go nowhere. I'm sure you will sub quite happily within the next month and they know it.


    However - they should be concerned of the long-term impact as each poorly managed decision results in a "knock" to the customers, too many knocks and they start leaving. I'd say this is hit #1 for SWTOR.

  5. 1500 in the queue every night for Legions of Lettow EU is -not- acceptable. Why isn't this being reviewed? 30 minutes, even an hour in the queue is acceptable and fine for most. 4 hours in the queue is pushing it a bit far honestly..


    If you aren't prepared to increase slots over the next few days or restrict new people from joining - are you at least going to offer some kinda server/guild transfer?


    I think Bioware and EA have done a great job overall but the communication is very sub-par and needs looking into. Telling everyone "you're reviewing it" is really no answer at all.

  6. I did this once on LOTRO. Was server first and one of the first in EU.


    It was 5 minutes of enjoyment and 3 months of boredom. I burned myself out, found I had little content and had to wait for everyone else to catch up. Wrecked the experience for myself and steered well clear from doing that again.


    But yeah, grats, now you get to start the levelling experience all over or jump around the space station endlessly repeating warzones.

  7. Play at non-peak times or another was their solution? Legions of Lettow has had a 1000+ queue since 11:30AM. That peak time? Most, excluding the newly setup servers, are the same.


    The thing that irritates me is they openly posted that they KNEW this was coming and what has been done?

  8. It's a terrible reply and no solution at all.


    Play at non-peak times? Legions of Lettow has had a 1000+ queue since 11:30AM. That peak time? Most, excluding the newly setup servers, are the same.


    SR's response is completely contradictory. "We were expecting queues and so should you!" - You were expecting queues but your server hosts did nothing about the obvious expectation? You're fixing to work something you KNEW was coming? Alright.


    I can tolerate this for Early Access but good luck holding subscriptions from people if 6 out of your 8 english servers are max capacity.

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