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Posts posted by supernickx

  1. wait a few months before claiming its a "joy for most". apparently there was 2 million preorders for this game, I'd be surprised if we are above 500k by february.


    I predict the attrition rate for this game will be off the charts if things like the warzone lag and skill delay remain utterly ignored


    No warzone lag for me. And skill delay was removed by changing an option for queue skills to 0.0


    Way to go though suggesting things that affect you only for why the game will somehow bleed 1.5 million subscribers. Which you won't see anyway. (No company in their right mind would announce that). I see so much of this. "My Asus Xonar won't work with the game but i'm not smart enough to fix it. This will cost the game 30 gazillion subscribers as a result!!!"


    The first month of MMO forums are always terrible. It's filled with your incredibly impatient 30 day players and/or people who have parents that won't allow them to sub. (under 16s basically)

  2. Sorry but what is it with this non-existent term "WoW killer"?


    In order for WoW to go unprofitable they would have to lose about 90% of their subscriptions. This isn't even taking into account if they have a F2P model up their sleeves, which will prolong the game's life. And why is it such a sore point if two games share a market %? "Oh no no, WoW must die now. It has to happen. There couldn't possibly be TWO real MMOs in the market"


    There simply is no such thing as an "MMO killer". End of. Everquest and Asheron's call are still going as profitable MMOs, where is there inevitable destroyer?


    I'm sure SWTOR will enjoy healthy financial success, with a solid playerbase. What more can you ask for?


    Who knows WoW's actual subscriber numbers? I'm sure if you took the actual players (not players who have 2+ accounts), in the same regions that Bioware have launched in, you will see Bioware to be "winning" in the next year. Since every company likes to exaggerate their numbers, it's never a clear picture.


    It's also not a real comparison either if you just compare like-for-like as Blizzard is one of the very few companies to have a game deployed locally in so many countries.

  3. Same as me, in a queue and throwing a few posts around.


    Love the game, my guild of 70 will be sticking with it and I look forward to a great future playing SWTOR.


    Few problems here and there of course - lots of tweaking and balance to occur over the next year but overall a solid game with, to me, no absolute major flaws that make me want to walk away.

  4. Still having a blast, played 85 hours so far and I want to make another toon. Oh and I took at 3-months straight. Some people actually love the game and don't waste their time here.


    Becase you know what? These forums are awful to read.


    bout sums it up. the happy players are busy playing (or in my case queuing for a short term) - suffice to say the remainder is 90% of the impatient or people with ridiculous expectations on everything, wanting for their perfect game that is never coming.

  5. It's because people expect the world, instantly. They find a problem and want it resolved immediately. They are often baseless and emotionally biased - and most of the time things that will be coming in the future.


    So you have to wait 30 seconds to load? Big deal. Let them optimize more.

    Don't have the luxury of 45 bars on your screen for every skill in your book? It's less than a month after launch, the UI stuff is coming.


    And insert 100 more moans about things that will be fixed in the near future that people think they just aren't even bothering to work on or worse think the coding takes 8 seconds to complete so therefore it should be there.


    Suggestions are all well and good - but 100 threads about the same thing, which they 100% know about already long before your post really serve to benefit nothing at all.

  6. I'm level 36 after around 3 days /played now. That is going at a fairly steady pace, while still going to my 9-5 job and other girlfriend commitments.


    Started first day of early access and expect to be 50 within a week or two and another 3 days /played.


    I've power levelled, slow levelled and average levelled all types of MMOs and generally speaking if I hit cap at the 145-150 hour marker on an average pace.. i'd say that is a levelling experience done VERY well.

  7. Nah complaints will get you nowhere.. They are holding stern on this until they're happy with server balance. We will most likely magically see queues disappear after a short time. (Next week perhaps)


    Sadly for my guild we were placed on a very popular server and it has taken a week to get all 60 of us online.. Moving now would mean all kinds of headaches and lost time so it really is a "see how it goes" scenario for the time being.

  8. There's a fairly dated philosophy that flies around which people seem to think dungeon finder = more jerks. No dungeon finder = people are reluctant to be jerks at fear of everyone on the server hating them.


    Which yes, sure, this was a fine logic when your average players online for your faction were 400-500 and lots of people knew each other. Average players per faction for WoW in 2004 was between 300-500 on our server. It's significantly higher now.


    So these days.. servers are huge and lots of people come and go. People are gonna be jerks regardless; at no point do people stop to think "uh oh better not act a child at fear of being banished by everyone on the server"


    Thus dungeon finder or not, the outcome is the same. People can be jerks and will be regardless. There is another argument to raise that arguably your perception of "bad" people just increases as the pool of said "bad" people goes up. It's like saying people who watch the news think the world is going to hell, people who don't think it is all rosey. We hone in on the negatives far more than we do the positives.


    So hey.. i'm very pro dungeon finder. Spending 30 minutes to organize a group, get to it and then finally do the dungeon is a pointless waste of time after a while. It is not a "challenge" nor does seeing the same trip to the instance every time somehow add to my experience. First few times it's cool.


    That said: in the short term while people level up and BW do want people to experience the world, it is wise to keep it away for the time being. Otherwise people will simply never do the trip.


    Definitely hope to see this in game sometime in 2012.

  9. So...is it bad if Bioware is trying to balance the server load so that there is an even population spread?


    I say good on them for paying attention and keeping all the servers up and stable.


    Think people's gripe is they have to suffer as a result. I'm OK with all of the queues (if mildly frustrating) so long as they don't go on past Jan. This is because i'd like to ensure I don't get stuck on a dead server like I have done in so many MMOs now.


    If i'm still queuing for 3 hours come Feb.. well, i'll have a difference stance put it that way.

  10. Well.. it's a matter of opinion.


    To some: Graal online might be the best MMO in the world.


    To me: i've played MMOs since 1998 now and for the time being SWTOR is my favorite MMO. It's new, it's Star Wars, it has great developers behind it and it captures that fun-factor for me.


    Get the queue issue out the way and they'll be looking forward to the next decade of profits.

  11. Rumour mill is running over time on this..


    Rumours include:

    - Bioware are digitally herding people onto servers to ensure every server gets a reasonable amount of players.

    - Bioware are artificially inflating the "position in queue" and "time to wait" numbers to further ensure the above point.


    Who knows though - it does seem odd and most seem to agree it is conflicting results we're seeing.

  12. There's a fairly dated philosophy that flies around which people seem to think dungeon finder = more jerks. No dungeon finder = people are reluctant to be jerks at fear of everyone on the server hating them.


    Which yes, sure, this was a fine logic when your average players online for your faction were 400-500 and lots of people knew each other.


    These days.. servers are huge and lots of people come and go. People are gonna be jerks regardless; at no point do people stop to think "uh oh better not act a child at fear of being banished by everyone on the server"


    Thus dungeon finder or not, the outcome is the same. People can be jerks.


    So hey.. i'm very pro dungeon finder. Spending 30 minutes to organize a group, get to it and then finally do the dungeon is a pointless waste of time after a while. It is not a "challenge" nor does seeing the same trip to the instance every time somehow add to my experience. First few times it's cool.


    That said: in the short term while people level up and BW do want people to experience the world, it is wise to keep it away for the time being. Otherwise people will simply never do the trip.


    Definitely hope to see this in game sometime in 2012.

  13. Loving every minute of it myself.


    Issues to iron out yeah, tweaks to make and bolstering to occur on current systems.. but overall an amazing start (excluding queues) to the game. Looking forward to see how it evolves into a titan of the MMO industry.


    Frankly the OP's post came across as: I have MMO burnout and expected this would cure me. It didn't. I am now finding every little fault I can with the game.


    You'll get the same experience in Guild Wars 2. Despite popular belief it will be about as innovative and groundbreaking as Guild Wars 1 promised to the industry and failed to deliver.


    Sounds like a break from MMOs is in order if you're expecting radical genre changing games that are fully completed on release.

  14. It's Metacritic. Metacritic is about as reliable as a barrel of oil suspended above a pit of fire by a peice of string, don't even bother.


    About right..


    User reviews are most of the time biased and unjust. They also often don't relate to the actual game itself.


    Saw one guy bashing Skyrim and giving it a 0 because he didn't know how to install Steam. That about did it for me really.

  15. Been on about 15 MMO launches now.. The smart companies, and subsequently the bigger games, tend to follow this model:


    - Get pre launch sorted, as many major bugs squashed as possible.

    - Get lauch sorted. Sort major problems out ASAP and let everything settle in. Customer service, players, hardware, all that etc. (in this case it is sort things like queues)

    - Allow a decent number of people to hit cap and enjoy existing content

    - First big content patch within 3-4 months.


    LOTRO for example did all of the above apart from the last point. Their first big content patch took way too long and they lost subs as a result.


    So, March/April is my educated guess.


    That doesn't mean we won't get nice things in say Feb like more ui functionality, better auction house system, class balances, fixing quests.. all that stuff on the monthly patches.

  16. Looking forward to mods in SWTOR and the inevitable damage recount that will come.


    Thanks Bioware for confirming you will be adding addon support in the future and not caving in to whines that only serve to harm the game. (No addons means less functionality because devs don't have time to do all the little things we come to love like map notes and additional ui stuff)

  17. Question for some other combat medics out there. What cell do you normally use while soloing? I've been using armor piercing mostly, but I was wondering if I should switch to plasma so I could also get High impact bolt procs.


    The 10% isn't worth the time I find - that cell needs a buff.


    The added damage from the armor piercing is a lot better so I tend to use that.


    I also use Aric for fast killing of things too - while i'm healing myself on elites he is busy trashing them. :)


    Level 36 Combat medic - full heal tree specced. (Nearly at Bacta infusion!)

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