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Everything posted by Exkrux

  1. i want to know of one thing, that has been brought up by players in this forum. Other than the regular " this bug needs to be fixed" crap. And Bioware actually did what was brought up. I dont care if i think its stupid. I am just wanting confirmation of whether or not BW actually is listening to its commmunity of gamers. Thank you.
  2. I have a 55 sin, full conq and augged. A 55 scoundrel, half obroan,half augged. and read before you talk crap. I saying that i was winning. I am saying that as someone who does use and know these classes.That bioware should wake up and stop being idiots.
  3. I am someone who has both a Scoundrel and Assassin. Why do you guys keep buffing them. While i was in full conq no augs i was able to kill someone full obroan and augged, and he was in the top 5 of the ranked pvp. so i dont want to hear oh he must of sucked. Im saying if anything they need a nerf. Can be stunned the entire time while be dpsed down. And now with these arenas. put two dps stealths together and they can just pick someone off. We as the pvp community need to start pushing for more balanced pvp, rather then letting Bioware do anything they feel like and take our money. like I said, i have both classes, they are fine how they are. Dont buff them. you're makin g this game suck
  4. Yeah this happens alot. But only with sorcs. They will be infront of me, then vanish in the distance. One time i swear i have seen a sorc teleporting all around the screen. And i get 60 fps, so i know its not lag. I dont have best computer. but def not the worst.
  5. Exkrux

    Fix resolve!!!

    I know some people are gonna say i am full of crap. But it is not just me with this. I have tired as crud of being stunned and stunned and stunned. And it takes forever for my resolve to build up. About three stuns. And by the time i get full resolve, after the CC has worn off, my resolve has gone down again, and i can be freakin cc'd again! I already canceled my sub for this, as i have wrote ticket after ticket and they just close it without a freaking response. I will resub when i see it is fixed. If it ever does.
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