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Posts posted by EpickFaill

  1. They've already said the next big expansion this year includes a level increase. Doubt they are going to give a lot of information about it yet since they've barely started giving out info on the player housing expansion. But since you threatened to drop your sub, I'm sure they'll get right on that.


    can you give me the source?

  2. Hateful entity is more a Dps and healer check, because any tank **** ups can be compensated for.


    But yeh, he gets a damage debuff, and a defense buff at the start, and loses his buff and gains more attack power as the fight goes on, so basically hits harder and gets hit for more.


    There's a 3 second debuff your healers gotta be fast enough to cleanse, basically a 1 shot if you don't...


    But yeh, basically way harder than dreadful.


    thx a lot for the tip

  3. I am thinking of creating an group of players from my guild to down 10 stack dreadtooth->go for dreadful entity->hateful entity,i want now to ask the players that have downed this,i will assume the part of one of the tank in full 80's,is the hateful entity figh like the one from dreadful one?as a friend of mine said that they downed dreadtooth 10 stack with 15 man and mostly in underworld so i think our group will be able to down this in 16 man(dreadtooth),after reading the dulfy's guide about hateful entity she saied it's like a park walk if you downed dreadtoot 10 stacks,now comes the hateful entity,after clearing 16 man s&v hm(?), we go to that kinda of temple and summon the hateful entity and just do the same thing as we would do with the hateful entity?tank it by moving when ever drops one of those circles, and swap at like 6 debuffs of increased damage per tank?thx in advance.:)
  4. and also as i play since the lunch i still don't get why we still not have such and option.And even the price of 5k credits is good by me,a pack of 24 crates costs like 600 cartel coins more but as there is a cooldown for character transfer, there should be a month at least for legacy transfer.
  5. Do you mean jsut the legacy or all toons as well, after all I would love to move 5 crafters I left behind for the cost of less than 3. I imagine people with 16 alts would love that even more.


    i mean all account with all toons i got currently 14 characters and most of them are 55's that are well geared and 450 on their crew skills and transfering everthing would be something awesome in my opinion.

  6. "any amount of money..."


    So, just transfer your characters one at a time? Your legacy transfers with your characters.

    i think you don't get the what i mean,the whole legacy with achivements and reputation,and transfering 1 character at a time would be just useless as you keep only the things on your inventory,by whole legacy i mean(once again i say that) to transfer the reputation and the achivements,i'd say this be a cost of maimum 5k coins.

  7. I'd like to be able to transfer my whole legacy to the progenitor as right now i am on tomb of fredon nadd and the reasons i'd like to transfer is:i find pve more appealig to me then pvp,pops in the worst case are up to 40 minutes,i feel like this server is mostly dead.So bioware i'd be willing to pay whatever amount of money to be able to transfer the legacy,i know this is a hard task and most likely not to happen but i'd realy realy love to be able to do this,thx for reading.
  8. Right now i play on tofn wich is a pvp eu server,i choosed a pvp server becouse i thought i would mostly pvp and stuff like that but it turned out that i am more of a pve guy that will just ruin most of ranked games :rak_09: and i'd like to transfer to prophecy of the five wich is also an eu server though is pve based,my question is how to transfer my whole account to prophecy of the five,right now i got 14 characters on my account on tomb of freedon nad so i'd like to know if there is somehow to transfer all my characters to another server,thx in advance
  9. I just watched the "decived" trailer again and an idea for an op/flashpoint came in my mind,lets say it would be like: After hundreds of years from the signing of the treaty of coruscant the peace between the empire and the republic is trembling,both the empire and the republic are assembling task forces of their elite assets that proved not only once that they are worthy of this honor,this beign the assault on the capital cities of the empire and of the republic(Dromund Kaas and Coruscant)

    This is based on my theory that the Forged Alliances storylines will end in an attack on the capital cities,and also,pretty much got inspired from the "Decived" trailer

    The following is how the operation/flashpoint would be: Players,group up,and enter the instance for this the players must go in the following stages(alone,with a mate, if done as an op) during the operation(during telling how all procedes i will use the case when more players come for the op and is not a flashpoint of 4 players),there would be following missions that must be done by each designated group: one group haves to capture an enemy ship and secure it for transportation of ground troops in the city,second group must lead the infiltration into the city and will provide information about defenses and if they do everything right,part of the defenses can be disarmed,and the third group haves to breach(in a stealthy way)their way to a landing zone,by having to kill the enemies that are guarding it, after each group completes its task begins the fun part ,the Assault,every group meets at the landing zone that was secured by team number 3,along side the ground troops, team number 1 lands at the landing zone and team number 2 can just go to the landing zone by ease as mean while a task force is jumping through hyper space and and engages in the space,but the planetary defenses are concentrated on them and the defenses get lower,on their way to the senate/citadel they will encounter different bosses and droids,if the team number 2 disabled some defenses there would be less turrets on the way,after getting in the senate/citadel,the players must fight a specific boss for each faction,don't ask me who i have no idea:D ,after completing the operation the forces of the empire/republic return glorious home,also as a side note at the 3 phase part there are specific adds and 1 or 2 bosses for each group. Thanks tho whoever readed this,hope you enjoyed it and are up for this kinda of operation/flashpoint.:)

  10. Speeders with multiple seats for companions and/or group members.


    YES!i wanted this since lunch to come and i would also like to see:

    reek mounts

    terentatek mounts

    gorog mounts(no i don't joke i mean really big mounts!)

    acklay mounts

    nexu mounts

    that's about animals if of the mechanized ones i'd like to see:

    ok for woc you could add AT-AT

    jedi starfighters but in smaller versions

    TIE fighters if jedi starfighters to be

    imperial star destroyers-must


    and also for woc you could add AT-TE

  11. I know most PvPers would like this but as we can see here and respectively that point ->Will you be implementing Cross-server queuing?

    We have no plans at this time to implement cross-server queues.

    Well i must say that i expected the cross-server PvP to come one time maybe in like 1 year or less i should say that i have got disappointed that there will be most likely no cross-server PvP.

    Waiting for opinions lads

  12. My juggernaut tank ravaging around while waiting for the dp hm guild op to come on oricon


    My commando healer-forever alone


  13. I have lead at least ten 16-man pure Fleet PUGs through clears of this fight in story mode, not caring at all what their previous experience with the fight is.


    There are three things that will make this fight much easier if they are present in the group.

    • One tank that knows exactly what they are doing and can hold threat.
    • One Raptus kiter that can safely handle him for the first 45 seconds that he is down in Phase 1 and 3.
    • One melee DPS who knows what they are doing and can follow a burn order.


    That's it. The other 13 people in the group only have to be able to follow some very basic instructions and put out a moderate amount of DPS. Healers need to be generally OK at healing, but nothing spectacular is needed.


    This is the exact strategy to follow:

    1. Mark Bestia with Flame, Tyrans with Target, Raptus with Saber and Calphayus with Shield.
    2. The tank that doesn't need to know what he's doing is your Calphayus tank. They just need to walk him around for a bit until the knowedgeable tank takes over.
    3. Your Raptus kiter kites Raptus until the knowledgeable tank takes over.
    4. The knowledgeable tank starts the fight and holds Bestia with their back against one of the sconces that is below her throne.
    5. DPS burn Besita to 50% and send her back to her throne.
    6. The knowledgeable tank picks up Raptus from the kiter right after a purple knock-back fan is cast. The tank continues to kite Raptus appropriately.
    7. All DPS switch to Tyrans, burn him to 50% and send him back up to his throne. Healers will have one Deathmark to cleanse before Tyrans is sent back up, but it doesn't one-shot people in 16-man SM any longer, so it's not even that important.
    8. All DPS switch to Raptus, burn him to 50% and send him back up to his throne. The tank on Raptus can stop kiting him when he's not doing his Helicopter of Death.
    9. The knowledgeable tank picks up Calphayus and kites him out of red pools.
    10. All DPS switch to Calphayus, burn him to 50% and send him back up to his throne.
    11. The knowledgeable tank picks up the Styrak crystal.
    12. The Raptus kiter picks up the Brontes crystal.
    13. The other tank is on Brontes and tanks her until Styrak is dead.
    14. All DPS burn Styrak until he dies.
    15. The knowledgeable tank picks up Brontes.
    16. All DPS burn Brontes until 20% and she jumps to mid.
    17. All players stand in the safe spot which has just previously been marked on the ground with numerous tactical markers by the knowledgeable tank.
    18. All DPS burn Brontes until she dies.
    19. The knowledgable tank picks up the Bestia crystal, the other tank picks up the Calphayus crystal, your kiter picks up the Raptus crystal and one other capable DPS picks up the Tyrans crystal and faces him towards a wall until the burn phase.
    20. All DPS burn Bestia to 15% to trigger the final phase.
    21. All DPS burn the bosses in the order of Bestia, Tyrans, Raptus and Calphayus. This is the one part of the fight that the healers will actually need to be able to do some healing since the burn phase lasts a bit longer as only one boss was brought to 15% and the others will be close to 50%.


    The key to pulling this off successfully is the following:

    • Review the burn order with the DPS.
    • Mark your one melee DPS who knows what they're doing with Star. Then instruct the rest of the DPS to "Always kill what Star is killing for the entire fight."
    • Make operation announcements during the fight! Use the "/oa" command.


    These are the exact operation announcements I make live when following the above strategy. I am typically acting as the knowledgeable tank.


    • Flame
    • Target
    • Saber
    • Shield
    • DPS must stand inside his shield to avoid reflected damage
    • Kill dragon
    • Kill boss
    • (When Brontes is at about 40% I throw a half-dozen tactical markers for all roles onto the safe spot on the floor for her 20% phase in mid.)
    • At 20% she jumps to mid. Everyone must stand on the markers.
    • Flame
    • Flame
    • Target
    • Saber
    • Shield


    That's it. Having just three people who know what they're doing in the group, as outlined in the beginning of this post, and using timely operation announcements is all it takes. The groups I lead typically one or two-shot the fight.


    most helpfull ty

  14. Ok so i know every one will say that again one more noob that can not pass the Dread Council,i just want to ask how is it possible in sm?i have done it in hm as tank but sm seams impossible i just wiped again and i have never done this op fully (in sm) any tips u can get me?

    Also my gear is full 72-80

  15. Even if i know that most will get angry on me, can some one say what to level first up,i got 3 level 25(guardian,sniper and sorcerer)as well i got 4 level 55 (juggernaut-tank;commando-heal;operative-heal;powertech-tank)and of those 3 classes(guardian, sniper, sorcerer)what should i get now?I know you guys would think that i got enough 55's to know what to do but i am kinda stuck at this question and would like some advice, Peace.
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