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Everything posted by Solo-Jo

  1. Yeah pretty much this. Most of all get rid of the RNG for gearing!!!
  2. I can not use paxton rall because I will go insane!! All he says over and over and over is "not my finest hour", he says it when you give him a gift no matter the quality etc, he says it when he makes a kill, heals, or anything.
  3. Thats why you add to and not change anything if they had add the new eye textures instead of replacing the existing ones they would have been golden.
  4. How about giving our characters the awesome skin textures that NPC like the new Malgus etc get. Including new deeper and whole face and body scaring.
  5. You would think if the box says chest/legs that is what would be in it not implants....etc
  6. I don't think they can do it for every single comp but they NEED to do it for the LI....
  7. There you hit the nail on the head to make it Harder and Longer. They are hoping it keep us busy while they put us in another period of no content after a short really short really really *********** short story update. I think it will have the opposite effect and drive more away.
  8. Agree 100% we need Malgus' body type if you notice he has the height of body type 3 but he isnt built like a the juggernaut from x-men freaky huge.
  9. Same here not going to do the mission on my main warrior until its fixed
  10. Its good but very very short and the rep gear is meh plus they got lazy and there is no difference between the empire and republic rep gear....
  11. Umm no in this time blasters and light sabers had been long invented....the time you are refering to to anceint history during the swtor time.
  12. Pretty much this every other game I have play when testing a new expac had NDAs to even just get on test.
  13. Or two instances of the test server one for non-story content and one for story content and you choose your poison.
  14. And doing it on the forums and not twitter!
  15. Exactly.....Hell they even made us use a boosted character not our outlanders for testing big booboo Bio
  16. And you cant drop those mission to even avoid it if that is indeed the problem
  17. If it helps you guys any the one character I logged in that was effected by this bug had an open mission I was replaying from Kotfe this may have triggered the problem
  18. Yep havent checked the rest but theron showing up in my cut scene when hes worm food was immersion breaking
  19. What is there to look forward to? Another mini r2-d2 pet reskin, some fire works, wooohooo.....
  20. So any bets that it gets extended again for "account issues" again hehe
  21. Ok dont see anything that will keep me subbed! What I needed to see to do so are. 1. Large Expansion 2. A return to a traditional kotor/swtor story 3. Return to class type story.
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