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Posts posted by Kingopersia

  1. I was really hoping companions would have been like Mass Effect, they still have plenty of time to work on them more.


    Yeah, it would have been cool if you could talk to them whenever you wanted and if they had alot more conversations but, once again, that would have cost a lot more money because of the voice over. I really think Bioware is restricted with the fact that everything has to have VO.

  2. Hey guys,



    First off, sorry for the long post, that's just how I get my points across. So here's my third post on my thoughts

    of the game. A lot of it relates to the story and the characters because those have always been the top strengths

    of the game (among a few others). First off, Bioware has made some great games with great stories and great,

    interesting characters. I see how they're trying to do it in SWTOR but it's not as great as it can be compared

    to Dragon Age or Mass Effect. KOTOR and Dragon Age both had great settings and characters but SWTOR doesn't live up to previous Bioware games as much as it should have. I think the companions and any important

    characters can be a lot more interesting. The only interesting characters I've seen so far are Kira Carsen because of her wit and Lt. Rusk for how serious and no - nonsense he is (Jedi Knight companions). The characters lack the depth and emotion compared to characters from previous Bioware games. In my opinion, one reason for this is not providing, not only, the right amount of voice over but also the right type. When I say the right type, I mean voice tones with different emotions for different situations. The voices just sound really bland and boring. Deep and emotional characters are what make a good story. Another thing I think they should have done with the stories is make them more in depth and interesting. They should be engaging like other games with good stories. Metal Gear

    Solid is an example because that's my favorite video game story. It's so long and there are a lot of twists and turns

    and it's very close - knit. Keep in mind, I've only played 2 of the stories fully so if you guys have your own

    opinions on the stories that differ from mine please let me know. Some of the class stories are like this but

    there storytelling can be a lot better. The Jedi Knight storyline is very clichéd and predictable. I've also played

    through the Smuggler story which was a little better. That had a good twist at the end of chapter 1. Here's what





    As you're delivering the contraband to the different planets, Risha mentions Nok Drayen and the fortune of his you're chasing. Also you'll notice a guy in carbonite on your ship. That is Nok Drayen who is also Risha's Dad. He is the leader of the Nubrillion civilization Risha mentions. Therefore, she's the heiress.




    I mean that is awesome, I never would have expected that!


    A good way to keep the stories "close - knit" is to make the characters meet each other a little more often. In the

    Jedi Knight and Smuggler stories, you mostly talk to the big bad bosses on holocoms, not really in person. Here's

    an example from the Smuggler story....




    You talk to Skavak and Rogan The Butcher on holocoms the whole time. You only meet them when you finally see them for the last time. Skavak dies and Rogan makes a deal with you to help kill the Voidwolf. If I remember correctly, you get the choice to kill him or let him live.




    Another example of good storytelling was in the KOTOR story...




    Throughout the game, you'll hear of a character named Revan. They'll say he's such a bad guy and that he worked with Darth Malak to find the Star Maps you're trying to find throughout the game. He's only shown in flashbacks establishing that he was defeated years ago. They never show Revan's face, he wears a Mandalorian mask. They build up this Revan guy so much as the game progresses. Turns out, the character you're playing is Revan. He was defeated in battle by Bastilla Shan but not killed. His memory was wiped so he'd forget his evil dark side position. Darth Malak tells this to him when you meet him halfway through the game. Bastilla and the Jedi Council were keeping this information from Revan so he wouldn't cling back to the dark side. Darth Malak was also Revan's apprentice and companion until he turned on Revan by destroying the ship he was on while battling the jedi (knocking him unconscious and being taken away by the Jedi).




    When I found all that out, I was mind blown! The idea that the characters were so closely related was cool. That was the first Bioware game I'd played and then I knew Bioware was another great video game company I should keep my eye on. I really don't get why Bioware didn't do their magic from previous games other than the fact that more voice over would have cost a lot more money. Anyway, that's my post for now. I hope Bioware reads and you guys agree. Let me know what ya'll think.

  3. Great idea. I (and many other players) have wanted Pazaak or Sabacc which was even in KOTOR, another Bioware game. =P What's weird is if you go into the Esseles flashpoint (I don't know about Black Talon), there's a Sabacc table to your left right before the first conversation. You can hover the cursor over it and it highlights with an actual tooltip. Clicking it does nothing though, I wonder what the significance of this table is. :eek:
  4. This is a great and obvious suggestion but there's a problem. This is really the first kind of MMO that focuses on the faces like it does. I've seen no other MMO that has cinematics like SWTOR does. That being said, they're the first and the first attempt of something isn't always perfect. The best facial animations I've seen in a game are in LA Noire which used a relatively new (I think) technology that improves the quality of said animations. Bioware probably didn't utilize it 'cause they spent so much money on the voice work and story development. That's why they had such a large budget on the game, because of the need for so much VO. Bioware said they were bringing their own "pillar" to the MMO genre and model animations wasn't part of it. :(
  5. This is a suggestion for Bioware regarding sets of gear we can wear. They seem to really want us to look the way we want in the game. They push out alot of different armor sets. I'm not too into that idea but I'll bite. I gotta admit, they are making some pretty cool looking gear like the Huttbase one or w/e it's called with the scarf. I rarely buy things from the CM but I'm going to buy a set of gear because of how it looks. The problem is I might want to switch to a different look every now and then without having to pay for transferring mods. I want to be able to switch gear sets for different looks while retaining the same stats between gear. I think you should have at least 2 sets of gear you can switch between seamlessly. Just have a button in the character window that will immediately switch the gear you have between 2 sets. My solution to the mods is to make copies of mods from set 1 to put into set 2. Once those copies are made, they can't be taken out of set 2 so you don't make unlimited copies and cheat. You'd be syncing the mods in set 1 to set 2. Whatever changes get made to set 1, gets put into set 2. Once again, though you can't take the mods out of set 2, just put them in. Once the sync is made, set 2 is bound to that character so they can't trade either. This is to fulfill the desire to wear one set of gear one day then another set of gear another day while not having to pay to transfer mods. That's it. I'm not a programmer or MMO developer but I have seen this in other MMO's like the new Neverwinter and it worked from what I saw. It makes sense since there's so much focus on having as many wardrobes as Lady Gaga and the First Lady (combined) that SWTOR would benefit from this and players would be happy. Bioware, if you're reading this, please let me know what you think. I'd love to have your input, even if you don't implement this feature. I have an older post of all my suggestions in the link below that I hope you read too. Keep up the good work, SWTOR is getting better. :D



  6. Customizing your character (post - rolling) is pretty cool but I don't think they should charge cartel coins for it. It seems they're really pushing everything with cartel coins which is ok but prices are expensive. I think they should push the cartel market just a little less with the current prices in the sense that they should lower prices or add more defining things rather than just cosmetics. Give us something that really gives us an edge, something really worth our money. I'm already paying $15 a month so I don't need to buy weekly passes or anything but I do like to buy stuff like XP boosts or the cartel rep stuff. Those are good, because they progress you through the game like better gear and more items. Cartel coins for legacy perks is good though, that's cool. Something cool would be paying cartel coins for the ability to do a long quest chain that leads to a really great item that will change gameplay like rocket boots that can be used in PVP; something that really changes the game...not just a speeder with camo on it or a pet that follows you around. Although, a speeder that's faster than any other speeder and only in the cartel market, that would be good. Once again, just make more useful things sold in the Cartel Market. Overall, I think Bioware is on the right track. Keep improving the game and I'll keep playing. :)
  7. Hey everybody,


    First off, I love SWTOR. One of the cool things that Bioware does is mix things together that not many (if any) developers have done. SWTOR mixes a focus on story, choices that affect the story, making it an MMORPG and setting it in the Star Wars universe. Nobody has done that particular mix before. That's all great "in theory and on paper" but SWTOR still has faults which I won't go into detail about. I'm just stating my overall appreciation and love of the game in this post. Here is a link to a Youtube video I did on my channel that goes over my thoughts on the class stories. I occasionally do SWTOR videos on it. Also, here's a link to a forum post I made a while ago that talks about what I thought SWTOR needed at the time. Some of it is still valid.


    - the video


    http://www.youtube.com/user/Kingopersia - my channel


    http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=249788 - the post


    So far, the graphics are some of the best in any MMORPG. I love how it continues the story from KOTOR 1 & 2. I love mainly the story centering on the important characters (Revan, Scourge and Satele) and not entirely the class stories; although the jedi knight story has a little to do with Revan and the Emperor. I've only played the jedi knight story fully and up to chapter 2 for the sith inquisitor so if the other stories have more to do with Revan and whatnot, please let me know. I regret not reading the comics and prequel stories set by Bioware on the website and stuff that lead up to SWTOR but after playing it, I decided to preorder the new book coming out, Annihilation. I'm not an alt person at all but SWTOR really pushes you to make them. After hearing you had to have chapter 2 done on both sides to get HK - 51, I finally made an alt and it was well worth it; not only for the story but the different gameplay each class offers. My main is a 50 Watchmen Sentinel with mostly Campaign gear at the time of this posting and my alt is a 35 Corruption Sorcerer. I'm a healer on my sorcerer and healing is so much fun in this game. I healed in WOW until 2008 and I don't remember healing being this much fun. I stopped playing WOW like a week before I heard about SWTOR so it was perfect timing. I think it sucks that SWTOR lost so many players over time. I can see why people left but I'm defenitely hopefully gonna be playing SWTOR for a while. Now with the F2P option, there's alot of bad things and good things. I'm only gonna say 1 good thing about it right now and that the stories are the best part of the game for alot of people. F2P is gonna give you complete freedom with the stories and that's a great idea on Bioware's part. One of Bioware's problems with SWTOR is that they were the first to do alot of what they did with SWTOR. When it comes to entertainment like video games, movies and technology in general, being the first entity to utilize a feature or mechanic, you're taking a great risk. The results of risks are usually either amazing or terrible (or sometimes a little in between). In SWTOR's case, it was a little below average for most people. With me, it's really up there. Once again, SWTOR is great in theory and on paper but not the best in execution given the current state it's in. You do have to give Bioware credit and admiration for what they did. Overall though, I'm glad I'm playing SWTOR. I can safely say it's the best MMORPG I've played, ever. WOW is a great game but I like SWTOR better (one reason being because I'm better at it). This is all my opinion and I'm sure alot of you will disagree with me so let me know what ya'll think.


    Good night, and good luck.

  8. Hello Everybody,


    How are you all? I have a Youtube channel that mostly pertains to video games. I occasionally do SWTOR videos. My latest one as of the posting of this thread, I uploaded a video of us derping the shortcut to Kephess in HM and a failed attempt on him :p. I've done some other stuff like reviews and let's plays (gameplay videos). I've been busy really lately with school, work and meeting an amazing girl but I'm still uploading videos. I did a review of SWTOR and gave it a great review but I was only level 16 at the time so I didn't go over everything. My next review is going to be Aliens: Colonial Marines (to be released in Feburary). I'd appreciate it if you could check it out and even subscribe. :D


    The channel






    My Steam Profile


  9. Hello,


    I have a 50 Sentinel workin on EC SM right now and I've recently been plagued by this one annoying glitch. I'll press a hotkey for an attack. The attack doesn't register (it doesn't happen) but the cooldown and the animation do. This PISSES ME OFF because I try to attack and I don't, then I have to wait for the cooldown to be done to do the same attack and move on. I basically take twice as long to do 1 attack. This is very bad for me because I'm melee DPS and I need to be attacking like lightning. My hands are moving a mile a minute in battles and I can't be stopping to redo an attack! It wastes so much time when it happens a couple times in 1 battle. Have any of you seen this glitch? Bioware...please fix it :jawa_evil:


    Thank you

  10. Hey everybody,


    So from what I've seen, most people want the merges and not transfers. I completely agree, my server is dead like most of yours and I've looked at the server list. Most of them are light with like 1 standard :eek:. I think transfers would be a bad idea. It would get people that are still playing together on the same server. This would then make the servers they left even more dead, probably. So, once again, I think merges would be a better idea. They have alot of servers and not alot of players...they need to decrease how many servers they have at the moment and open up new ones if more people join. I really like SWTOR, it's a fun and very ambitious game but the only problem I have with it is that not alot of people are playing. They said transfers, not merges in the trailer so I hope whatever they do soon is gonna help. Let me know what you guys think.

  11. I'm in a bad situation in relation to YOUR situation. I'm on republic side on Darth Malak and you're right, IT'S DEAD. I don't want to make a new character cause I just don't like having alts, I want 1 character. That being said, my problem is that I gotta wait for server transfers to happen in "early summer" I read. THAT being said, I have nothing to do until then. =\ bump
  12. Hey guys, got a simple question for yuh. I have a watchmen sentinel and I'm just starting to get my Rakata gear. I've noticed that they seem to focus on strength and power rather than crit and surge ratings. My crit rating has gone down about 3% - 4% since changing to Rakata. My question is...do crit rating and surge rating affect the crits on my burns? If so, I think I'm going to somehow find a way to get them back up. Do crit and surge mods drop in any ops or fps? The reason I'd do this is because watchmen focuses on burns and I have an ability that jacks up the crit rating for my burns so I thought I'd work on that. Please give me your input. Thanks :)
  13. I work until 12am CST, and like to play at night before it shuts down. Why arent these updates done at 4am-6am? Dont give me that crap that it interrupts with the Europeans...make them their own servers then. This is BS and it needs to be addressed!


    No offense, you are a fellow gamer and play SWTOR so mass respect but I do have to disagree with you. Not all ppl work till 12 and plus 2 hours would be plenty for me right after work and before bed. Plus, it's 2AM! ppl are sleeping at that time except for the hardcore *** kickin gamers like us. So overall, I think you just drew the short straw and were put in a ****** postion, it's not really Bioware's fault. Once again, no offense but life just throws yuh a curveball. :(

  14. Good ideas but I don't think you should change your toon name or guild name. Those are important names that are made permanent for a reason. If you change your name, you'll have to tell ALLLL your friends and ALLLL your guildmates and I don't think that would work out well. What if you want to change both your name and legacy name. You'd have to wait 6 months and that would suck.:(
  15. So far, I like the game but there are always flaws to a game and these are my suggestions. They're mainly role playing suggestions. Hope Bioware reads them. I will be updating them with more that I think of. I'm also including ideas I've seen on other forum posts to show my support for them. These are not listed in any kind of order. Lemme know what you guys think.


    I'd like to see our companions talk more. They're all pretty good so far but it would be cooler to have them be more engaged and talk more. For example they could have a few lines in conversations with quest givers. Also, it would be cool to have more personal conversations with them like those that pop up when you get more affection. They could also talk about themselves and how they like you or hate you. I'm talking about like what you could do in Dragon Age: Origins. It would be cool to be able to talk to them whenever you want and have conversations about them and learn their history. As you level up and get more affection, more options could be opened. Overall, I'm just asking for them to be involved more.


    Let us compare companion gear when they're not summoned. I feel like I've pissed off so many people cause I rolled need on an item that I was "kind of, almost, sort of" sure that my companion needed. I wasn't exactly sure if they needed it cause I couldn't access there gear to compare it to a drop. 60% of the time, I'm wrong and my companion didn't need that item so the people I'm grouping with are missing the chance to get a good item they might need cause I rolled need on an item my companion doesn't actually need. This is the biggest pet - peev for me in the game.


    Have weather effects like rain and sunshine. Also have a day and night cycle. This would add realism and believability to the environments of SWTOR. Seriuosly, it always looks like it's about to rain in Dromund Kaas but nothing happens.


    Let us name our lightsabers. I was doing some reading on wookieepedia.wikia.com which is the official wiki of Star Wars. I was on the article about Luke and one picture showed him weilding a lightsaber with a name. It immediately hit me that we should be able to name our weapons in SWOTR. That would be cool because it would give us a stronger connection to our gear. They named their weapons in the comics...we should name our weapons in the game! The only problem withi this is that we might not have the lightsaber for long. OR you might have it for a long while by just ripping out mods and putting it in the one with a name but that would be costly.


    Have longer, more epic class boss battles. In the movies, the battles were like 5 - 30 minutes long. In the game, they're like 1 minute long. They're even shorter for me cause I'm a little bit ahead of my class quest level. Make them longer to make them more epic and cooler. My idea would be to give the bosses more health but make them just slightly weak so it just takes just a little longer to kill them but they're still relatively challenging. For example, let's say you're fighting a level 45 class boss. Give him the health of a level 50 class boss but the strength of a level 40 class boss. This is the only suggestion I'm not sure about because throwing the boss out of proportion might be confusing so please give me your suggestions. Overall, I'm just asking to make the class boss battles longer and more like the movies.


    Use more original Star Wars movie music. It's a Star Wars game based off the Star Wars movies and they got some of the music from the movies and that's great but not enough music. I only recognize like 2 peices of music from the movies in the game and like 1 or 2 peices that have been changed up a little bit. It would be cool to hear more of the exact same music from the movies.


    Have personal flashpoints. It would be cool to have a flashpoint that only you and your companion could go through. In episode 4, Solo said "even I get boarded sometimes." I'd like to have a flashpoint of the smuggler class getting boarded and maybe fighting the boarders off the ship or somthing. Or introduce space pirates in the game. When you're traveling through space, you could get attacked by these pirates, the flashpoint starts and you have to fight them off your ship. The only problem is making this optional or not. If you're in a rush or traveling for a trivial reason and you get attacked, it might waste time if you don't want to do it.


    Have more conversations in flashpoints like Black Talon / Esseles. I'd say those two FPs are my favorite because they're the most engaging and have more conversations and interactions between characters. Operations would be much cooler with conversations. The only problem with conversations in 8man or 16man runs is that it might be hectic with that many people talking in a conversation.


    Let us replay the last conversation in a questline. Too many times have I forgotten what's going on in the quest because I logged off for a while after the conversation then got back on. I know I can read what's going on in the mission window but I'd like to see the conversation instead. Let us play the last conversation in the questline to refresh our memory of the story. Probably not one you hear often but I have A.D.D. and it sucks to forget what's going on. :p


    Let us customize our ships. Also, add more features to ships you don't get anywhere else. I wouldn't want to change the color because the outer look of it sticks in my head and I don't wanna mess that up. I'm talkin things like inside like things to buy for it. Decorations or something. As for ship - specific features, one could be a work bench that adds more experience earned when you personally craft items. I can't think of any more features but I'm sure Bioware can!


    Give us different options on how our Jedi and Sith characters hold our lightsabers. Right now they all hold them the same way but it would be cool to get options to hold them different ways. For example in The Force Unleashed, Starkiller holds the red lightsaber behind his arm then in Force Unleashed 2, he has 2 blue lightsabers that he holds in front of him. I think it could be cool if we could hold our lightsabers behind our arms.


    Incorporate some kind of PVP space combat. In the movies, there were epic space battles. I think SWTOR should have those too. The PVP space combat could be free roam ships like dogfights. They could also put spaceship battles in them too. For example, the entire battle starts out with a space battle then when enough players are killed, everybody would land in a ship and start a fight like on the Voidstar then back into space or somthing like that. We should stick to the ships the classes already have, not entirely new ships for this combat. I think this feature could take which ship upgrades you have into account like gear ratings.


    Let us see other sections on the map. This is just a little thing but when we open the map, it shows the general area we're in on the planet. If we move outward, it shows the entire area on the planet we can move around in. I would like to be able to see the smaller sections I can go in while I'm not in them. That would help with finding party members and stuff.


    Updated 7 / 19 / 12


    Start releasing more useful things for us in the game. This is a very broad request. The idea behind this is that most of the things Bioware has been releasing in SWTOR are just for ***** and giggles. They're giving us luxuries, not necessities. Ok, the group finder helps alot, that's not useless content at all so I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about stuff like things in legacy. The window that shows relationships between your characters, does nothing. Legacy rewards like unlocking buffs from each class you get to 50, really does nothing if you're in an ops group. Legact rewards like heroic moments and the dance emote with your companion, can only be done while soloing. Gives us things that will actually help us out, not tide us over for a week.


    Actually DO somthing with the window that shows relationships between each character you make. Like most useless things in SWTOR, it's a cool idea but it does nothing. I have my Republic light side main then a Republic light side alt so it would make sense for them to be allies which is what I made them. But it ends there! They're allies but what next? You can't do anything with the relationship they have. I know they're trying to ride off the fact that Luke and Anakin were related but that actually did somthing back then...it created the greatest plot revelation in a movie! I really hope this window is just a teaser for somthing Bioware is planning.


    Make the animations in cinematics better. I know this is an MMORPG and they're not supposed to be graphically demanding but I really think SWTOR could benefit from some graphical improvments. Overall, the animations in cinematics just look bad. Like the way the characters move and stuff. I understand if there are some limitations for this game, once again, because it's an MMORPG. It costed Bioware an arm and a leg just to make the game what it is so I'm sure better animations aren't on their priority list but it would defenitely help.


    Lower the price of some of the character - specific legacy perks. Seriously, this game really pushes you to make so many alts and it would be crazy to save up all that money to keep buying all those perks for each character. Either make them account - wide or lower the costs for them. Also the rocket boots are too expensive. You can't even use them in combat so what's the point of spending 2 million credits :eek: to speed around at 110% for a few seconds when we have speeders that go the same speed without a cooldown. The perks that lower the cooldown for the boots are terribly expensive too. They really only help out with areas you can't use speeders in which aren't much anymore; especially after letting us use speeders in spaceports.


    Add organic mounts. I see alot of people talking about wanting Tauntauns or Dewbacks in the game as mounts. Speeders are cool and pertain well to the Star Wars universe but they get a little boring to look at after a while. Mounts that actually move and have animation would be really cool.


    Let us completely disable chat for conversations ONLY. During conversations, the chat window will come up and it gets distracting. I'll lose track of what's being talked about and sometimes I have to restart the conversation. I know there's a button that closes chat altogether but I want a button that closes it only when a conversation happens. I know I can just press the disable button right before a conversation but I usually forget and I don't want to have to do that all the time anyway.


    Updated 10 / 18 / 12


    Make legacy perks that lower the cost of things. Some of these things could be taking out mods or repairs which are the top 2 most annoying things to pay for in the game for everybody. Since these might be valuble, they could safely charge us a high price (dependent upon who you are) for these perks. This could probably promote the purchasing of other things like social gear, mods that are only recieved from running operations which are then sold in the GTN and whatever people are looking to put credits into (credit sinks). Once again, since these would be valuble, it would make the legacy system more valuble as a whole.


    Convert extra points of social, affection, valor, etc into something more useful. I've maxed my affection and social points and I keep getting them from daily quests and whatnot so I think it would be great if they could convert the ones we get after maxing them into something we still need like credits or commendations. Like the legacy perks just mentioned, this would promote doing dailies and getting social points again after not needing them anymore because they give you something else. :rolleyes:


    Generate permanent copies of mods for social gear. It sucks to have to pay to rip out mods to put in social gear. What if I get tired of the social gear I have and want to get a different set? I'd have to pay again to rip out the mods of the old social gear and put them in the new set. My recommendation is to take a screenshot of the mods in your non social gear that has the mods you want and make copies of them to put in the social gear. Once these copies are made, they cannot be taken out of that particular set of social gear. If you want to replace them, you'd pay a one time fee for that particular mod. This would obviously promote social gear and would be easier to manage multiple sets of social gear.


    Implement some type of OPTIONAL DKP system for guilds. I haven't been involved in DKP usage much but it could be useful for some guilds that want to run it. Make this optional because some guilds don't want to use it.


    Implement some type of /readycheck feature. This would be a feature the ops leader could use to tell if people are AFK or not. They click the /readycheck button slash command and a prompt window shows up on each ops members' screen with the option to click "Ready" or "Not Ready." The results show up in chat.


    Let companions ride shotgun on our speeders. This idea was mentioned at the guild summit a couple months ago. It doesn't make sense for them to disappear when we get on our speeders. If they could do it right, it would prevent the companion from being desummoned and we wouldn't have to resummon them after getting off the speeder like we have to do sometimes.


    Updated 10 / 19 / 12


    Keep the whisper function from automatically switching people. This is really annoying and the biggest reason for MTs. Sombody (person 1) whispers me, I start typing to respond then sombody else (person 2) whispers me WHILE I'm still typing; I press enter then my message goes to person 2. Not cool. If you're typing a whisper, it will go to the last person that whispered you, even if it's not the person you were originally responding to. I don't know if this is a glitch but Bioware should really fix it. I wouldn't say for them to make it a top priority but fix it soon, please.


    Updated 10 / 25 / 12


    Make deeper, complex and more engaging stories. Out of all the games I've played in my life, the Metal Gear series has the best story. I think SWTOR would benefit greatly from this seeing as SWTOR is all about story. The Metal Gear story is known for being very complex (sometimes it takes a little thinking to understand) and having the biggest twists and plot revelations. Just the way the characters are portrayed in the Metal Gear games is amazing. In SWTOR, the characters talk a little neutrally like they're bored and don't have any emotion or enthusiasm in the situation. Make the class stories more dramatic and personal.


    Have the class stories pertain more to the overall war setting of the game. The only story I've played through fully is the Jedi knight story. The end boss is a very important character that has influence over the war as a whole. I'm now playing through the story of the Inquisitor and it seems more like a personal journey that does it's own thing. I'd like the stories to relate more to the overall setting that SWTOR takes place in. I'll use the story of the Jedi Knight as an example.



    The Jedi Knight kills the Emperor of the Sith Empire. That's right, people! I'm talking about THE Emporer, as in the big bad boss of the entire Sith faction of SWTOR.



    What am I doing in the Sith Inquisitor story so far.....



    I'm looking for some dang relics so I can become all the more powerful! WTH



    Updated 10 / 26 / 12


    Generally, have more stuff for us to do. Have optional professions that anybody can get regardless of primary professions like fishing, gambling or farming.


    Updated 3 / 21 / 13


    Let melee DPS Jedi / Sith switch fighting stances / forms during battle, seamlessly. This is my favorite idea that I got from reading SWTOR: Annihilation. This book came out in November 2012 and I thought it was great. There are a few battles between Sith and Jedi and during them, the book will occasionally say the Jedi switched to a different form mid - battle. "He switched to Soresu and did so and so," "he changed to Shii - Cho and used a swift strike to the head." Something along those lines. I know the Jedi Knight / Sith Warrior classes have different forms of fighting and they provide different results from certain abilities. I think it would be great to switch forms in the middle of a battle and change up your rotation to some degree. I had a Sentinel but I don't know if you could do it the way I'm explaining. I used Juyo Form which focused on crits with my DOTS and that was great for me, I never used another form, though. Different styles could focus on different results like one form does the most DPS, one form puts a bit of healing (for you or your party) in your rotation if things are getting hectic and healers need a little help. Another form could focus on increasing your defense a little. I'm no sure on the right scale of change for the conditions of the battle these changes would do. The defensive form would make up for the fact that you don't have tanking capabilities (if you're a Marauder or Sentinel). This would be more realistic and be a believable part of the fighting style of Jedi and Sith. Plus it would add a lot of variety to the options they have in battle. When you change form, it changes your quickbar and you have a different rotation to work with. It keeps you on your toes. Different attack animations would follow.


    Let cover be vertical objects like polls and corners. I think they tried this because in some of the promotional

    videos before launch, they showed some Smugglers taking cover (standing, not crouching) behind something tall rather than something short. This is another feature that would add variety. A problem with this is they'd have to change up some of the environments to better balance the areas that have pre - existing cover and add tall objects and / or replace short objects. Another thing with cover is they should have it so when in cover, the character's head should tilt more upward to make it look like we're looking around the corner while deciding our next ability. Maybe switch between sticking your head out and pulling it back during cooldown. That's something small but just makes it seem more realistic.


    Improve the stories...simple as that. The stories are kind of bland and flat, save for a few. Make them more interesting with more depth. Add some plot twists (good ones), change up the conversations so they're moving around while talking (like Mass Effect) or just doing more than standing around. The conversations are pretty basic right now, I'm just saying spice them up a bit.


    Give more perks to being in a guild. Guild progression or experience would be great like WOW has. Theoretically, you'd be in a guild for a while (if you're truly interested in the guild and enjoy being a member) so make it so maxing guild experience takes a lot of time. Dependent upon how many members you have and how active they are, it should take a couple months to max it. This experience could be for each individual member or the entire guild. When it gets to certain points in experience, you get perks as a member, once again, like WOW. I'm pretty much asking to have what WOW has but obviously change it up because it's an entirely different game. Also, guild starships that only members of a certain guild could go to. The problem is that other MMOs have done guild - specific areas and it didn't seem to work out too well. Make it so those areas offer something that can only be done in that area and make that something actually useful.


    Add more factions to get reputation with. There's only like 4 or 5 of them right. Add more and make it so you don't have to be 50 to get rep with them. Most of the new content they're adding is endgame stuff which is definitely good but still, lower levels need love too.


    Updated 3 / 25 / 13


    Implement Sabacc. This card game has been in SW for a while and it was even in KOTOR. I think it'd be great for SWTOR. It would give us another thing to do. We could play with a computer or real players. There could be some kind of significance to playing it in a cantina which would give us another reason to go to a cantina. Right now, the only reason to go to one is quick traveling, talking to companions or getting rested XP. You could bet credits for playing against people. The only problem is gambling is kind of dangerous with losing all your credits that you have to work for again. Sabacc would add more depth to the game.


    Implement an achievement system. "Other games" have this and it works great for them. SWTOR could really benefit from this if it's done right. I know there are achievements for world bosses and datacrons but that's not enough. A great idea is to have an achievement for completing a certain amount (or all) side quests in the game (in your faction). This would be great because Bioware keeps glorifying the story content and the side quests support this. When you get achievements, you get rewards like credits, items or even cartel coins. Rewarding cartel coins would be good because some people complain the cartel market is expensive. My thought on the Cartel Market and the F2P option is that, overall, Bioware still wants people to pay. Yes, they have a F2P option but it's very limiting. You really only get the story content for free and everything is expensive. I think you'd actually save money by being a subscriber. :eek: Achievements promote continued gameplay and interest in the game. More achievements could pertain to exploration, getting the datacrons or codexes.




    Once again, I know some of these are flawed with holes so let me know what you think.

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