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Posts posted by OathboundCoH

  1. It's war, not murder... Though your point pretty much stands versus neutral NPC's (The yellow ones).


    But I would like to see some non-combat missions... The only ones I can think of are a couple on Voss that just involve talking to people.


    Strictly speaking it's not actually war until after/sometime during Chapter 2 (I think it is).


    Before that we're in a state of "peace" between the two powers after the signing of the Treaty of Coruscant, and you murder plenty of folks prior to then.

  2. What about "unique" companion abilities? Will Theran Cedrax still summon Holiday to CC enemies?

    In addition to this, will Dr. Lokin still be able to turn into a Rakghoul?? Because if he can't anymore, this will make me sad...:csw_vader: and he won't be happy either...


    And Ensign Temple's force power, and Khem Val's lightning punch, and Bowdaar's wookie toss, and Xalek's lightning, and Nadia's force abilities etc., etc.

  3. Bronze packs = chance at a Bronze, Silver, or Gold Item

    Silver packs = chance at Silver or Gold Item

    Gold packs = Gold item


    Unless the price difference is significant I fear you may have inadvertently reversed the rarity of the items.


    If I go for the gusto and buy gold packs I will at a later date need to shell out more effort and cash to fill in my collection holes of bronze and silver items that will now be at a premium.


    I may be really confused here and just not understand the format yet.


    This would depend on the weighting of the rarities vs the cost of the varied packs. Since no prices or drop rates have been released it's really not possible to say what impact this arrangement will have.


    Frankly, I think we could use a little bit of an increase in the higher rarities vs the more common items. Many of the Ultra rare items are so stupidly expensive as to be an impossibility to anyone but hardcore players (or those who art blessed by the RNG gods).

  4. They refer to female characters as her/she all the time, which requires extra lines. This is just a case of "no one but a feminist gives a ****"


    Maybe I'm just a little sore after they tried changing the Canadian national anthem to be more politically correct (gag)...


    Ironically enough, I would think a true feminist would insist on being called Sir, specifically BECAUSE it's what a man in her position would be referred to as.


    If both genders are truly equal, there is little reason to draw distinction between them in a situation where they fulfill the exact same roles and duties.


    (Think of Captain Gates on Castle. She insisted on being referred to as Sir.)

  5. Is that all we get? An icon? Was kinda hoping for a nice unique armor set (none recolor) or /title/décor :(


    Frankly, I'm pleasantly surprised we get anything for it at all. :)


    I finished all 8 class stories a long time ago and have had not a damned thing special to show for it this long anyhow.

  6. I can never understand why people like to play with the UI taking up so much of their screen.


    For me personally, my screen itself is on the smaller side, so if my UI isn't of a certain scale then I just can't even read the tooltips and whatnot.


    This is particularly bad on windows where you can't even alter the scale, such as the GTN.

  7. I'd like to see a Stronghold available for (almost) every planet that is accessible by your ship.


    Manaan Underwater Stronghold - Main level above water, second level below.

    Rishi Pirate Stronghold - Cobbled together like the rest of Raider's Cove, clinging to the cliffs of your own private island. Rooms connected via rope bridges, access to a ground level beach area.

    Ord Mantel (Republic) - Take over the Separatist volcano base. All your rooms arranged around the Caldera, overlooking the magma chamber below.

    Korriban (Imperial) - Located high up on the cliffs overlooking the Sith Academy and the Valley of the Dark Lords. Lots of ancient ruins and statues.

    Taris - A little plot of reclaimed land under the shade of the derelict towers. A couple of individual housing structures and a good bit of open land. Bonus points for having a tunnel network below ground.

    Hutta (Imperial) - A more industrial themed Stronghold including larger factory type buildings (and ideally more industrial decorations, allowing you to create a Droid factory, or a Medical research station, etc.).


    The possibilities are endless.



    Edit: Oooh, the Hoth Stronghold could be one of the crashed ships. An entire dreadnought just for you.

  8. Tbh we could really do with more beard styles overall. More long hair styles for males, as well. Not that I'm trying to recreate myself in a fictitious universe in order to escape the banality of every day life, or anything.


    More short hair styles that don't look like absolute garbage would also be greatly appreciated.


    And for god's sake why are there so many bald/balding/partially-bald-with-a-weird-mohawk-or-ponytail options? Does anyone EVER use those hideous things???:mad:

  9. One thing that always stuck me was how much the Jedi prattle on about "Balance" but then seek a total eradication of the Dark.


    Wouldn't true balance be EQUAL Light: Dark?


    Take the emotion, the ambition of the dark side, and temper it with the rationality and responsibility of the Light side. Shouldn't THAT be the ultimate goal?

  10. So now I'm curious as to which companions would people use for which roles?



    For me all companions already make sense in the dps role, because all companions already dps to an extent. The only grey area you get to is who feels right as a Healer/Tank, it very rarely feels like a single companion could be all three.


    So for me:


    Vette - Dps/Tank - I already let Vette tank for me a little. I used Vette exclusively 1-60 on my Jug (except where another companion was required) because I love her. Since I'm dps myself, sometimes for tough fights I send her in to pull agro first and let her facetank until my dps pulls agro to me, to spread the incoming damage out and increases survival chance.

    Quinn - Heals/Dps - It's easy enough to accept the idea that any healer could be a dps if you just hand them a better blaster and tell them to leave the Kolto back on the ship.

    Jaesa - Dps/Tank - Basically all melee dps easily convert to tanks in my mind.

    Pierce - Tank/Dps - Use that BFG of your and kill things, yeah?

    Broonmark - Tank/Dps - Again, all companions fit under dps easy enough.



    Khem Val - Tank/Dps - Just switch your thinking from "He's big, so he must be tough" to "He's big, so he must be strong."

    Andronikos - Dps - Honestly he doesn't feel like he'd be anything other than dps to me. I suppose if I had used him in the same way I had used Vette, I could see him as a Tank, but I didn't so I can't.

    Ashara - Dps/Tank - See melee=tank

    Talos - Heal/Dps - See companion=dps

    Xalek - Tank/Dps - again companion=dps


    Bounty Hunter

    Mako - Heal/Dps

    Gualt - Dps - Another in the same boat as Andronikos. I never really used Gualt much, so the only feel I have for him is his default.

    Torian - Dps/Tank

    Blizz - Tank/Dps/Heal - Blizz already fills his least likely role, seeing him as Dps is of course not an issue, but then he also strikes me as exactly the type who would collect old broken kolto probes and injectors and stuff and make crazy contraptions out of them. "BOSS! BOSS! Blizz heal you!"

    Skadge - Dead/Dead - EAT LIGHTSABER JERK :mad:



    Kaliyo - Tank/Dps

    Vector - Dps/Tank

    Dr Lokin - Heal/Dps - This one is even easier than most healer->dps shifts. He literally already has a Dps form (even if it's junk)

    Ensign Temple - Dps/Heal? - Maybe? I'm noticing I have the hardest time placing Ranged Dps in other roles, because "Ranged" doesn't equal "Tank" to me in the same way that "Melee" does.

    Scorpio - Tank/Dps



    T7-O1 - Tank/Dps

    Kira - Dps/Tank/Heal - Like Blizz, I can see Kira in any of the roles easily enough.

    Doc - Heal/Dps

    Rusk - Dps/Tank

    Scourge - Tank/Dps



    Quyzen - Tank/Dps

    Tharan Cedrax - Heal/Dps - Despite his (frequently) reminding me that he's a pacifist, he certainly has no qualms with shooting people in the face.

    Zenith - Dps

    Iresso - Tank/Dps

    Nadia - Dps/Tank



    Jorgan - Dps/Tank - He's one of the few ranged Dps that I feel easily fit as a Tank, given his heavy armor.

    Elara - Heals/Dps

    M1-4X - Tank/Dps

    Tanno Vik - Airlock/Depressurized - Whoopsie, clumsy me

    Yuun - Dps/Tank



    Corso - Tank/Dps

    Bowdaar - Tank/Dps

    Risha - Dps/Heal? - I suppose if I were going to assign another role to Risha it would be Heals. She's definitely not a frontline fighter.

    Akaavi - Dps/Tank

    Guss - Heal/Dps

  11. It really is kind of silly.


    You'd think at the very least they could have had the island farther away. Sure you'd still just be wading out to it, but it should at least seem like a good distance, where there might possibly be riptides and undertow and stuff that could be potentially dangerous.



    My guess as to why there's apparently no water deeper than 3 feet in the entire galaxy... money. They'd have had to make alternate animations for many abilities to use in the water, and they didn't want to do that.

  12. Yeah, I agree.


    I do, however, think that you should only get one choice.


    I don't think you should be able to change a companions spec on the run. I think you should only able to make the change the same way you would change your character's discipline.


    If you make a companion a healer, that's your healer...no changing to DPS on the go.


    That's my opinion...but I can understand if they don't go that route.


    Honestly I think that would kind of defeat the purpose of all the work they did to allow you to alter the companion's role in the first place. It wouldn't completely invalidate it, of course, but it would certainly limit the payoff.




    I like that we'll be able to use our favorite companion all the time now (except where the game requires a specific companion for a mission/conversation), without feeling like we're gimping ourselves for using a sub-optimal pairing.


    But then I also agree that some companions just wouldn't feel right to me in certain roles, so it's unlikely that I would use them as such personally.

  13. Not surprised that the article would ignore the possibility that you become a Council member... the game does the same thing during Makeb.


    Satele Shan: "The council has meditated on this (the Hutt's agression)..."


    Really? The Council? The Council, of which I am a member, and am only NOW finding out about this? WE meditated on this, did WE?

  14. Because there are MANY who don't care for Jedi all that much.


    Consular has a mission, where an arms manufacturer really didn't care for the idea of a Jedi watch. For all the Jedi's talk of no emotion, they're not keen on weapons of mass destruction being made. High powerful Jedi's (at least in TOR) think them as over watch is a good thing.


    Basically yeah. Weapons developers (and some military folks) view the Jedi as meddlesome. Always going around sticking their nose into things, being all morally superior and judgey, while at the same time not willing to "do what needs to be done."

  15. Blizz has been a pint sized tank since day 1, and most female companions are Human (and all near-human, even the droid) because all female companions are romanceable and I guess the Devs thought people would be put off by truely Alien love interests.


    That's not so say That I wouldn't enjoy them adding in a much broader array of new companions in the future.

  16. Yep. Deleted my Togruta Agent.


    Probably lost a couple million credits or more on the items I bought to customize him, but I just couldn't stand the way he looked any longer.


    Sadly, since I don't play female characters that means that the 600cc I spent on the race were also a complete waste. I suppose I'll just have to consider myself forewarned on future race unlocks. Always play with it at the appearance station first before you buy it.

  17. He betrayed the Separatists, who are being funded/supported by the Imperials, and he abandons his Imperial contacts to fight you at the end of Coruscant after you interrupt his meeting, but he's still in good enough standing with them to have their support on Alderaan.


    Now, the chances are he'd probably have betrayed them again at some point if he had survived to carry on his partnership with the Empire, but then the Imps are likely also planning to kill him the minute he stops being useful. It's just a race to who backstabs who first, and the Voidwolf certainly seeks cocky enough to believe that he'd be the one to come out on top. Darmas/the Imps never have any reason to believe that YOU wouldn't do the same thing, or even that You're particularly competent. Let's not forget, Darmas first meets you after you got your entire ship and cargo stolen, by their collaborator.


    They have two options: Go with Skavak, who's flaky as hell, but at least he knows and doesn't give a damn that he's working for the Empire.


    OR go with the PC, who's essentially an unknown and may be anything from a cutthroat murderous thug, to an actual Republic patriot. The PC is either just as likely to betray them, or carries the risk of exposing their entire operation should they get wise to their Imperial loyalties.

  18. Honestly my issue with the Smuggler Story is Darmas Palleron being an Imperial Agent.


    It simply doesn't make sense (Why would an imperial agent help you track down Skavak on Coruscant, when Skavak is himself an Imperial collaborator?) and feels like it was ham-fisted into the storyline so that they could play with the "You were the bad guy all along" trope.

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