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Everything posted by ViolaKruger

  1. Hello again! Apologies. I didn't mean to make it seem like you convinced me. I was wondering whether or not it would be feasible to get on my current characters without having to server transfer. I'm also in ops groups for PvE. Just really want to have a Nexu mount since I've been thinking about them from level 1. Thanks again for all the replies! Enjoy your season and evening!
  2. Thank you for the response! Looks like I'll stay away from ranked then. I don't play too much on my imp side characters. I was just curious of the odds. Thanks again everyone! Enjoy season 5!
  3. Thank you for the quick responses! @BraxxGaming: Ah! I forgot about that. I suppose that would be for the best then. I don't want to ruin ranked for those that love it. @SOULCASTER: Silly me, I guess I should have posted my classes. I would play either on my Vanguard tank/DPS or on my Guardian DPS (Vigilance). Looks like I might just wait for the CM version though. Totally forgot about that. Thank you again!
  4. Hello there! ^-^/ So I just recently saw the mount award for the new season that has just started and wow! I have been waiting for a Nexu mount since I started playing a couple years ago and it's finally here! Unfortunately, it is in the realm of ranked PvP. I've only ever dabbled in warzones and such and it is fun. However, I am nervous to queue ranked since I don't know much about it. I was going to read more about it but first I thought I'd ask the question to the ranked PvP community; Is it even possible for a total ranked noob to have a shot at getting the Nexu mount? If yes, I was going to put time and effort into it but I just wanted to ask first prior to getting my hopes up. I'm on the Harbinger server too, so I don't know if there will be any pops. Thank you very much for taking the time to read this and I hope you have a lovely day! ^^
  5. Hello there! And welcome to the Abnegation-Erudite thread! We are a new guild with Abnegation on the Republic side and Erudite on the Imperial side. We are a casual guild with a focus on enjoying the game while chatting with fellow players. We do a little bit of everything, however there is more interest in the PvE aspect to the game. Nonetheless, we still do a bit of PvP on the side! If you're interested in joining, or would like more information, please visit our website linked below. You may also whisper Chinatsu/Ceridwynn for Republic side or Jathka/Khíone for Imperial side. Website: http://abnegation-erudite.enjin.com/ Thank you very much for taking the time to read this and have a wonderful day!
  6. Oh goodness gracious, nevermind. If anyone can let me know how to delete this, that would be fantastic. I figured it out.
  7. Hello there! As I was playing my Consular in Cademimu, I noticed that my force was falling without me using any powers. Does this normally happen, or is there an ability or attack that slowly drains my force? Any help is appreciated. I'm Infiltration spec at level 34. Thank you very much for reading this and any help is appreciated!
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