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  1. Hi, I remember hearing about this game being released but I was so heavily involved with "City of Heroes" (I had two accounts and played mostly on the Freedom server), beta testing two other games and trying to survive in real life that I just couldn't take the time. Since NCSoft decided to realign their corporation structure by closing down Paragon Studios (and thereby effectively killing "City of Heroes"), I needed some place else to get my gaming fix on. Initially, I was infuriated with NCSoft. After all, the game was still making a profit (albeit lower than what many companies would consider worthwhile) and was on the rise again with the "Coming Storm" storyline, exciting new costume sets for sale in the online store and returning members. Then out of the blue....*poof* The past eight years comprising of approximately 10,800 hours spent in-game, the 1,398 badges I earned on my badge hunter, the 27 different heroes (and a couple of converted villains) in my very own solo super group, the hundreds of pages of fan fiction I wrote about my heroes and their interwoven adventures in the super group and yes, even my own personal website that I created for my personal amusement...all of that gone one strange and frightening morning at the end of August. Since then, I've jumped around from game to game. I've played The Secret World, DCOU, STO, Champions Online and a few others. I've even reinstalled the original Halo on my computer to satisfy that need to blow something up without requiring a lot of thought because a lot of those thoughts were on what I was losing. In the midst of the flurry of downloads, I also downloaded this game. I gave it the fair shot that it deserved before moving on to one of the other games I bought. Nothing satisfied me but I thought that the chance of storytelling would be better between this game and TSW. Truth be told, I almost went with TSW but many of the sequences were just too long and I had no real background history to draw from to really interest me in the game (even though I am a Freemason...and no, how can we take over the world when we have a hard time trying to turn a profit on a public pancake breakfast event?). But my love of science fiction has brought me back to SW:TOR. My first character was a Jedi Consular but I quickly grew bored with him before level five. I decided to try the other side with a Sith Inquisitor, which was a little more satisfying but still, not as much fun. Since we all know that HAN SHOT FIRST, I gave the smuggler class a try and wow, it was awesome! I decided to start building my own fantasy world in my mind on how I'm going to interlock my characters (and I just found out about the legacy system....SWEET!) when I decided why not develop two sisters who walk opposite paths? Thus was born Kynianna (smuggler) and Dynianna (bounty hunter), sisters torn apart by the empire and walking through life firmly planted in the "gray" area between right and wrong. I've focused mainly on my bounty hunter for now, learning the ropes and discovering new things every day (such as sending your crew out to do missions on their own). I'd like to extend an invitation to anyone on the Jedi Covenant server to throw an invite my way anytime you see me as I'm more than willing to learn everything there is about this game. I'm looking forward to making the Jedi Covenant server my new online home. Thank you if you made it this far through this TL:DR posting.
  2. Thanks, I'll do that probably tomorrow night. Let's just say that it took me a second to figure out the slang you used.
  3. Hi, CoH refugee here. I'm looking for a guild where the average age is above 30 with some sort of TeamSpeak server. I'm only asking about the age simply because I think I would have more in common with folks around my own age (I'm 40). I'm not very active as I tend to travel a bit, but I can make it on a couple of nights a week (live in Eastern time zone). Oh, and I really stink at PvP. Know that video with the kid who slams his keyboard before throwing it across the room? That's me so that's why I tend not to bother with it unless I'm server as "bait" for the night. Just looking for some older casual gamers, Rob EDIT: Guess I should mention what players I have. Everything I have is under lvl 10 at the moment, but I have a smuggler, bounty hunter, Sith Inquisitor, and a Jedi Consular. Really digging the smuggler and bounty hunter right now.
  4. USCI

    My new tattoo...

    Hi, First post in these forums and pretty much a n00b to the game. However, I got a tattoo today that I thought I would share with the forums. I grew up in an extremely small town in the midwest during the 70s so my exposure to anything related to science fiction was extremely limited (however, guns, corn, pigs and cows were everywhere). "Star Wars: A New Hope" was the first science fiction movie that I ever watched and it allowed me to discover my inner geek. As obsessive as I can get, I spread my new found geek across many fields so far and wide it was impossible to immersed into one single universe. However, I never forgot what started it all. My initial thought was to get an Imperial logo as it not only looked cool, it was easily recognizable amongst a lot of mediocre Star Wars fans. But I just couldn't do it. I wanted my first geek tattoo (I have three other non-geek tattoos already) to have real meaning that connected to me. This is why I decided to get the Jedi Order tattoo. I don't believe it's in any of the movies and I think it was started by Dark Horse comics in the Dawn of the Jedi series. Either way, it doesn't matter. So, presenting my first geek tattoo...the Jedi Order logo. Just as Star Wars was the movie that started me on my geek way, so does this tattoo start my new decorations. http://usfbs.net/images/jedi.jpg
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