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10 Good
  1. This was horrible actually, I won't bring myself around do to a second playthrough of this mess. All the bad started with the fact that I'm with an inquisitor and you know she likes the sith empire, she actually is a goddamn dark council member. Multiple times during kotfe many characters said that I don't care about the eternal empire or the eternal fleet because you know, I don't. I just want to get back to lead my goddamn sith empire to defeat the cursed republic. Oh and of course kill valkorion and everyone he ever loved. But ofc since they went with this stupid 'the two sides needs to unite to defeat a more powerfull enemy' that can't happen. Back when in episode i dunno 4 there was a reply- let me go back to defeat acina so I can rule the empire- that was the goal of my character all along. I hoped after all the plotholes valky caused with his second empire- I mean you have to give it to the guy he escaped the republics genocide against the sith and built not one but two empires in secret..- I can finally go back to Kaas city and get myself an imperial throne. But no. Not just THAT no, but there wasn't even one *********** comment from my character (during the Dromund Kaas chapter) that she missed home or I don't know. I was a *********** dark council member ffs! And don't even let me start on how stupid this 'Eternal Alliance' name is. Back after goddamn Ziost- about which I'm still angry about because they practically destroyed a planet without any reason- I mean valky clearly had a host so why did he murder the planet?- they should've just released ANYTHING ELSE to finish of the Emperor, take the throne and make dlcs about the war with the republic. But this? This is horrible. I'm so goddamn mad I think I'll never care about SWTOR stories after this (I'm the guy who plays this game only for the story) and after the shenanigans with Mass Effect Andromeda, I will never be able to trust Bioware again. I can't believe this company made goddamn SWKOTOR. This is pathetic. Also to be clear me being mad isn't really about not getting the story I wanted but more because the story we got didn't make any goddamn sense from multiple points of view, not to mention this doesn't fit into the real canon- the EU that is, but not even to the ****** half assed disney canon.
  2. Jesus christ this will be really long... I don't know how to get a bazillion of creds effectivly...
  3. So I've been looking up in the internet, but I can't really find the answer, or possibly I am stupid as hell, but how in the name of little baby jesus can I get the volatile shock trooper armor set? I want that set for my agent since I saw somebody in the imperial soldier armor (which I also cannot buy because collectors edition stuff...) So if somebody would help me, maybe send me an e-mail that'd be really appriciated, and also really lovely. (kaesznorbi@hotmail.com)
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