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Posts posted by BewBo

  1. ... Is my non-pvp level 178 gear still better in wzs than the entry level lvl 60 pvp gear - the lvl 60 (168) stuff you can buy with warzone comms (not ranked warzone comms)??
  2. Surely it's good that children realise, from an early age, that same-gender relationships are every bit as normal as heterosexual ones?!


    No sexual content of course - but if there's romance let's have romance for all (and not hide away the same-sex stuff from kids like it's some dirty secret)!


    Thanks a lot guys. And yes, it's old pvp gear with expertise on it.


    So, I'll stick with my newer pve gear until I get to lvl 60 and can buy new pvp stuff!


    Thanks again! :)


    Noob question I am sure! But, should I wear my old pvp gear in wzs unitl I get to lvl 60 (and can buy new pvp gear) - even though it's lower-rated than my pve gear? Do I still need the expertise that the pvp grants?


  3. Not played in a while. Used to get daily and weekly wz pvp quests from the same terminal. Now it just has one wz daily and 2 flying-about quests.


    Where can I get the weekly wz quest from?



  4. I'm all in agreement for trying one's best in wzs but when some douche-bag starts angrily berating others on the team and insulting them, they I tell them to chill out dude it's only a game
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