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Everything posted by Casiano

  1. 148 people viewed and nobody knows what I'm talking about. Sigh. Has anyone tried it since I mentioned it?
  2. So last night, my guild and I went into the 16 man hard mode Eyeless mission. After his defeat, I stuck around to move some items and gear around. My guild left to hunt the Lurker, and after they left, I noticed a yellow circle on the ground that wasn't there prior to his death. The circle was identical to the one in the probe droid for A Kindly Old Monster mission. I still have that mission, so I deployed the droid. Immediately, it was swarmed by silver and normal rakghoul adds, but they kept coming, and without a companion I eventually died. I have never seen that circle inside before, but I also have completed Lokin on all my other toons. This being a new toon, I still hadn't completed it. Has anyone ever run into this before? Is it an achievement? Does it tie into King of the Pen? Was it a glitch? I haven't been able to go back into the raid since I am locked out, and was hoping someone either has seen this, or maybe could check it out and see if it is legit. Thanks!
  3. Hey, I checked around on the suggestions posts and didnt see this, and anytime I did a search for this, it told me the server was temp unavailable due to high demands on the site. So here's my idea, which Im sure a lot of people have suggested or had. Named Legacy Gear/Weapons When my toon reaches level 50 or 60, what if there were a side mission available which allowed you to create a lightsaber, or a gun, or what have you, that you could fully customize as an adaptive piece of gear/weapon. Customization obviously includes the sound the blaster makes and the lightsaber makes, the type of effects on the lightsaber or blaster, etc. The item would take the name of the toon that created it So and So's Blaster, So and So's Lightsaber, etc. The item could be bound to Legacy and passed to other alts. Anyhow, thats my two cents. I rarely post, I generally just read through the forums. So if someone knows if there is an alternate post like this, don't go all crazy and cyber tough-guy, just redirect me. Thanks in advance.
  4. What about the issues with draw/stow on your paperdoll? Or the bug thats on the On The House mission on Ziost, where sometimes you wont be on the speederbike, but itll show up in your perks bar, and you will run super fast. Only way I found to stop it is by engaging in combat.
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