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Everything posted by KorathTheCool

  1. You can't see it, but I'm doing my shocked face.
  2. I was thinking that adding a crafting booster that, upon use, would boost your crafting critical chance by X% for 30-60 minutes or so. I know I've gone through so much dry spells trying to crit that I would happily use CC to buy one of these from time to time. I'm thinking a Minor boost, 10% for 60 min for the same as a Minor XP boost, and a Major boost, maybe 20-25% for 60 min for the same price as a Major XP boost. Edit: I know there is some options (legacy, etc) to do this but I think this would sell just for convenience.
  3. I feel like the level 10 reset would be needed, but would make this too complicated for BW to incorporate into the game properly, not to mention the amount of people against it. I don't see it happening.
  4. I would be OK with this. Gives players time to learn more and experience their class to decide whether or not they want to keep it. I would prefer no class changes period but this wouldn't be the end of the world. Of course, it doesn't take THAT long to reroll a character to 16 anyway, but I suppose if you just started the game it could seem a bit daunting.
  5. This has happened to me on Makeb several times.
  6. AC swapping would hurt the game. You would get people leveling a DPS to 50/55, deciding to go tank/healer, and get a completely new set of skills (outside of the basic smuggler/BH/Knight etc skillset) and have no idea how to use them. That is why you get only a few skills per level. It gives you time to learn what to use and when to use it, and makes you a better player when you get to the max level. By giving you a few skills each level, it makes it easy to learn your class. If you swap classes you get a bunch of new skills all at once and have to figure out each one, then decide to try to heal or tank in a HM FP/Ops etc, you won't have the time to figure out each skill and will likely get your group wiped. BW has no reason to add this in. The argument that it will encourage people to try new classes doesn't work, because they already have ways to get people to try new classes without adding this. Personal Stories, swapping from LS to DS and DS to LS are already in the game to encourage people to have alts. If you make a Sentinel, but decide you want to tank and don't want to level up a Jedi Knight again, you can roll a Trooper. If you have a Gunslinger, but decide you want to heal and don't want to level up a Smuggler again, roll a Sage. Bioware would lose money on this, because instead of a player deciding he/she doesn't like their current class and rerolling, they could simply talk to an NPC or click a button and presto, class swapped. Bioware would lose out on all that playing time of leveling up and possibly subbing or buying CC. From my experience with Bioware/EA, not a chance they would do anything that would cost them money. When you create a character, you are able to watch gameplay videos of your class and view the Advanced Classes at the character creation screen. When choosing an advanced class, you get a detailed description of each, what roles they play, weapons they can wield, armor they can use. You can view the entire skill tree. BW went out of their way to show you the differences and tried to make damn sure you chose the class you wanted. It's not their fault if you decide later on you don't like your class, or want a different role. That's why you get more than one character slot, even F2P. Not trying to insult anyone here or insinuate these are the only reasons someone would want an AC change, but this is almost 100 pages now and I don't have the time or motivation to read all the posts. This is just my take on it.
  7. What if they left the portable chair in and just increased the timer on it to like, 5-10 minutes with no or little cooldown?
  8. Well, to be fair it also says we DO get Customer Service Support. We all know how well that works.
  9. But just remember, these bugs don't matter so long as the cartel market keeps getting new stuff! Right? ...Guys?
  10. The hyperspace crash bothers me a lot too, especially doing Esseles at the end. Another problem I'll have is loading a flashpoint, and my skill bars, companion bar and chat window all go MIA. It's not an alt-z issue, because my map and quest bar are still up and working. Just those things disappear and I have to quit the game and login again to fix the issue. Really annoying when you can't chat to communicate the problem to the group you just joined.
  11. As toony as some of this stuff looks now I don't want it worsened with Hawaiian shirts and flip-flops.
  12. I leveled a Juggernaut on full LS, now I'm doing a Marauder on full DS. The story is different enough to make things interesting. Not a completely different story but different enough to merit looking into if you want to try the other side of things.
  13. This is why I don't buy packs. The risk is too great for so little reward. If they throw up an armor set I like I may look into purchasing it because I know what I'll be getting.
  14. I really like this armor set, but to only be able to use it on my medium armor characters makes me disappointed, especially when I would like to use it on my Guardian. It's the best non-hooded Jedi armor I've seen in the game. Here's the set I'm talking about: http://i874.photobucket.com/albums/ab305/zeppelin5083/Screenshot_2013-05-31_14_37_24_725251_zps1cac02a8.jpg
  15. I agree with the OP that this would be a good PR move for Bioware, but what in the track history of this game shows that we should expect this?
  16. I should of been more clear. In my situation it was physical. As soon as I got physical back, the situation was resolved. The end.
  17. Sometimes if I think it's a popular enough item, I'll throw a message up in trade chat to see if anyone bites. Wait a minute, and then if not just throw it on the GTN.
  18. First off, not sure why I'm posting this here as there isn't a lot anyone can do. I was on the fleet, and a F2P guy was selling a Major Experience Boost. He was asking 85k for it. That's 50k above the cheapest one on the GTN. I informed him of that, and he whispered me and said he would sell it to me at 30k. I figured he could use the credits and I could use it on an alt, so I agreed. I try to trade with him, and find out he's F2P. I tell him I can't trade with him because of this. He said, "I'll throw it on the GTN and you buy it." I accepted. He then goes to the GTN and accuses me of lying, saying there isn't any of these on the market. I searched again and found the same 14 that were listed, the lowest 4 sitting at 35k. I told him this. He says, "Ok, but I need the money can you do 40k?" I told him no, that's pointless because I can just buy one for 35k and don't really need one that much anyway. He says, "Ok I'll price it for 35k." I decide to go ahead and buy it even though it's not what we agreed. He tells me it's up, and I find it. 35.5k. I was irritated that he was trying to trick me into paying extra credits when I didn't even need this thing he was selling. I bought a 35k one, told him good luck and left. This is the most in-depth example I have but it's not the first I've seen of people basically begging for credits. I know it's not ALL F2P but it seems to be one of them most of the time. I don't see a solution to this, other than just not trading or even communicating with someone of this nature. /rant. Thanks.
  19. This. People are too sensitive today. If you were being bullied when I was a kid you learned to stand up for yourself, fight back. Usually physically. And it worked. Now people are so "sensitive" for lack of a better word, that fighting back is not an option because people want everyone to be able to hold hands and sing kumbaya. This leads to people not knowing how to handle bullies, and I truly believe learning to stand up for yourself when you are a kid is gonna save you some crap later in life. Cyber "bullying" doesn't fall into this category, but again. Ignore button.
  20. As unlikely as this is to happen, I feel that it would GREATLY improve the game in just about all aspects. Not that it's not a great game already...
  21. I personally don't understand the whole "internet bullying" thing. Just about every game I know has an ignore button. There are ******es out there but all you have to do is ignore them. Learn the process as soon as you get in game if you feel like you are extra sensitive to what people say online. That's why it's there. Throwing chat screens up on the forums won't help your cause at all. If they are seriously bad report them for harassment then ignore them.
  22. I thought people were getting banned for this? Did I misread something?
  23. I agree, this would be nice. I have a bunch of comms that at 55 and working on higher tier armor, I can't use but alts could. I would be ok with having it at 50 legacy but let's be honest, there's no way something like this would be implemented without finding a way for Bioware (EA) to make money off of it. I imagine it would be available in the store for around 1200-1800 coins at least, and if they add it to legacy, it would probably cost 1 mil +.
  24. /signed Win-win for both bioware and players. Players get a new feature and something to enjoy, Bioware gets longer subs and active consumers because they spend time with the mini-games rather than straight leveling to 55 and stopping.
  25. I recently added a silver-blue indestructible crystal, and a derelict-purple indestructible crystal to my collections for fairly cheap as CC go. I was happy with the price and gladly paid that to add them to my collections. When I went to add my 2 white crystals, one eviscerating and one hawkeye, I was a bit put out to see that it costs 600 coins each to add them. I assume it's because they are rare as crystals go, but 600? Really? Is it just me or is that a bit much to add something already purchased to collections? If I want to, I can wait for 2 stipends and add them then but that kinda kills me as I like to save and see what they put out in the updates that I can get with my sub stipends. I guess my questions are these: Do you think the collections system is all around a fair deal? If not, what changes would you make?
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