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Everything posted by scionofhorus

  1. Having a "Legendary" item outclassed in a few levels by regular ol' blues would kind of make it less than legendary, don't you think?
  2. Er, how would it not be an option? You ALWAYS have the choice. If your guildmates don't understand that it can be annoying to be constantly helping them, then frankly, they sound like self-centered jerks. OT: Earlier I was in a warzone with a jedi sentinel wearing cunning gear. I called him out on it. If you want to use awful gearing and silly specs when you solo, fine, but in group content you should be using optimal gear. Otherwise you're a detriment to the other people you're playing with, which is rather selfish in my opinion.
  3. Made a similar post a few days ago and came back to bump it, but... A million times yes. For me, Huttball = autoleave unless the game is already halfway over with.
  4. Addons do not "do it for them." Addons in WoW are essentially nothing but alternate ways of displaying information. The player still has to manually press the button. No comment. Sorry, a healer that doesn't do anything but heal more than likely lacks situational awareness and I wouldn't want one with me in an Op.
  5. It depends on what you mean by "content." Also, comparing something that came out in 2011 to something that came out in 2004 is already a losing argument. I mostly expect developers to stick as closely to what they say as possible, which probably helps to explain why BW is so tight-lipped. (I'm relatively new to the game and am enjoying myself so far.)
  6. Easy fix: buff Voidstar rewards to be in line with other warzones. Not sure why it would be lower, anyway. Cross-server queueing might not be necessary once servers are condensed.
  7. Do you not know what an analogy is? WoW had many, many major patches between launch and the release of TBC. Also, it's 2012, not 2007.
  8. While I have most of my companions' abilities on active, there's a few (taunts, CC) that should basically always be kept on passive and activated manually. However, those abilities tend to fall on different slots for different companions, so being able to move all of my companions' taunts to, say, the third slot would allow me to use a single keybind for them all, rather than having to go into my keybinds and change it each time I use a different companion.
  9. I hate Huttball. Not having the ability to select which warzones I queue for can be frustrating if I get stuck playing Huttball. I just don't find it enjoyable and am just as likely to exit as soon as I enter. Rather than having to endure load times and potentially leave my team at a disadvantage, I would prefer to simply not queue for it at all.
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