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Everything posted by Muljo_Stpho

  1. Randomized dailies? That would be something different for the game, whatever the context. Somehow though, I kind of suspect that they'd still need to give it some sort of structure to implement it. Like perhaps they might not be able to have some hidden mechanism that will re-roll every day (whether you completed your random mission the previous day or not) which companion is offering a mission that day, so perhaps the idea could instead be to package it all up in the form of one daily with a ton of choices. Like you go up to Theron in the Alliance base and he says "hey, these people wanted to have a word with you" so you pick one (if one is a romance it would be marked as [flirt] of course) and that's your companion daily for the day. It's not random, but it'd be something.
  2. The livestream today mentioned that they do have plans to expand the Odessen terminal or supplement it with a new terminal focused on companions that can be lost in the KotFE story (with the exception of Marr and 55). They're trying to get that ready by the release of chapter 16. I wouid assume that this is just something that they'd already been thinking of rather than it having anything to do with this topic though. There was of course no mention of this topic's other idea, the terminal on fleet for early access to class story companions before meeting them in the original ch1-3.
  3. Ha, starter planet sync settings are so low that even with just the weapon alone you were still at the mastery/endurance/power caps for the planet. (You were only really missing out on the secondary stats like crit / accuracy / alacrity that your gear would have given you, but to be fair the difference would have been incredibly subtle and wouldn't have been relevant to anything in your path as you did the Tython heroic anyway.) But yeah, it gets hard to ever take these sync complaints the least bit seriously when you see comments like Tell that to the character that I created on a whim one evening during double xp who after completing all content on Korriban just spent the next couple hours running (solo of course) through all heroics on Dromund Kaas, Balmorra, Nar Shaddaa, and Tatooine to end up at level 40 without even starting any of the class story on Dromund Kaas. Also tell it to the first Light vs Dark character that I'm leveling, who has done story on Hutta, story on Dromund Kaas, a solo run of Black Talon, 5 GSF matches, and all heroics up through Alderaan (all solo again) and he's currently level 41. You just can't do the stupid stuff anymore. I did enjoy the times before 4.0 when I would do the heroic in the Imperial spaceport on Nar Shaddaa and I'd get ALL enemies in the instance chasing me (companion on passive, just keep running) only to draw them into a corner and slaughter them all in one massive fight. But oh well.
  4. So to make sure we're clear on what all is being asked for here... A level 10 Warrior could go to a terminal on fleet and immediately have access to 2V-R8, Vette, Quinn, Jaesa (light only? to avoid spoilers in some small way (even though it's ALL spoilers anyway)), Pierce, and Broonmark. All are of course not considered canon and won't start any of their conversations until after you actually acquire them in the storyline. Level-based limitations on deployable crew would be lifted so that ALL players could be allowed to send out the maximum number no matter where they're at. The terminal on Odessen would be modified to potentially include almost any companion in the game. You could choose to summon companions who you have lost for one reason or another and you could also choose to summon companions who you had a chance to recruit before and rejected / killed. For story purposes the companion is of course still dead / still a deserter / still imprisoned / still not rediscovered / etc. One thing to note about this suggestion is that it changes the tone of the HK-55 subscriber reward. That reward would not be the companion anymore, it would only be the story associated with getting him back and the flag saying that his return is canon. Because all players would be able to bring him back in non-canon status. If any future content is meant to custom tailor details in the cutscenes to match the army at your disposal, the system will of course ignore the ones that you have brought back outside of canon. (So for HK-55 for example, if the story were to ever give him a nod only the rewarded players could see it. Recovering him through the terminal wouldn't count.) This could be an interesting approach too. As a possible example: Add side missions starting at level 15 that you can start working on after doing the intro mission for Kuat Drive Yards. Each of the four GSF crew members for your faction that you meet during that introduction will then be open to talking to you some more and each will have some personal mission that they're trying to recruit extra help for. Each one you help out will then become available to you as a companion. They could also add other side missions like that throughout the game and at various different minimum levels, like with stories set alongside the planetary stories or something.
  5. Yeah, so that tier that qualifies you for the companion calls for leveling up 2 65s, one on each faction. One of them needs to go through SoR and all of KotFE. And you'll need to complete half of Eternal Championship as well. While you're working your way up to that, you'll also need to complete most (if not all) solo/tactical flashpoints. And... that's the biggest part of what's involved in the first 5 tiers of rewards, actually. (First tier just wants a level 25, then the second tier is level 50 and a few specific flashpoints, then the third tier is SoR, KotFE1-9, and that quick little intro to strongholds mission, and then the fourth tier is finishing KotFE through ch 16, getting valor 5 (should be just a couple matches), any 5 alliance alerts (side note: each character I started, claiming Nico early with the item in the mail counted towards this total so I'm at my 5 alerts already just from creating a bunch of characters), and all the flashpoints.) The event doesn't really get truly crazy until you start looking at the requirements for that sixth tier (the final tier). That's where it calls for having all 8 classes to 50, leveling all crafting to 550, completing all of the flashpoints in hard mode, hunting down specific world bosses and operations bosses, and many other things. But to qualify for the companion you'll only need to complete the fifth tier.
  6. Err... so? My first times through it, and most of my runs through it since then (I've also gone through grouped with a friend), was playing it solo on my Marauder (who later got to complete all 10 matches of Eternal Championship as well) and I haven't returned to the part where you get imprisoned since that rough start when it was new. That doesn't change the way that the core design principle of the star fortress differs from other flashpoints. So on the first visit, in the non-heroic version of the instance, enemies are toned down to joke tier like they are for the class stories / KotFE chapters / planetary stories / non-heroic sidequests. Enemies have very little health, trash mobs usually die in a couple hits, and stronger enemies and bosses take longer but won't usually do anything too serious to you if you do take a few hits. But then the return trip to the Star Fortresses, going in for the heroic version of the instance, has enemies scaled much higher than where they were at the first time around, and unless you're in crazy-*** raider's gear with a super high influence companion those enemies will be very very rough to take on solo and without the Alliance buffs / abilities because they have much higher health / defense and their attack damage also stops being a joke. The Alliance buffs and abilities are what make up the difference to make it reasonable to run it solo (with the unbuffed run for the achievement just being some insane thing that you can try for bragging rights). My rough guess would be that enemy scaling in heroic star fortress is somewhere in between that of a regular story/tactical flashpoint and its hard mode. I could be wrong, but that's just sort of where it seems like it would rank. Anyway, the difference between running into a tactical solo (which some people may be able to do if they're well geared, supported by a strong companion, and careful about what they do (same as the achievement run for the heroic star fortress)) versus running into a heroic star fortress solo is that the star fortress offers buffs to increase your health, reduce your damage received, increase your damage dealt, and to buff your companion by increasing your presence (plus then being able to gain temporary abilities to plant a tanky turret, use a healing probe, debuff enemies (I think? I forget what the grenade does), or gain a speed boost while dealing area damage to anything that gets close to you)... You get the option to use those things to help the heroic star fortress run go smoother, and all that tactical flashpoints get are the kolto stations at the boss fight arenas. I feel like I've just repeated myself and the point may not be any clearer than it already was... The design concept has enemies scaled around groups of 2-4 players. That doesn't mean "requires multiple players". That would be a question of design mechanics, like the gates that used to exist in the Section X heroic or the 4 terminals on different sides of the room that must be clicked at the same time in the heroic at the end of the macrobinocular quest chain or the waves of overpowered enemies in the Colicoid War Games flashpoint which are timed and balanced against the output of the four turrets that the players control. It just means that the enemies are designed at a higher tier than what is placed in content designed for a single player. A silver level 65 enemy in a KotFE story instance is not designed to the same level of difficulty as a silver level 65 enemy in a heroic star fortress. Hmmm... here's kind of a reverse example: the council fight in Eternity Vault. Though you're there as a group, design mechanics actually require solo play. Each player is paired off with one NPC opponent all to themselves, and there are measures in place to cause the council to automatically enrage if anybody does anything to help each other in their fights. The scaling for each individual NPC is therefore built around it being a boss for a completely solo player. Each one has a lot less health and deals a lot less damage than other bosses in that operation since the scaling on each of them has to be balanced for 1 player instead of being balanced for 8 or 16 players. The twist with heroic star fortress is that the buffs redefine the baseline for what each player is capable of doing on their own. The enemies are scaled against the capabilities of a group of unbuffed player characters, and then we step in and activate these buffs and it's no longer the same equation. That's what I tried to say to elaborate on the (off topic) suggestion of revamping old flashpoints to be a bit more like the heroic star fortress. Solo mode as it currently exists would stop being a thing. (Those versions of the flashpoints would be removed.) All current tactical flashpoints would be updated to a sort of "tactical plus" level of enemy scaling. But the tactical instance would gain one or more support terminals similar to the one at the start of the heroic star fortress to grant buffs that redefine what each player is capable of on their own. (Side note: These buffs could be similar to the HSF buffs or they could get a little more creative by adding automatic shielding effects / healing effects / damage reflecting effects / etc. Like maybe there's a buff package best suited for a healer, a buff package best suited for a tank, and a buff package best suited for the DPS. If a player picks up one package after they had already picked up a different one, the previous package is deactivated for that player.) Players who pick up the [solo] mission will enter an instance that's exactly the same as what they would have entered if they had chosen the [Tactical] mission instead, but only the [solo] option would come with whatever options we'd have available for calling out a team of support NPCs (or companions if they can manage it). New achievements could even be added for soloing a tactical without using any support buffs or any other form of extra help, just like the HSF achievement.
  7. Haven't seen this thread in a while... Also, I have no memory at all that there had ever apparently been some expectation that those boxes would be dropping a varactyl. Was that really a thing? I've seen the statue drop twice and the black-black dye drop half a dozen times. Never saw a varactyl and I just don't remember it even being a thing that was ever expected to drop.
  8. I think there are dailies on Belsavis that got axed in the same way? Those could be added back in as well. Actually, I wouldn't just stop at adding the lost Ilum and Belsavis stuff back in. I'd suggest going all out and adding a bunch of new stuff as well. To complement the addition of level sync, it would have been worthwhile to figure out ways to add dailies to all of the planets. (Well, actually that would have just been the heroics if 4.0 hadn't also changed planetary heroics to having weekly limits.) So, brainstorming some steps they could take to revamp this... 1) Detach pickup of shroud / dreadseed mission chains from eligibility to do the GSI dailies on Makeb, Hoth, Alderaan, and Tatooine. Tie the GSI missions instead to a GSI issued macrobinocular and seeker droid which can be obtained at a much lower level than those late-game mission chains. 2) Expand the GSI headquarters on Nar Shaddaa. Add missions that can be completed any time after level 20 where you talk to someone there about taking up a contract with them, the mission is completed with conditions similar to the GSI weekly mission (do several GSI dailies of your choice) but specifically covering missions that use the tool, and when each tool's contracting mission gets completed that grants the tool as a permanent ability (instead of getting them for completing the shroud and dreadseed chains.) Maybe even include some new types of tools, like a specialized security spike or whatever else, instead of only having those same two tools. (This leads to the creation of new formats for new GSI dailies.) 3) New GSI dailies! Go back to pretty much every planet. Starters, capitals, Balmorra, Taris, Nar Shaddaa, Quesh, Belsavis, Voss, Corellia, Ilum, Rishi? Nothing is off the table. Revisit the missions on the four current planets as well, of course. Create a variety of GSI dailies for every planet. Create macrobinocular missions, create seeker droid missions, create security spike missions, etc. 4) Don't forget that with level sync they can feel free to include non-instanced combat situations in some or all of these missions as well. They no longer need to be afraid of possibly creating high level NPCs that would wreck a lowbie that strays too close at the wrong time. 5) Also, be sure to include at least a mission or two on each planet that is more creative than the other GSI missions. ie Not just the same recycled format as other missions built for the same tool. These could be missions with a few different steps instead of just scanning where they tell you to scan and being done with it after you find what you were looking for. (The formulaic approach is understandable for the high number of missions that would come out of this. But make sure that there is some variety in them as well.) 6) Random thought to add: Belsavis's GSI dailies could cover both Belsavis and Section X. Likewise, Corellia's GSI dailies could cover both Corellia and Black Hole.
  9. Ah, weird. So in swtor's terms, what would that be like? Would that sound something like... The locations of the datacrons would be randomized instead of being in fixed locations, and each will disappear when someone collects it... kind of like the cubes on Belsavis that you collect for one of the datacrons. Then instead of it being a stat boost, the datacron has a cutscene saying "reach max level in crew skill X", where X is randomized. And you go through 5 crew skills like this but something is bugged (or intentionally designed to seem bugged?) to not tell you what X was randomized to the 5th time? Are you starting all over from the beginning each time you guess wrong or are you at least still on the 5th step? Huh... With that in mind... Where's the randomized element that the topic creator thinks they're seeing in the light vs dark event?
  10. Leveling in the game is super fast since 4.0 anyway, with people hitting 50 (or even 65) before the end of Alderaan. (Or like my character that I messed around with one evening during double xp. Started it and went through all Korriban missions and all heroics up through Tatooine. The character was level 40 and hadn't started any story on Dromund Kaas yet.) The more daunting task in the Legendary tier requirements is definitely the hard mode flashpoints. I am not looking forward to that train wreck.
  11. Holo grind? ... What is this supposed to refer to? Throwing snowballs at the gift droids for the Life Day holo trees? Probably not that but I really can't think of any other possible meaning for that phrase here. Whatever. Anyway, no part of the event description / guides actually calls for completion of the class stories, just reaching level 50 with each class. (Reaching 50 can easily happen before you finish chapter 1 of your class story. Heck, I had a character during this last double xp event who did only the starter planet stuff and all heroics up through Tatooine and they were level 40 without starting any story missions on Dromund Kaas. Sure, it was double xp, but that's still most of the way to 50 in just an afternoon or evening of play time. Hour or two (however long it takes) to blast through the starter planet and then a couple hours blasting through several planets' heroics (first several planets' heroics go a lot quicker than later planets' heroics), and that's where I was at. The event calls for just one character running Shadow of Revan / Ziost / KotFE chapters 1-16 / Eternal Championship. It also calls for two characters (one in each faction) reaching 65, one reaching light 5, and one reaching dark 5. Also don't forget that the first few tiers of rewards will include pieces for a legacy bound set of custom gear which will grant a total of +50% xp when worn, so you can use the first character to get that full set and then have that available to help the other classes level to 50 that much faster. Leveling up crafting from scratch could be annoying and time consuming if you're completely new to it and need to take the time to gather the materials and level the gathering crew skill alongside the crafting skill. I'll give you that. On the other hand, as an established player who has leveled crew skills before you may have some material stockpiles to dip into, yes? See if you can queue up something like 20-40 (someone has probably worked out an exact number for most efficient use of resources but I don't know what that would be) of the highest component / attachment / graft available to you, then check back in 5-10 minutes (maybe less?) and see about picking up the next higher schematic and queue up that next item the same way. People have re-leveled crafting skills in this way since 4.0 and reached the cap in just an evening or two of brute forcing it like this. Checking off all the different story/tactical flashpoints from the list will be tedious but not difficult. Checking off the listed world bosses / operation bosses may get tedious to complete as well. The big wall in the event's final tier is going to be checking off all of the the hard mode flashpoints from the list. Of course, the vast majority of the big requirements of the event are all piled into just that final reward tier. Ignoring that 6th tier, your requirements to complete the other 5 tiers are going to be: * one character to level to 65 and jump into SoR / Ziost / KotFE (actually technically Ziost could be skipped as it's only called for in that 6th tier) * one character on the other faction also leveled to 65 but only really needed so you can access some faction-specific story/tactical flashpoints * an event character at some point will pick up the super easy level 15 mission that just has you travel to your stronghold * any 5 Alliance alerts in KotFE completed by that one KotFE character * an event character queues for the 1-2 matches or whatever it takes to earn valor 5 (ranks come really fast at first) * that KotFE character will complete up through the midpoint in the Eternal Championship fights And that covers everything for the first 5 reward tiers. It's the 6th tier that adds in all that other stuff like getting 8 classes to 50, doing a bit in all of the recurring events, killing certain world bosses, killing certain operation bosses, completing hard mode flashpoints, defeating the final boss of Eternal Championship, completing 5 warzones, completing 5 GSF matches, completing Ziost, leveling the crafting skills, getting dark 5 and light 5, finding the new datacrons, earning a million credits, blowing a million credits on a new decoration, and getting HK-51.
  12. Three days until the patch and it should all be clearly visible in-game... Yeah, you're right. I can see this getting asked about in other topics before then. (I'd already posted something similar in another topic before this one, actually. Reasoned it out there and reorganized the thoughts a bit here.) Redirecting attention from a new topic about it to a post that already summed things up would make sense.
  13. It's going to be handled through new achievements that are being added to the game. We can assume that the format will probably have an achievement for each specific task listed off in those guides for each of the reward tiers and then each tier would have a master achievement which lists off the smaller achievements associated with it. So starting out through the first couple tiers, for example, we should expect to see an achievement for getting any event character to 25 and an achievement for "Heroic Tier" which references that level 25 achievement. Then we should expect to see an achievement for getting any event character to 50, an achievement for completing a short list of flashpoints with event characters, and an achievement for "Legacy Tier" which references the "Heroic Tier" achievement, the level 50 achievement, and that initial flashpoints achievement. Continue building up the list of achievements in this way, with the master achievement for each tier including a reference to the previous tier's master achievement in addition to the specific tasks for that tier. Because they're achievements, order does not matter as far as earning credit in the appropriate places for each little thing you do along the way. It's only those references in the master list achievements to each other where order is enforced on the distribution of the event's rewards. Somebody could potentially have every Champion task completed, but if they forgot to complete the stronghold intro for the Valiant tier they will have one missing task listed in the "Champion Tier" achievement because they haven't yet completed the "Valiant Tier" achievement. But as soon as that stronghold mission is knocked out of the way Valiant is done and then a fraction of a second later Champion will be done as well. Eric had posted something about reward distribution in that massive main topic. The titles in the event are associated with the achievements directly so they get unlocked for the legacy as soon as an achievement (likely the master list achievement for each tier) is completed. The packs and specific prizes such as the xp legacy armor pieces will be mailed only to the specific character that completed the last achievement to complete a tier. And then cosmetic stuff like the pet and the vehicles and other gear sets will be rewarded after the event ends in system mail that all characters on your account will receive.
  14. I'm not sure any part of that was ever relevant to the topic to begin with anyway. Not a bad thought with the Heroic Star Fortress inspired revamp to previous story flashpoints though. As things are in the flashpoints currently... * Heroic Star Fortress's enemy scaling aims for a baseline that's best suited for group play, anything from 2 players with 2 companions up through 4 actual players, and using traditional role composition among the 4 bodies in that group if you can. * HSF offers a package of buffs at the start which increase your health, increase your presence, increase your damage dealt, and decrease your damage received. You can also pick up four support abilities that go onto your temporary ability bar. These bonuses all bring the difficulty down into a soloable range (arguably, maybe). * Tactical flashpoints (and old story mode flashpoints which have become tacticals) are scaled around groups and they are possibly set up around a baseline that's a bit more lenient than HSF. Healing stations at the boss fight arenas are meant to make it possible to ignore traditional role composition. * Solo mode flashpoints are the same scaling as the tactical version but they made a separate version of the instance so that the loot drops could be nerfed drastically. You get the support of an overpowered NPC which simultaneously tanks, heals, and DPSs. (And it does so more effectively than a lot of players or companions can do any of those roles.) A revamp to make the old content comparable to the Star Fortresses would remove the solo version of the instance. Entering a solo mode flashpoint would put you into the tactical instance. But solo mode would gain the added ability to activate some support buffs similar to what HSF offers. Also, the call button for the do-it-all helper robot would likely be replaced with three new call buttons. One for a tank, one for a healer, and one for a DPS... Possibly allow two of the same type to be called but have a hard limit that between all three types no more than two in total may be summoned at the same time. The new support droids from these would likely be scaled to be slightly less effective at their role than a player or a normal companion would be. Or alternately perhaps it's still one call button but it summons a randomized NPC on each use (hard cap of two active at once, still) and maybe it's like the Mandalorian that we can call in KotFE chapter 14 where it's got a 10 minute timer so you'll have to keep an eye on them and call for more reinforcements each time they die or run out of time. So the revamped solo mode would functionally be the same instance as the tactical version (which restores the loot) and the content would be brought into a soloable range through the help of support buffs and your selection of 2 out of 3 possible weak helper bots (or just the one call button with the randomized results for two temporary reinforcements). It would be possible to complete this squad solo mode without help but it will not be anywhere near as lenient as the god droid solo mode has been. I agree that it would be nice to see your own companions as the extras here but it really doesn't look like they've got a way to make that work well. The best we'd get is something like what they've done in certain KotFE chapters, which would be a default version (not our own copy) of the companion and it would be hard coded into each mission which companion it is instead of offering a choice between your available companions. (Hooray for off topic tangents?)
  15. http://www.swtor.com/info/news/news-article/20160623-0 It's one pack. The name of the pack is "Dark vs. Light". We will not be receiving separate packs depending on alignment. All of the light and dark themed stuff will be mixed together.
  16. Oh, duh. The blog post. After the initial read through of it I guess I only ever clicked on the links to the specific tier guides when I came to that blog again. Or... Actually, I had been referencing the http://www.swtor.com/dark-vs-light event page for everything and just might not have clicked on the blog again. Anyway, buried in the massive topic Eric did post this about rewards: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=8972330#post8972330 So for each specific set of rewards, let's look at Valiant for example: Valiant Level Victorious Trailblazer’s Bike Mount* Victorious Pioneer’s Armor: Belt, Bracer 10 Force-Bound Dark vs. Light Packs In Game Title: “The Valiant Victor” When the last achievement related to Valiant is completed: * It will trigger a legacy title tied to the achievement directly. * It will trigger a database flag that tells the system to mail those 10 packs, that belt, and that bracer specifically to the character that finished that last achievement. * It will trigger a database flag that tells the system that you're eligible to receive that bike in the mail on all characters on your account after the event ends. (Oh, all the posts that we're going to see asking why certain rewards were not received because people will overlook this detail. (Because that's what happens for subscriber rewards as well.)) Same rules apply as each separate tier is completed. The appropriate legacy title is activated and certain flags trigger in the system's database to distribute the other rewards listed for that tier. Man, that xp gear set... It's legacy bound but that distribution system means that we'll really only have the one copy of it to float around to help all those alts level up.
  17. Which is fine, but I'm sure that the answer there will probably be that there will be a lot of lower value / less demanded items in the drawing as well and they've only specifically advertised the high value / more in demand items when talking about what the packs will contain. (Besides, it's probably that specific number of packs, period, since it's all achievement based. It's not like we'll be able to farm a dozen new characters to 25 to receive the "Heroic" rewards package a dozen different times for over 100 packs. We'll only get those first 5 packs on the first character to reach 25. So there's no way to get additional packs unless you count repeating it all on multiple servers. (Technically not wrong since collections is account-wide.) They also specify that these packs and everything in them will be bind on pickup but applicable to collections unlocks, so they're also banking on this encouraging people to spend more on collections unlocks.) Edit: Anyone remember where they said more about the light/dark packs? I know they gave some examples like the Satele outfit and whatever else but I forget where they said this.
  18. Except not really. It is listed the first way. It is not listed the second way. ... http://www.swtor.com/dark-vs-light/rewards ... (Side note, I edited my post a bit before I saw your post go up and added a brutally honest bit of commentary that "do these stack?" was just kind of a stupid question to begin with anyway. It was already clear, and people asking for clarification are only making it more complicated than it really is.)
  19. Let's look at it this way... What's listed as rewards for "Heroic"? 5 packs and the title "Heroic Victor". What's listed as rewards for "Legacy"? 10 packs, xp helm, xp chest, xp legs, shade stalker pet, and the title "Destined Victor". What's listed as rewards for "Valiant"? 10 packs, xp belt, xp bracer, victor's speeder, and the title "Valiant Victor". What's listed as rewards for "Champion"? 15 packs, xp gloves, xp boots, trailblazer armor set, and the title "Champion Victor". What's listed as rewards for "Eternal"? 15 packs, eligibility to receive whichever companion it ends up being, and the title "Eternal Victor". What's listed as tewards for "Legendary"? 30 packs, titan's tank, titan's armor set, and the title "Legendary Victor". The question "do these stack?" came about because people looked at the rewards and somehow mysteriously got it in their heads that the listed rewards are cumulative, ie covering what was already earned previously. This is blatantly NOT the case, and it was a really dumb question to begin with. If the rewards were listed cumulatively: * "Legacy" would list off 15 packs, xp helm, xp chest, xp legs, pet, and two titles. * "Valiant would list off 25 packs, xp helm, xp chest, xp legs, xp belt, xp bracer, speeder, pet, and three titles. * "Champion" would list off 40 packs, full xp set, trailblazer set, speeder, pet, and four titles. * "Eternal" would list off 55 packs, companion eligibility, full xp set, trailblazer set, speeder, pet, and five titles. * "Legendary" would list off 85 packs, companion eligibility, full xp set, trailblazer set, titan set, speeder, tank, pet, and six titles. It's really obvious with the way it's all listed out that the rewards are specific to each reward tier and don't count anything already earned in any previous tiers.
  20. I've still never tried to do Ravagers and I'm not sure if I've ever done Scum & Villainy... Maybe I've been in that one once... But yeah, like I already said earlier, for me the hard mode flashpoint part of it sounds like THE wall to break to stand any chance at completing Legendary. I'm not too concerned about the rest of it. The sheer number of tasks asked for in Legendary is a lot more daunting than the actual difficulty of most of those tasks, except for the hard mode flashpoints.
  21. Last time we had double xp running, I had a character doing almost exactly this, just because I felt like it. I did complete everything on Korriban, but then I just did heroics on Dromund Kaas, Balmorra, Nar Shaddaa, and Tatooine. At that point I was level 40 and I hadn't even started any story on Dromund Kaas yet. Are we just having two entirely different discussions or something? The claim that had been made was that someone will not be able to start getting credit towards anything in a later tier until after the tiers before it had been fully completed. But we know that the tasks will be tracked in new achievements and that's where the contradiction lies because achievements don't have that restriction. Your stance has no bearing on that. If one person is going to refuse to ever complete a particular step, that doesn't change how the system functions for other people. You personally might potentially complete everything else but never go back to fill in your one missing step to cause all those later achievements to chain together to complete all at once, but that doesn't mean that you or anyone else won't be getting credit tracked towards pieces of the later achievements where they overlap with things that you're doing for the earlier achievements.
  22. Yeah. It's been said in other topics but it would definitely be nice if the character select screen offered a few different sorting options (last played, by class / faction, alphabetically, etc.) I also still think that the character select screen ought to have an option between preview layout and non-preview layout, meaning that we have the choice between the current display format (which is 6 characters per page and previewing the current selection) and a format that leaves out the preview of the selected character to instead just have 4 columns of characters on screen at the same time. (10 characters per column for the non-preview format.) Make it a quick and seamless toggle to go back and forth between these two layouts.
  23. Yes, but that doesn't stop you from getting any credit at all towards something that's on a later stage's list before completing an earlier stage. It just means that the master achievement for that later stage will have other conditions sitting incomplete until you get around to completing whatever else you need to do for it. Like let's suppose that somebody somehow manages to forget about or ignore the simple task of doing the stronghold intro mission. The master achievement for Valiant tier would say to complete the achievement for doing SoR, the achievement for doing KotFE1-9, the achievement for the stronghold intro, and the master achievement for Legacy tier. They're at 3/4 of those tasks completed but they somehow don't notice that they didn't complete Valiant. Let's say that they continue to not notice while they work through all of the Champion tier stuff. They complete the achievement for doing KotFE 1-16, the achievement for doing any 5 Alliance alerts, the achievement for doing all the tactical flashpoints, and the achievement for reaching valor 5. Then they realize that the master achievement for Champion tier is showing 4/5 tasks completed, with the missing task being the master achievement for Valiant tier. So they check on what they had missed in Valiant and they complete the stronghold intro -> Valiant is now complete and they get the Valiant rewards -> Champion is now complete and they get the Champion rewards.
  24. Achievements don't work that way. You do something, it counts towards all applicable achievements. (Even stuff like "kill 100" / "kill 250" / "kill 1000" which they connect with lines to imply tiers / a sequential order. A kill counts toward all three tallies at the same time. It does not only count towards the current tier being worked on.) It sounds like there's some sort of misunderstanding going on there.
  25. Honestly, I'm more worried about the hard mode flashpoints than anything else in the whole thing. That just seems like it's going to be a great big massive train wreck. But yeah, a lot of the event looks like it will go fairly smoothly. The first 3 sets of prizes at least should attainable for just about everybody. The first 5 should be reasonable for a lot of people as well. But many will probably fall short of completing the final one. Heroic just calls for getting one character to 25. The way leveling works in 4.0 that will probably happen on or just after the capital. Legacy calls for getting one character to 50 (which could mean end of Alderaan the way 4.0 leveling works) and running Esseles / Black Talon + Taral V / Boarding Party + Maelstrom Prison / Foundry, so a second event character comes into play here to get the other faction's flashpoints. This will get you some of the pieces of the legacy set that you can use to get an xp boost on additional event characters. Valiant calls for getting one character through the Shadow of Revan storyline and through KotFE chapters 1-9. Many of us have been through these several times already, sure, but... Eh, at least its only asking that you do it once more. And then this calls for that stronghold mission on one character as well but that's super trivial. This will get you some more of the special xp boost legacy gear. Champion calls for getting one character through all 16 chapters of KotFE (just continue with the one you used for Valiant), running any 5 of the Alliance recruitment alerts on a character, earning valor rank 5 on a character (which is what? maybe 2 matches?), and going down a checklist for tactical flashpoints (seems like solo should work as well wherever there is a solo option) which shouldn't be difficult but it is quite a bit of busywork to deal with on a couple characters (second character is the one used in Legacy to get the other side's exclusive flashpoints). This will get you the last of the special xp boost legacy gear. Eternal calls for getting two characters, one on each faction, to level 65. For the one that you aren't using for the KotFE requirements, flashpoints can probably help to cover a lot of this leveling while you're working on finishing up the flashpoints asked for in Champion. And then Eternal also calls for getting one character (the one event character that you've got running KotFE stuff, obviously) only halfway through Eternal Championship. Seems manageable enough. Hopefully this main event character is a class and role that you're familiar with, and it may help if you can grab some legacy gear from your non-event main of the same class. Completing this will qualify you for whichever companion we all end up getting. Legendary is the one that's just all kinds of crazy go nuts. Each one of the previous reward categories listed 1-4 things that they want you to do while Legendary has a list of 20 things to get through. Some of these things will be fairly trivial (3 bounties, 50 NPCs in Gree event, 50 NPCs in Rakghoul event, 50 NPCs on Oricon). Some of these things are thankfully a lot more specific than they could have been (5 specific world bosses and 5 specific bosses inside operations instead of requiring killing all world bosses and completing all operations). For leveling you need the other 6 classes to reach 50. (That legacy gear from the earlier prizes will help make that go a bit quicker than it did for the first couple classes.) The PVP things only ask for 5 warzones and 5 GSF matches, which is the same number asked for in the lower level warzone weekly mission and less than the number asked for in the GSF weekly mission. It asks for a run through Ziost, which you should cover before your KotFE event character starts KotFE so you don't necessarily need to get there with any other characters. There's grindy stuff like getting a character to light 5, getting a character to dark 5, and leveling all 6 crafting skills (might as well make sure you've got some stockpiles of materials prepared for that so you can burn through it quickly (craft about 20 or 30 of the highest assembly component that you can make, check if you can buy the next higher component schematic yet, repeat until done)). There will be 5 new datacrons to find... It's anyone's guess right now how easy or hard the placement of those will be but you can be sure that people will have guides online when people start finding them. Earning a million credits will happen naturally several times over while leveling and running heroics / flashpoints / etc., and then you just have to spend a million on a new decoration that they're adding. HK-51 quest really isn't as bad as people make it out to be, but if you've done it before and don't want to repeat it for the event they said that the "pay a million" shortcut will give credit for it too. And then the biggest item on the whole Legendary list is the one asking for completion of ALL hard mode flashpoints including the opposite faction versions of Tython and Korriban. So you'll need both of your event 65s to be capable of taking on hard mode content and you're going to have to go down the list and cover every possible option. EDIT: Yeah, if they were to consider editing or removing any of the requirements from Legendary it's definitely not going to happen right away. It would have to be changing the rules a month or two into the event, before we reach whatever date is the end of the event. (And then they run the risk of breaking something and screwing up the event's achievements for some people.)
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