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Everything posted by AlduinxVokun

  1. Lots of PvE and PvE players always looking to run and have a great time
  2. Hi All, My group is working on the terror in TFB currently. On a dummy I can pull about 6.7k with vigilance , sometimes a little higher, sometimes a little lower, so I know that i can get my numbers up there. But when it comes to the three waves of tentacles in phase one, I can't seem to get my numbers to get even remotely close to my parse numbers. I'm aware that there is always a bit of a deviation when comparing dummy to raid numbers, but it feels somewhat drastic in this case. Does anyone have any advice for this fight? Any help is appreciated. Thanks
  3. 1- a chariot mount. For example having a set of tauntan...dewbacks...really any creature. Set up in a traditional chariot formation with your character on the cabin and a droid at the reigns or your character driving 2- reek. The three horned animal from episode 2 3 - Kath hound 4 - tarsarian devoured 5 - yara 6-manka cat 7- nerf
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