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Everything posted by TominatorTT

  1. Follow up idea: Just let us use all the class exclusive customisations on everyone! The way you're changing the combat styles in 7.0 makes locking customisations completely redundant now! Let the troopers have bounty hunter tattoos! Let the Jedi Knights have Inquisitor scars! Of course draw the line at certain racial customisations being locked to keep it lore friendly (no hair for rattatakis and don't let everyone use the miraluka eyemasks for example) but why lock so many things out now that we're being given more choice than ever with creating characters?
  2. Hello! A friend of mine was checking some stuff on the PTS, and on my behalf tested to see if Inquisitors are going to now have access to the regular scars as well as their Inquisitor exclusive "slave" ones. For the longest time I've wanted the standard cheek scar on my assassin but am unable to use it. On that note, please please please make this a thing Bioware! The Slave scars are very niche and specific, and just don't work for so many character designs. Please let us use the normal scars on our Inquisitors too!! In addition to this request, I wanted to pass on the bug that my friend found while investigating this for me: "Scars don't seem to work the right way, only inquisitor story - sin setup has access to the inquisitor ones and there are only 11 available Rest of combinations got classic scars. When you pick inquisitor who would be sin, you get inq scars, any other combination of inquisitors and sins get you classis scars" So in conclusion: Your scars are currently bugged and inconsistent with Sith Inquisitors, when you fix it, please do so by giving us a choice of all the options for our Inquisitors... please! <3
  3. Can we please, please, please for the love of all things holy, get a bump on this. The new character sheet is diabolically awful, how did anyone think this was an improvement? The loss of the secondary stat box, the horrendous amplifiers extension that makes the box gigantic, the WEAPONS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ARMOUR SECTION because hey, why the heck not right? Bioware... please, this was not what anyone needed or wanted. Please change it back. I've seen genuine road traffic accidents that looked better than this :/
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