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Everything posted by Grondar

  1. I am sorry, but in my opinion that is utter rubbish. Then don't bother putting in European servers at all and force everyone to log into North American servers as well. You can use the argument "oh, but it's a US based game" the way you see fit that way in the most ridiculous of cases. The fact is that they chose to market and publish swtor as a global game and they have no problem taking all kinds of different currency when it comes to subscription fees and CC purchases. But then when it comes to a promotion like this, all of a sudden they don't want our money? If you look at the server list now, there are more European servers than American servers. Yet with the ludicrous times of their promotions, they seem to focus their effort heavily or almost exclusively on North American customers. Maybe this is because European customers spend less on the cartel market? Or maybe it is because indeed as someone said earlier, that they actually have to have a real person/employee present to guide these sales.....instead of having it automated. Which brings me to: First of all they aren't working at 3am, as as far as I know they are based in Austin Texas, but by all means correct me if I am wrong. So in that case it's just a regular start of a work day. Furthermore you assume that there is any kind of forethought going into this. As if there would actually be extra staff on hand. The way they had extra staff on hand for the free xp weekends and sorted out the bugs right away..right? Look, I feel personally disappointed and I'll admit it. I am from the Netherlands and so for me a large part of the sale was in the middle of the night and I am not going to stay up all night and check every hour if there is something good on sale. However, I am the kind of customer they should be targeting with their promotions. I have a well paying job and a lot of disposable income, and I have no problems whatsoever buying CC's if I see something I like. But this kind of stuff just makes you feel like a second class citizen as a European player. It's not the end of the world, after all we're just talking about a(n enjoyable) game here, and I spent way too much time on this post already and now I'm going to go out and enjoy the good weather, but it would really be nice to see some focus for once on the other half of their customerbase or at least have them give an explanation for these times, as I never see them give one.
  2. I don't understand how people get so easily fooled time and again. This is from the same guy who in his last state of the game stated that BW employs hundreds of QA professionals for this game.., which means you have to take everything he says with a grain, nay a freightload full, of salt. This person is a salesman spinning you a tale. Absolutely nothing that he said now is remotely concrete: we have a plan to do this, we aim to do that, we are currently testing... If I read between the lines I see: EA crippled our budget, we are not allowed to employ a decent amount of customer service agents, we have one guy in a broom closet pretending he's testing patches, I'm keeping you guys on the hook by talking about stuff we plan to implement one day, but really all the home office wants us to do is sell more Cartel Market stuff and sell you an expansion that's not an expansion, but we call it that because then we can charge you for it. Ooohhh, SGR (which I couldn't care less about) with npc's: read you finish a quest, get cuddly with the quest giver, go into a backroom together, screen fades to black, two seconds later it's over. I'm not a cynical person, but these people make me. Which is why I just unsubbed, 6 days left to go and I'm gone. And I was enjoying this game, but this just drove it home that nothing will get fixed and I do not want to crash to desktop anymore every two hours. Good luck everyone and enjoy your game.
  3. I assure you sir that caps are not needed, I can read it fine without them. However, the point is not that I think that speeders should be flying at light speed, but rather that in my personal opinion, this travel should not be necessary in the first place.
  4. Well don't get me wrong, even though I feel frustrated about certain things, over all I still like the game. In fact, I would say I like the game despite the way EA and BW are currently going about managing it. I have 3 lvl 50's now, which might not be a lot compared to some of you, but I'm happily working on nr 4. I like the people in game for the most part, nothing to complain about there. This pretty much sums it up. I do not mind travelling a lot for a quest if on the way there is something to do. They could make it interesting if while I am going to my objective I get a chance to explore new environments, maybe pick up some side quests, find some interesting stuff, et cetera. But with the way they have it set up now, they could basically just as easily tell you that you are going to see a static loading screen for 15 minutes, to set your timer and come back when that time has expired. It would actually give me a chance to do something interesting during that time. Another good example is Alderaan on the imp side, which is shaped like a tilted v or u. Repeatedly during your quests there, they just summon you from one end of the map to the other, just to tell you to go back from whence you came. And due to the v shape those flying mounts have to go aallllll the way around and it takes foreeeever. Why..if holo terminals are too high tech for them, I'll take a carrier pidgeon flying in my quest.
  5. I posted some threads on similar issues on the suggestion forum, but figuring that BW will never do anything with anything posted there, I figured I just needed to rant. [rant] I was just playing one of my imp characters and having finished the class story on a planet I was getting ready to go to the next one. Oh, wait, I get ordered back to Dromund for one of the well known quest detours. So, here we go. Leave my ship for Dromund. Waiting on loading screen. Take a speeder to Kaas city. For some reason some design genius decided it was a good idea to not connect the two speeder networks here. So I get off the speeder, have to make my way through Kaas. Get to the other side of Kaas, take another speeder. Get to see the guy I'm supposed to talk to and he basically says: thanks for showing up buddy, now you get to go to Hutta and do something over there. Annoyed, go back to speeder, ride speeder, all the way back through Kaas city, take another speeder to space port and load into ship. Transfer to Hutta. Spend more time waiting on Hutta to load. Go see my contact on Hutta, who sends me into the Huttese jungle or whatever it is to do a task. Mind you, I have no other business there, they send me to this backwards ball of dirt for this one mission. Do task, back to contact on Hutta to settle up. Get contacted by my Dromund contact, if I would please come back there. So, go back to Hutta space port, load into ship. Transfer to Dromund. Again, wait for Dromund to load. Use speeder to front of Kaas, make my way to other side of Kaas, take another speeder, show up at contact, who says: thank you, come again and gives me some credits. Take speeder to Kaas, through Kaas city once again, take speeder to space port, lift off. Travel to next planet. Does the above sound long winded and totally unneccessary for the sake of one mission? Good, because it is. What is wrong with: You're on your ship. Holo terminal rings. You get a mission to go to Hutta. You go there, take care of business, go back to ship and get the credits, again by holo terminal. [/rant] I am by no means an MMO veteran, so I do not know if other games employ similar stupid filler to keep you busy?
  6. No need for a new planet and levels. If they fix just a third of the items on this list and the insistent memory leak I will gladly pay 20 bucks for an expansion. I'm afraid it has come to that.
  7. After that you'll be able to buy an anti-lag pass in the store. Spend 500 CC, get to play without server lag for an hour.
  8. Please put spoilers between spoiler tags. Or put the word spoilers in the title of the thread.
  9. I agree with everything they say in the show, and find it interesting to see how these guys over the past months have become more and more disillusioned with this game. Just a few months ago they were critical about certain things, but still had hopes that the CC store and F2P would be a new beginning for this game. Now it seems they're almost ready to give up on it. I don't agree with their title though. I think EA is exactly in control, not out. All their efforts are focused at the moment at making as much money off their CC store cash grab as possible, to the detriment of everything else. I'd like everyone to take a good look again at the known issues list, linked here for your convenience: link Do you notice how it is a mile long? Now take a look at the last patch notes: link 75% of the items in that patch note consists of items they added to their store or discounts they applied. Yay. The only bug fix they list is this: ALL the other stuff they list as bug fixes are simply typo corrections. That means someone had to go into an .xml file and change a few words. Probably took them minutes at most. That is it. At the same time they let you pre-order the new content coming out next year..more money you get to spend on them. I do not know and cannot say for certain that this company currently does not care one bit about bugs and problems that people are experiencing and thus their players' enjoyment of this game, but they sure do their best to make it seem so. I see certain people in this thread using the age old: "if you don't like an item, simply don't buy it and don't whine". a)It's not about a single or a few items, it's about the bigger picture. b)if you don't see that you're slowly being prepared and led to true P2W items coming out all in the name of the mighty dollar, then I don't know what to tell you. What is that? They said that that would never happen? Gee, that's good because these guys have never gone back an a statement before.. It's a shame certain people will pull the same old defense mechanism such as the one mentioned above again and again, without thinking about other people. The same people who go into threads with complaints stating: "it isn't happening to me, so you should just shut up and not whine." "bro, been running this game without problems, it's your pc." I am personally actually enjoying the game right now and plan on staying subscribed for a while to come. I go through my class stories, level an alt to 50, and then start over. I use my new crew skills to make nice items for my alts, help out other players and am having a good time doing it. It's a good thing though that I find this enjoyable, because I cannot do any group content, because I too am plagued by the crash to desktop syndrome every 1 to 2 hours: link You can see how long that has been around now. Months without a fix. And that was before all their efforts were aimed at this store.. No more illusions here that that will get fixed at all. I simply play on day to day and liking it, until something truly breaks the game for me and I cannot play anymore. And with these guys, that might be any patch on any given tuesday..
  10. Every time I use quick travel, the first thing my inquisitor/warrior/agent/bounty hunter, who just came back from murdering an entire tribe of innocent beings, does is wave around in a friendly manner to all around them. No biggy by any means, but it kills the immersion. It would be nice if you would wave at people if your alignment was light side and for example make threatening movements if you're darkside. Or just take the waving out all together.
  11. These are by no means game breaking, but are a tad annoying. 1)When you finish a chapter in your story arc, no matter what planet you are on, they send you to the fleet to "get your reward for finishing the chapter". If you're not waiting on the cooldown for your fleet pass you're in luck (though I really don't want to use a fleet pass for this), you beam over to fleet, make it to some trainer who just gives you a couple k credits and xp and then gives you a pass to get back to your homeworld, which ironically 99 % of the time is the planet you just came from! There is no real reason why the hell they just made you travel lightyears for some dude to just say "thank you come again". So go to fleet, waiting on useless loading screen, go to other side of fleet, useless transportation, get reward, go back to homeworld, more useless loading screen, and transport all the way back to where you were, because most of the time that's where the questline picks up again. My suggestion is to just cut out this filler, saves some annoyance. 2)When I get to planets later in the class story, I get off my ship, get transported into an airlock. Move through the airlock, transport into an orbital station. Get through the orbital station, finally get to go planetside. This is cute the first time, after that it's just aggrevating. However, from the shuttle planetside, I can immediately go back to my ship. My suggestion would be to add an option that when you disembark from your ship you can choose to go straight to planetside, unless it's your first visit and the questline needs to be started. (often in the orbital station). Again, these are quality of life improvements and by no means urgent, but would be nice to see one day.
  12. It's more than implants and seems to be purple gear in general. Here is a thread in the customer service forum with quite a few people experiencing the issue so far: link I guess the more people report this the better a chance we stand to get it quickly resolved/fixed.
  13. Why in heaven's name would you feel sorry for them? Let's presume they are not forced to work for free, they apparently get plenty of holiday time off as was indicated by the mass absence last week after F2P hit, and they don't have to directly face the customer. Don't doubt for a minute they shrug off all this criticism on these forums. I'm more inclined to feel sorry for CS employees who have to shovel the crap that the devs create. Most people that are posting here however are -->paying customers<--. Doesn't matter if you think your subscription fee is high or low, you paid for a product, it should be working, and if not fixed in a timely manner. Do you feel sorry for us too? And this is it in a nutshell because this is the general sentiment. They screw up so many patches that everyone expects there to be a ton of bugs and we're happy like little children when stuff actually does what it is supposed to do..work.
  14. I wonder how long it will take them to at least make an official post about it stating that they are aware of the issue and are working on a fix. So far all I have seen is one CS rep stating his own character is having issues too and he "forwarded it up the chain". It's almost 4pm here now in western Europe. Pretty soon people will start coming home and settle in for their evening's play and the US will start waking up. You think there are a lot of reactions now on the forums, wait a few hours..
  15. This is a real issue and it's a shame that threads about this on the customer service forum are almost immediately taken off the first page by threads about missing cartels coins and locked accounts. As the OP correctly stated, certain areas of the game, mostly areas that contain dailies, are simply unplayable now. I tried the new section X two days in a row, it was a major lag fest, and just gave up on it. If players' ping is in the 30-50 ms range throughout, but still you experience extreme ability delay, it means your servers cannot cope with the amount of players. Don't start asking people for ping paths, it aggravates them even more. What boggles me is the lack of communication from the side of Bioware/EA. The first 5 days there was total radio silence from their end in response to all the issues people were having. Being on top of things and reassuring people that their problems are known, would go a long way to instilling confidence that you are handling the situation. Instead I see almost no CS reps posting in the CS forums since 1.5 and the first real information coming from the community manager states that 1.6 is on the PTS. This same manager then tells us a few posts later that the reason we're all waiting on responses from them is that they are understaffed because of the holidays! I'm sorry. But this is arguably the most important release for the future of your game and you go ahead with it when there is no one to handle problems?? How does that go? Your engineers implement the patch and go home for a long weekend? Don't get me wrong, I love this game and I really enjoy playing it when it works. However you guys have no clue whatsoever how to communicate with your supporting community. Just talk to us and for once let us know what is going on if you want us to keep faith in this mess and keep subscribing.
  16. Hi all, I have a question regarding the damage numbers on a purple prototype sniper rifle I crafted for one of my alts, an imperial agent/sniper. The pop-up for the rifle, before equipping, showed that it would be a 84-100 damage output increase for me compared to my current rifle. After equipping however, the increase was only 13-20. The thing is there is an 8 level gap between the requirements of both rifles, with both being purple gear, so the gap should be way more than 13-20. When I equip the lower level rifle I already had, I noticed that the base damage for the rifle is correctly input into the damage equation for my character, the game takes that damage, adds my bonus damage and voila. The base numbers that show on the rifle itself and in the equation are equal. When I equip the newly crafted higher level rifle however, the game decimates the base damage for the rifle in the equation. I think its base damage is around 210-260 for min and max, and after equipping it, the game reduces this base damage to around 130-180 and then adds my bonus damage, which is thus only 13-20 more damage than the old one. Do any of you have experience with this? Is this a bug or does something else factor into this? Thank you in advance.
  17. Either the percentage of 20% chance to reverse engineer a standard item is the wrong number or someone has coded the random number generator for the engineering algorithm wrong. I've noticed that it is almost impossible to reverse engineer certain items, in this particular case a barrel. The item mentions the 20% chance, yet in 30 attempts I have gotten zero schematics. Now, I know that 20% chance does not mean that in 5 attempts you should be getting an assured schematic, because, yes, every attempt is a new one. However, given enough attempts and making enough rolls, the numbers should approximate 20% yay and 80% nay. Basic math says the chance of me not getting a schematic 30 times in a row is .8^30 = 0.123 percent. And this is not an exception, it often takes 25 or more attempts to reverse engineer. Has anyone else experienced these skewed numbers while reverse engineering certain items?
  18. This shows to me one of the few things this game did do right, the immersion in the story is awesome. What an incredible moment this was. First reaction was shock..no Quinn, buddy, why..we were partners in crime. Second reaction rage..just utter infernal rage..as you knew Quinn was about to take a saber throw in the gonads. Then a pondering stage..hmm..my crafting is about to take a hit as Quinn goes head first out the nearest airlock..do I need to continue to suffer for his betrayal.. Back to rage..you messed with the wrong Sith. And then disappointment as we had to hug and make up. The sith warrior storyline is so good. And yes, I would have killed him as well.
  19. As you can see everyone has a totally different idea of what spec to use I personally leveled my character in the rage spec because I wanted to do burst damage, a lot of damage in a short amount of time. During the earlier levels, let's say till 30, not completely sure, I felt at times a bit underpowered, as I struggled to keep alive when I ran out of rage. At higher levels, 50 now, when you get the synergy between all your skills really going, the burst damage is awesome. I have no marauder alt and I am sure it could be higher, but I am loving the damage output. Even Elites drop like flies. I do have to note that I use my jug just for doing all the dailies now and fund my other alts, so I do no high level PVE raids, etc. I've read a lot that people recommend the vengeance spec for that, but for my ends the rage spec is wonderful. I do find it to be very squishy and your target selection and prioritization is very important. After you've hit your rotation and you're waiting for the cooldown on your main damage dealing skills, and you've let the wrong guys live, you're pretty much toast. You jump into 5 mobs and 2 or more of them are strong, and you don't drop one of them fast or apply some cc real fast, you're dead. I love it, makes it interesting to play. As to your companion selection with this spec, I see a lot of people recommending Quinn because of his healing. I switched to Quinn at first as soon as I got him, because it does get tiresome to have to spend healing time after each fight. Except that when you set Quinn to just heal, it..goes..so..sloooooow. Switched to Jaessa when I got her, and keeping her gear up I kill so fast that I personally find I am faster even when healing after each fight, than that I can keep going with Quinn. All personal experience of course.
  20. Unsubscribed as of 5 minutes ago. The reason is mostly that this latest patch, 1.4, is in my opinion a giant buggy mess. That by itself would not be such a big problem if I had confidence in the fact that these issues would be resolved in a timely fashion. However, today's patch, almost a week after the previous one, fixes just 2 things. The list of confirmed issues with 1.4 is a mile long and 1 of the 2 things that get fixed is SLI support... I'm happy for people that have an SLI setup, if it's confirmed that their issues are fixed, but how big of a percentage of your users have a multiple graphics card setup? To me that is bad prioritization. There are far more crippling issues that need to be addressed, there are people that cannot play at all and are stuck waiting on a reply to their ticket in a queue that stretches from New York to Tokyo. So I find myself playing on minimum graphics settings with all the grass and tree detail turned off so it does not turn into a slide show and this makes it so the game just plain looks bad. My game crashes every 1 to 2 hours. After today's patch, add to that list all kinds of weird graphic artifacts on my screen. I don't blame customer service at all, they seem to be friendly people who are doing the best with what the company hands them, but I don't want to try all kinds of workarounds. I am not paying to be a beta tester over and over again with every new content patch. I'd like it to work out of the box. I realize the pc is a more complicated platform than let's say an xbox, but I don't have these issues with any other pc game I install and play. So to me it then comes down to the question whether I believe that it is worth it for me to invest any more time into this game, forget money really and then the answer is no. I don't see any of these issues resolved any time soon. I really enjoy the class missions, some of the writing on them is terrific, but there is more to an MMO. I am a big fan of the traditional roleplaying games that Bioware does, but personally feel that they don't have enough people in their employment that understand MMO's from a technical and social standpoint. I hope I get proven wrong and wish everyone the best and hopefully a lot of fun with their game.
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