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Posts posted by MsMalice

  1. The main sage healing abilites are Healing Trance, Wandering Mend, Force Armor, Salvation, which are all on a cd except for Force Armor which applies a debuff. If a sage healer is using Benevolance/Deliverance a lot then they are not playing the spec as intended, you would only use resurgence > deliverance > benevolance if you have the auto-crit proc from the set bonus and the insta-cast for benevolence plus one or two stacks of resplendence to make up for the hit to your resources.
  2. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Maras do not need a nerf. Every successful 4x4 group I've been in targets them first. If they have as much ridiculous, omg damage as people say they do, have ranged burst them down. Maras exchange damage capacity (such as it is) for pretty mediocre survivability.



  3. Maras are ridiculous, idk what bioware was thinking, you can't kite them because they are so fast and they are tanky as hell because they have some of the best DCDs in the game. Sorcs and powertechs have it tough when it comes to pvp, I hardly see anyone playing them now days.
  4. What I want to happen:


    Togruta & Natolan playable speices

    Major & minor bug fixes

    Ability lag fixes

    FPS fixes

    Sentinel survivability buff

    Gunslinger and Sentinel slight DPS buff (pure dps classes should always be on top of the charts).

    DPS Commando buff

    Sin, sorc, PT DPS "readjustment" (aka nerf)

    Guardian/Jugg survivability nerf (heal2fullol)

    New PvP maps

    New Raids

    More options for tactical and hardmode flashpoints at 60

    New awesome outfits and mounts


    What will probably happen:


    Togruta playable speices

    Some bug fixes

    New outfits and mounts (mostly reskins)

    Some class overbuffed and becomes the new fotm

  5. MIcs guys, this all boils down to mics, bioware needs to nerf the real pvp overpowered spec. People with mics.


    When I was in a regstar guild we sat in vent and barely said a word because we didn't need to. You really don't need mics to faceroll regs, just a group of decent players. Sad but true.

  6. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say most of this discussion is the result of the overcommercialization of female beauty. We have a generation of young men raised on supermodels and **** stars who tend to lose their collective bowels if accosted with anything other than utter perfection.


    I personally know almost a dozen younger guys who are homely as hell, but wouldn't consider dating anyone they consider at least an "8 or above".


    Sad, sad, sad...


    Well said... But I do agree Lana looks a bit out of place in this game because of lousy texturing and god-awful hair. Is it worth making a thread over it? Probably not, but I supppose you could compare the quality of the unique character models with the old ones (Satele, Malgus, that trooper guy) and find there has been a noticable drop in detail and quality of the npc's models most likely due to budgeting issues. Honestly if Lana were butt-ugly but her character model was well-done and finely detailed I would be very happy.

  7. Again, everything is easy when you're bragging anonymously on the internet.


    But who knows, when I finally get around to it. I might find it relatively easy, too.


    Yeah though, it's not as hard as people are making it out to be, the first boss can be cleared without a tank on pub side if you have a competant team you just need to run out when the adds spawn and los/avoid aoes until their shields time out. The shield bug will hopefully be fixed next maintenance.

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