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Everything posted by -Messiah

  1. Without being too aggressive. I would have to agree that basing your rank or adding to your rank based on the amount of medals you earn is one of the most stupid things I've heard lol sorry but I'm sure bioware even laughed when they read the comment... Well at least I'm sure they didn't consider it for a second to be a legitimate solution
  2. I use it all the time if it's 3v1. Just easier to end it
  3. Does this include the match making system of how the teams are paired? Because that's my problem. This isn't a game where 1 player can carry to win such as DOTA where literally 1 player can carry when the other 4 players are doing bad. This is why it isn't working. Maybe if a really good player could 1v3 or even 1v2 but that doesn't happen unless the 2 or 3 players are retarded(really really retarded)
  4. Matches can't be based on these things... 1) you could keep versing the same crap team over and over again to boost your win/loss. This is why you get less rating for some wins than others 2) any retard could queue all day and your rating would be based on who plays the most rather than skill. 3) medals is just a fun system bioware added to warzones lol this doesn't indicate anything! And should not even be looked at by a player to judge their performance in an arena. 4) this may be good, maybe give an extra +1 rating per vote. Something a little extra because your team recognizes how good you were playing. What I think needs to be fixed is the match making system... High end players want to have some good games at their highest level. This is basically never happening and it's causing threads like this to come up because some players know they are doing good but keep losing because bioware are putting ******* with good players.
  5. lol rating wont change depending on how much damage you do. thats probably youre problem. you have no team mechanics and just try to do the most damage. you may be attacking the person thats guarded the whole game or attacking the tank himself. forgetting to stun the healer ect. maybe work on some strategy to win talk more to your team at the start of the match and work something out
  6. Hehe no it's not another moophy hate thread, although I'm always up for hating him! This is just a joke in reply to someone else's thread BTW they just need to put moophy with people with the same rating at least!
  7. Some guy is trying to make positive threads all over the pvp forums! Well that's just wrong and we can't allow him to do that. So let me share a pvp story and hopefully we can get more... Beat imps 600-0 in civil war. They left and cried to their mommy. GG Here's another... Queued for solo ranked on the bastion! Got moophy and rydeezy on my team. 1 guy has 900rating and I'm at 1400. Moophy quits because someone loads into the game too slow. GG
  8. so would you recommend GBTF for guardian focus tree? i say focus tree because its got the least survivability and if it was added on the tank tree then GOD DAM!
  9. well i dont think it has anything to do with space pvp coming out but the game is dying by itself and theres nothing bringing in new subs... space pvp or not i believe its still going down
  10. lol 6 rounds and the lowest overall stats ive ever seen, well ive seen worse but they are games without healers
  11. Nothing is funnier than the guardian on the bastion who does 23/23/0 which is classed as a dps and he thinks it's good because he's a hidden tank haha then you basically have 2 tanks on your team and 1.5dps. Ruins the whole team and not enough dmg to kill anything
  12. Don't think it needs more buffs. Just in a 4v4 team there are other preferred dps classes. Also I thought the OP was saying that shadows were over powered.
  13. I was just telling someone about this last night after I said that no one uses guardian smash over sentinel smash. Mainly because of the sentinels survivability (GBTF and stealth) Agreed. Sentinels should be more of a glass canon while guardians get more survivability. The lower dps of the guardian May last longer over time which then match the dps of the sentinel. Also good call on the armor penetration against tanks.
  14. Hahahaha @ his last post, too funny. Imbalances are pretty bad in normal warzones. Do you want to also remove warzones from the warzones queue? Hehe I'd have a bigger problem with ******* queuing ranked because I don't think bioware is matchmaking correctly. P.S No one wants a shadow dps in their ranked team
  15. Hehe my bad, that went straight over my head. I've actually stopped doing ranked now over how bad it is.
  16. yeah **** it. i might try and make a team. ill be happy with average-good players who arent retarded
  17. so ive been playing a fair bit since season 1 started and i still dont understand how we get matched up. i am constantly put with people who dont have rating, some people have under 1000 rating. and a lot at about 1000-1200. my rating was 1450 and i just keep getting smashed. i remember versing someone on 1600 rating as well. im currently sitting on 1340 and are losing way more than im winning due to imbalances in rankings ect. could someone clarify in detail how all this **** works? also i queue for 10mins and see people get 2 matches before i get even 1. are they holding me out until they find someone crap enough to put in my team?
  18. Lol no one will be talking about anything related to swtor in 6-9months. Thanks for wasting a couple of weeks of my time trying to work this out. ****
  19. i know theres already a thread about this. im not gonna reply to the other thread because i dont feel that my comment will get it through peoples heads. i dont care if i get banned from the forums for this... i hope this shows how serious we are about stopping <character name>(theres already a thread about him name starts with M) and his trolling. im sick of it. he sees 1 badly geared player and he quits. first we dont even know how crap the player is AND the other team may have crap players as well. i even remember we won a match 3v4 and i messaged him later saying we still won you dumb ****. see this photo please... http://i.imgur.com/fkd7D7d.png http://i.imgur.com/31mup2r.png please make a report button for ranked. please get it through your heads that this is serious and start banning people from ranked. make a tribunal like in league of legends. DO SOMETHING! im sick of trying to up my rank with games like this. i even endure the crap players as long as they are trying. ive tried to use the report button. but they dont let me say hes dodging warzones. and any other report does exactly point out what hes doing. i dont want his account banned either i just want him banned from ranked, we need something specific for this. also dont just send me a *********** warning for swearing/insulting/calling out on the forums and do nothing about this problem.
  20. yeah when it happened to us we put our backs to a pillar each. but for the OP in a 4v1 at the end it should never go in the stealthers side. id suggest 2 options.... 1. disable phase walk after the timer is up. (someone already suggested this) 2. the commentator could interupt when the timer ends... 'ROTWORMS ARE BY FAR OUT NUMBERED! GIRADDA KNOWS YOU HAVE NO CHANCE... WE ARE ENDING THIS HERE.' which just ends the round and the team with 4 wins. i would make option number 2 available for 4v1, 4v2s, 3v1s. not sure what you would do for the other match ups... 2v1s ect.
  21. ok so the big question. what realistic steps can we take to make more people que for pvp? ive seen suggestions like cross server pvp which bioware have said that they cant do. someone today suggested matching people with the same gear level and class for balancing. this would only make the queues even worse by categorizing even more. i honestly dont know but im sick of sitting there for a queue, going afk after 15+mins and coming back to see that i got kicked from the warzone(lol sorry but i cant sit there at my screen for that long waiting, maybe make the swtor screen pop up when i get a ranked pop) this is at 1pm during the day, it may not be prime time but its a damn MMO and its not like its 2am in the morning. im getting to the point where its get queues or uninstall, but not trying to rage though and id prefer to play the game. im out of ideas except for spam in general chat... QUEUE SOLO RANKED PLS! QUEUE SOLO RANKED PLS! get comms before season 1 starts! QUEUE UP! ect.
  22. agreed lol theres like 3 good teams and then theres the rest who may be good but they dont fit well in a team. ive been queuing my guardian naked and out dpsing most people on my team or coming close to the same. 1 game i got 1400dps with only main hand and offhand. i just want more people to que damit! dont even care if i lose
  23. -Messiah

    Fix leap?

    Agreed. This happens so much it's beyond a joke At least add to the tooltip - 'guardian leap is not guaranteed to make it to the destination and may fall short' **** you bioware
  24. There are so many different claims saying this works or that works. To add to that there are others claiming that what people said doesn't work. It would make it easier for the reader and the person making the posts to upload screen shots and end the needless conversations
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