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Posts posted by Maevena

  1. How would it be nonsensical to pretend to believe Arcann, use him and his mommy against Vaylin, then dispose of both of them? To some characters they would be tools to be used and discarded, plus seeing the look on his face when I stab him in the back (like he did to daddy) would be priceless.


    Apparently EA isn't capable of that level of writing though- it's either blindly good or stupidly evil. Apparently behaving more like Palpatine is not an option for the outlander. It's not like there's a history of betrayal in Star Wars or anything...


    I know, right? This is something that a Machiavellian, smart evil character would do. Use your enemy and then discard him when he's no longer useful. Bioware only lets you play Stupid Evil however.


    As for Arcann, well... I couldn't care less about him or his "redemption". I feel sorry for Senya (and it hurt me so much having to kill her, but that's what my BH would do...) and even for Vaylin, but Arcann? He can die for all I care.

  2. It's sickening for me because I've talked to people who were subjected to torture as children.

    If you collect all 7 log entries for Nathema you learn the following.


    -That Vaylin was kept in solitary confinement on Nathema

    -That the guards were instructed to beat her until she stopped fighting back

    -That Jara drugged her and subjected her to Electro-Shock Torture to make her compliant

    -That she was forced to watch vivisection of anyone she made friends with on Nathema (a vivisection is when you cut up a living organism and it's almost always fatal)

    -That her memories were corrupted by Valkorrion

    -And she was taught to shut down her empathy and forced to help with the torture sessions.


    My friends - this seems like an accurate description of HELL.


    I felt so sorry for Vaylin and her abuse at the hands of her father is horrifying... and I hate that you are "pushed" so to speak, to try and redeem Arcann and feel sympathy for him. Talk about double standards.

    Arcann is not seeing the light on the day again just on principle :D

  3. Between this and the dumb "Virmire" choice, I think I'm finally done with the game.

    It feels as if the Dev want to get rid of our old companions so they can focus on the new ones, which sucks because while I like Lana and Theron I couldn't care less about Senya or Arcann or their family drama.

  4. All companions in the class stories are forced on you, and there are a lot where it makes less sense then Gault, though I will give you that it is compleatly stupid for a bounty hunter in the middle of the great hunt to travel around with one of your marks.


    True, and? While I can't speak for all classes, some companions felt "right" for my characters others just felt forced, and some others even more forced and out of character (Skadge for example). Gault is just not a companion my BH would take if I RP her.


    (Corso is another that feels forced, then again, my Smuggler and I hate him but I can see why some smugglers would want him around)

  5. Gault.


    Me too! I never liked how he was "forced" as a companion on my BH (who never left a mark alive, at least not a mark that she was supposed to kill) and neve liked his attitude, but he grew on me to the point I actually felt he was a friend to my BH.

  6. Sorry OP. I too would like to have a Chiss Jedi, not a Maul!Clone, but that is simply not happening.

    Why, you ask? Cause people in MMO find evil choices fun and cool and knowing they wont suffer any punishment, they always pick DS option. Every time I run FP, i end up being the only one who picked LS option vs 3 DS choices.

    So you better mentally prepare yourself tor getting Darth Whoever.


    Yeah, unfortunately we have too many edgelords, nihilist-wannabe players (I mean, I have my DS characters, and I love to roleplay but even them never go full DS since the choices are moronic at times.)


    I have resigned myself to not getting my Jedi Chiss.

  7. Torian submissive? Riiight...


    Anyway, my mando BH didn't like the "animal" comparison but agrees with Lana. The clans have no direction and are easily blinded by their bloodlust and desire for battle. Their culture is self-destructive, this is actually addressed by Canderous in KoTOR (still bitter about what happened to him).

  8. I know, it's silly for me to hope that they add it back in. :( I'm hoping it's just a trigger bug that is easily fixed. Here's a youtube link so you can watch it.



    Well, he was the husband of Mandalore's heir. That's pretty up there.


    Wait, I remember having this conversation with him, since when it has been bugged? (I'm asking because I wanted to replay the romance with a new BH)

  9. Mostly this for me. The Torian reunion was a bit meh, especially as I finished all the previous chapters on my BH at the weekend to be ready for this. The devs really missed an opportunity by not including Akaavi Spar in this chapter as it could have been run with 2 companions similar to Vette/Gault ('Profit and Plunder' being the best chapter so far imo, followed by 'Disavowed'), instead of having the option of getting the extra mandalorian npc to fight with you.


    I have yet to do the Broonmark quest - I hate him so much I cba with it yet.


    The dialogue with GEMINI prime & SCORPIO (and SCORPIOS letter after saved) the chapter.

    I give 6/10 for this one.


    This. I was really looking forward to the reunion with Torian since my BH is my main and he's my favourite romance., but while I enjoyed the interactions I felt they were... lacking. You get more conversations with Vette and Aric for example.


    Also, I wanted to see Akaavi.


    This chapter felt really short too, even shorter than the previous chapters.

  10. It has been really interesting reading all of the responses here.


    Anyway, I have an easier time playing a LS or Neutral SI that hates the Empire and the Sith than a Warrior. While my Warrior do picks LS choices out of self interest, long term thinking regarding what's best for the Empire, pragmatism and a warped sense of honor, but she's not really one to go around kissing babies in the forehead or letting jedi alive. She's a Sith and a really pro-Empire as it stands (maybe with a few reformations, whatever makes the Empire stronger), so she's basically Lawful Evil.

  11. Le'ts face it: these are LS Jedi Knight story's latest chapters. You feel off as DS in this story because it was written for JKs (Scourge's vision isnt fulfilled yet btw). BW was just lazy to write 7 other storylines so they decided to put everyone in the place of the JK. You can say DS PCs are scheming or anything but the truth is it will never work for them. BW didnt create a one-for-all storyline. They simply stopped writing the other 7 class stories.


    It does certainly feels that way, even when I'm playing my Neutral/Ligth SI ans LS Consular. This story is not for them, or about them. It's even more obvious to me when I'm playing a Tech class.

  12. Nobody has gotten him back, the companions return either as plot-important characters (like Kalyo or SCORPIO) or as recruitment quests for the Alliance (Blizz, Qyzen etc.). We know that at some point we are going to find out what the Mandalorian clans are up to in regards to the conflict with Zakuul, so it's likely he'll be back for that. You should be able to rekindle your romance.


    Damn, hopefully it would be soon. My BH feels a bit lonely without him.

  13. Let's face it, the bar isn't exactly set very high in this game. Between an uptight awkward prig like Quinn, a slimy creep like Doc, an egomaniac like Theran (Cedrax), a well-meaning but sexi... I mean... "old fashioned" goober like Corso, we're not exactly given a huge dearth of guys to fawn over. Andronikos (psycho), Lt Iresso (boring), Torian (HONOR!), and Vector (bugs?!) are probably the only ones I would really entertain out of the original comps.


    Theron is that rare gem who manages to be genuinely charming and personable without any obvious or major flaws.


    Lest anyone think I'm picking on the dudebros in this game, Lana is also a pretty nice step up from a lot of the women comps too. I absolutely adore Kira, but good lord she needs rescuing almost constantly right up until the final mission.



    As much as I love Torian and Vector I have to agree with you here. Haven't romanced Theron before but he seems fine so far. Not exactly my favourite but I'd romance him rather than Corso-sexist-Riggs or Quinn.

  14. Yes, it was possible to kill characters back in beta, though enough people whined because they could kill their healer and then... *shock, gasp* they didn't have a healer any more! This was before a Dev had the bright idea to give the ship droids the ability to be healer companions, so the baby went with the bathwater.


    I can get why people want to kill Skadge and have done Vik on pretty much every playthrough thus far, but Ashara? Future!Nox can really show off his b@stard streak in tormenting her with polite kindness, and if you romance her, he's effectively forcing Kalatosh Zavros, one of the spirits bound to him, to watch him sh@g his granddaughter (and until recently, with the knowledge that she'd be his last descendent). (now do you see why my Imperius is female? this game gets really dark when you think about things)


    As for the post. My hunter wouldn't kill skadge... she'd let him come on board, then jet boost his fat @rse into the holding cell, get Mako to remotely seal it the moment he's in, and then check with all the exchange bosses to see who'll pay the most for his blubbery hide. She is a bounty hunter, after all. it's just business.


    I really miss those options, considering you can change your companions "combat role" it wouldn't be a bad idea to bring them back...


    Quinn would be the first one to go, of course, you don't betray a DS Sith, utterly fail and think you can keep on living. If I had my way I wouldn't even recruit Skadge, my BH has nothing in common with him.

  15. What's an edgelord?


    What dr_mike linked, usually teenagers with no understanding of moral concepts that spout nonsense such as "There is no right and wrong, no good and evil. It's all perspective! We can't pass moral judgement! Shades of Graaaaay" and think they are being deep and meaningful.


    As a philosopher (granted, philosophy of science) major, they are my natural enemy :p

  16. If weeding out the weak is "morally evil" then evolution and natural selection are as well.


    The following sentence is not intended to be serious: Judging from the in-game number of red lightsabers on Republic side and blue/green on Empire side it's safe to say that the Jedi, are in fact morally evil and the Sith are morally good.


    Confusing natural selection with Social Darwinism... I hope you're joking.


    What people tend to forget when asking such questions is the fact that good and evil are nothing else but points of view. I could go ahead and write a wall of text to elaborate, but I doubt I have to.


    Most modern philosophers disagree with you here. While there's plenty of debate on metaethics, we know ethics aren't arbitrary.

  17. I see the edgelords are out in force.


    My thoughts exactly, or rather teenagers with not understanding of morality. Reading this thread since the start has been a constant facepalming after another.


    "Well, societies decide what's good and evil, so there is not good and evil! Normative moral relativism for the win!"

    "It's survival of the fittest, the natural state of things!"


    Nietzche himself would be appalled by all the nihilism in this thread. Let me play my Sith in peace instead of trying to justify it with naive morality and nihilism.

  18. Girl gamer chiming in - there is literally nothing appealing about this guy. He is an ant. He only ever talks about ants, the hive or finding other hives, and if I leave his armor piercing combat stance on then he stands in the storeroom of my ship pumping out a nasty green pheromone cloud.


    Whoever wrote this particular romance - why is the only option for a female Imperial Agent a dehumanized bugman? The flirt options are so ridiculously contrived, he sits there nattering away about his ants and all of a sudden I come out with "HOW ABOUT SOME ALONE TIME WINK WINK NUDGE NUDGE" and he's all "that would be nice, also THE HIVE IS CALLING ME I HEAR THE SONG OF THE UNIVERSE!"


    The whole point of a good romance subplot is the object of your character's affections is meant to have some likable qualities. This dude is repellent, it's like trying to flirt with a rock. A rock covered in ants. I'm keeping up with the romance sub-plot purely because I keep thinking "There's GOT to be something that saves this from being completely awful...right?" and like a car accident, I just can't quite look away.


    Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying romance sub-plots should be lovey-dovey cuddlefests, but this guy kind of makes me throw up in my mouth a bit.


    You haven't romanced Corso, have you? :D Now that guy is repellent. I actually like Vector, outside of the whole bug thing he's quite sweet. He has the type of personality I would go for in real life (diplomatic, smart). Torian is my favourite however.

    Now Corso... I can't deal with the guy and his jealousy issues or his chauvinism ("Hur, I know best than those silly women"), he ends up alone in my ship. Haven't tried the other romances so I can't comment on those, but Jorgan has good chemistry with my trooper... if only he wasn't a cat man.

  19. On my female smuggler, he won't stop trying to jump my bone and keeps saying he loves me.

    On my male smuggler, he won't stop complaining that I'm killing a woman.

    No matter the character, I WANT HIM DEAD!


    He's such a chauvinist pos, I wish my Smuggler could get rid of him forever. His bio is actually creepy too.

    (I have this joke that she's relieved after losing him in KOtFE... she's finally free!)

  20. You're not the first nor the last Smuggler to feel this way. ;) MANY would love to throw Corso out of the nearest air lock, think it's become somewhat of a running joke actually.


    I personally enjoy ensuring he's at my side every single time my Smuggler meets a flirtable NPC and even for one nighters, just to piss him off.


    Haha, I thought I was the only one who did this :D but really, my smuggler loathes Corso, the only thing they agree on is their hate for the Empire, and she's LS/neutral(ish).

    He's such a creepy, "nice guy" that thinks he's entitled to the smuggler attention, even going around saying how "she deserves better". My girl couldn't wait to get rid of him.

  21. Actually I did the math again. Corso is 22 in Chapter One. Which probably doesn't help you much in the RP area, but still good to know.


    Wow. Well, this made the romance really awkward for me, since my Smuggler is 29-30 at the start.


    Also, where does it says that Torian is only 17? I'm curious, never heard of that one before.


    Edit: nevermind I just saw the link to the Encyclopaedia. Dammit, Torian is too damn young.

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