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Everything posted by ParagonAX

  1. General consensus? Why don't you do a tally of the posters in this topic and see how many were in your favour?
  2. "I am stunlocked all the time, yet I / my team can never stun anyone else." - #1 paradox of SWToR forums
  3. Only a handful of people want to learn it because it takes EFFORT. Effort to talk to the team and coordinate, instead of just participating in a free-for-all zergfest, which is 99% of non-ranked WZs.
  4. OK, so the OP agrees that they could use grenades and CC and focus fire as well. And then he proceeds to say the whole system is broken. How exactly is it broken if any player/team has access to the same mechanics? If you don't like the mechanics go back to WoW, or L2P SWToR.
  5. Lots of QQ in this thread by OP. Looks like it's a L2P issue. Learn to communicate, CC, stun, and you can take down BiS enemies in seconds too.
  6. Can anyone confirm that only 26 armorings from offhands can go into Belts/Bracers? And 27 armorings can't?
  7. Why would anyone care about trash mobs?
  8. Tooltip change highlighted in bold: - No effect on 1v1 effectiveness. - No effect on PvE (boss fights are what matters in PvE). - Instead of doing absolutely ridiculous 8k smashes on EVERYONE, now does 2-3k damage to 3 people, as an example. Looking forward to constructive feedback.
  9. Definitely imo, it's not that difficult to get BM. BUT if you want to put the BM armoring into another armor, that would NOT work. The bonus is tied to the shell. If you want to take out the armoring to put into another armor piece, you have to grind to WH, which has the set bonuses tied to the armoring.
  10. This thread should be stickied. Way to many people QQing about PvP when they refuse to put in the effort to make themselves more competitive.
  11. I am in the same boat as the OP. But I found that 50's PvP can be very enjoyable. Step 1: Grind BM. This is fairly easy. If you play a few matches every night, get all the dailies and weeklies, I found that it's relatively easy to get the set within 1 week. This is what I did: - Saved up comms for a WH mainhand before 50, if I grinded harder could have saved up for both WH mainhand and offhand. - Got battlemaster head, chest, pants, gloves, boots in 1 week. Rest of slots leave as recruit. - Start working towards WH ears and implants, then upgrading BH pieces to WH. (in progress) - With BM and 1-2 pieces WH you should be at 1100-1200 expertise, which is not far off from end-game, if any. I did not have any feeling of underpoweredness in Warzones by this point. Step 2: Find a PvP guild. Does not have to be an insane guild that does ranked WZs every night, those are hard to get into. Just one that have active people PvPing, so you can get into a few premade groups. Get on vent and coordinate attacks/defenses. Even if no1 on the premade has full WH, you will have a much much better chance of winning, and have more fun at it. Hope that helps! P.s. I have a sniper, not a pyro or jugg/mara that everyone thinks is overpowered. Truthfully any class/specs can have a great time and hold their own in normal WZs. Ranked WZs is another matter.
  12. If you are having trouble hitting Juggs/tanksins because of the crazy deflects and defenses, try specing into Lethality aka. tank melter. You should have no trouble playing a powertech, it's one of the burstiest classes out there. And if you are serious about PvP, Ops should be used as healers, that the most imba role they are for.
  13. Can you please post a Mr. Robot profile? I'm not doubting you at all, but just can't seem to replicate it.
  14. So there is no other setup to decrease surge and get more power/cunning? I've been shooting for Ryvirath's stats on post #4 but it seems that is a fantasy...
  15. That would unfortunately be swapping a stat that is over DR cap for a stat that is completely useless
  16. Does anyone know if commendations equipment from planets are tradable to other players within the first 2 hours of purchasing them now?
  17. Is anyone able to make the Advanced XXX Armoring 27 yet?
  18. Thanks guys for the great answers. I've played around with tinkering stats a little, and came up with this: http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/18009aff-07b3-40e0-bfb5-1c3ee5b13686 (items in Wish tab) I know there are a some things that could be swapped (i.e. 64C/12P vs 53C/39P mods), but my primary concern is this: I think there is way too much Surge at 371, when I should be shooting for approximately 250. Almost all of my surge comes from the Adept Enhancements. The problem is, though, that the only other viable alternative Enhancement would be the Initiative Enhancement with Accuracy and Power. If I swap out 2 of my Adept for Initiative Enhancements, I will lower my Surge to ~250ish, but have too much Accuracy. The only way to lower that Accuracy would be to swap out my Implants, which I really don't see any alternatives for. Could someone make any suggestions with this? How could I decrease Surge on this character while keeping Accuracy/Crit constant, and possibly increase Power/Cunning?
  19. Thanks for the great answer. The only thing I'm a little confused about is the accuracy rating. Shouldn't we be OK with 0 accuracy, given that we have the +3% from skills and +1% from companion?
  20. Would anyone be kind enough to post a fully min/maxed set of gear for a MM sniper? I'd really like to find out what to strive for Thanks in advance!
  21. If anyone has one on The Shadowlands please send me a PM, will pay well =)
  22. Can someone please show me the skilltree for the famed "hybrid" spec? I assume it's a combination of MM and Engineering? I am currently striving for the 35/3/3 build, curious as to what hybrid can offer.
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