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Everything posted by MONGRYL

  1. Kotet a sad place for a very good game to end up,will the next xpac be any better ?will the devs remove the feeling of having absolutely no choice iin fights but to follow a scripted set of actions or have the game break?. The expansion was so unlike SWTOR its hard to understand how it was dumped on a previously free roaming game.I gave up swtor after a very long time of playing when the suffocating play style that is KOTET landed to me the game was unpleasant to play,to be put in a straight jacket was the feeling i got from playing it. If the new update follows this style SWTOR will not recover a very sad end if thats the case.
  2. Answer - no one we will all have died of utter and complete frustration with the total mess that is KOTET/KOTFE. These expansions are total garbage, okay as a quick single player distraction for those not prone to rage at being pushed along a tightly scripted corridor that must be absolutely followed in exactly the way the devs set out the game is in fact the most unpleasant gaming experience you will ever take part in. Do yourself a favour and have nothing to do with this miasma of mmorpg hell.
  3. SWTOR is a great game the class missions are great and you will find lots of things to keep you busy sadly the expansions KOTET and KOTFE are trivial, scripted garbage. You are forced to play a set route, miss a scripted event because you stand in the wrong place or you move through an area too quickly and the game stalls/breaks. I was under the impression this was a multiplayer game but the tight scripting events make you feel as though you are wearing a straight jacket. It is a case of follow the route the devs decide or dont play absolutely no freedom at all. The first expansion i soldiered on to the end in spite of the terrible rigours of playing such a tightly scripted game but the next expansion kotfe take you to a whole new phase of torture i abandoned the game very early into this expansion as the crushing boredom of following set scripts defeated me. This is the first game that i have failed to finish and i must say after many years of game playing i have played some garbage but Kotfe is perhaps the worst.
  4. So sad to see how far the games fallen it shocked me after many hours making characters to play the new content,i did enjoy leveling up the new alts through the old content i hadn't touched for a while so not all lost time.
  5. After months of making new characters getting them ready for Eternal Throne i was more bitterly disappointed by this chapter than by any game ever.It seems to consist of controlling objects like walkers,small droids throw in mind numbingly boring dodge the death rays episodes and then the absolute best bit the episode of lets sneak around for an hour planting charges avoiding guards ,locked doors etc wow its just like playing thief only far more boring and this in the middle of some party thing god how i hated thief. Come on guys why do this ?My subs not going to be renewed after this debacle of an expansion.
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