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Posts posted by ShyNyny

  1. I'd be all for a Manaan stronghold. It would be the best place to afk, ever, so peaceful.

    I know the Yavin stronghold is supposed to have waterfalls, but I'm really not at all thrilled with the Yavin stronghold, and a waterfall is cool, but being underwater is cooler. :p


    I'd also love a Voss stronghold.

  2. Reposting my post from the original thread:




    It drives me crazy having my characters out of order, and it's incredibly annoying to have to log into 16 characters in a row just to get it organized.


    I'd love to "drag n drop" them in a certain order that stays fixed unless I drag n drop them again, but it would be nice to see a toggle to allow 1. current method, 2. separation based on faction, 3. highest level on top, 4. drag n drop, or perhaps even 5. alphabetical.



    I seriously can't be the only mild to moderate OCD sufferer, here.

    This "minor" Quality of Life change would make a huge difference, for some of us.

  3. The fact that the "Afro" is called an Afro just shows how clueless the devs are.


    I was so excited when I was told there would be an "Afro" ingame.

    I was so very disappointed when In saw what the "Afro" looked like.


    I truly don't despise the sort of Dread Bun the guys can have, but I feel like my female characters have no real alternatives, and not much in the way of options.


    I suppose I can understand how it could be difficult for some to draw the kinky curly texture, but this is a 3d model, you'd think that'd make it easier. I can really see no excuse for that "Afro", though.

  4. I'd love to see this type of unlock, more flavor, more Legacy perks for leveling multiple classes. I tend to use as many alternative regens as possible, which may be why I like Mirialan so much.... hmm


    I am agre with you guys.

    Also I would love to unlock weapons for mirror classes.

    Exemple. 1

    Commando Big Canon would look good on my merc... also I would love to see vanguard and PT with balster canon...

    Exemple 2

    I would prefer seen my imperial operative with a pistol than a rifle... but that's me.


    I would love when you finish storyline for both mirror classes... you could choose more options...

    Also i would make things more fair because Jedi/sith classes they can both share same legacy weapon and same lagacy off-hand with their mirror classes... Smuggler/ IA and BH/tropper cannot.


    I've truly never understood WTH a STEALTHY OPERATIVE is doing with a blaster rifle... Why aren't they using Pistols? It makes no sense.

    If I could unlock the ability to use a pistol on my Operative, I'd be ecstatic.

  5. Unfortunately you cannot go by twitter posts.


    They just ran with a Chiss theme for a week - for instance this week is now Voss.


    A Voss stronghold would be pretty fantastic, even if it makes little sense... perhaps it would have to be tied to the rep, then... I'd love to have playable Voss, in fact.


    I could see the majority of the Manaan stronghold being underwater, with a patio & landing pad just above the surface.


    It would be awesome if it were to have a sort of escape pod / submersible as the stronghold exit.



    It drives me crazy having my characters out of order, and it's incredibly annoying to have to log into 16 characters in a row just to get it organized.


    I'd love to "drag n drop" them in a certain order that stays fixed unless I drag n drop them again, but it would be nice to see a toggle to allow 1. current method, 2. separation based on faction, 3. highest level on top, 4. drag n drop, or perhaps even 5. alphabetical.

  7. I got it, don't worry. :p Sorry, but I have to disagree.


    My point is, if 22 characters are not enough for you, I don't know what would be. Obviously you won't ever play with those extra characters you want to level. Noone can have that much spare time to play with them all. So I find no point in this suggestion. :)


    It's not your fault you don't understand the Altoholic mind.


    You can not honestly say you know they'd "never play those characters". They likely just want to shelve them for a time. If they're shelving them, and not deleting them, there's a reason for it, and they're likely to retrieve them later on.


    No one can have that much spare time? Isn't that, in essence, exactly what the OP is saying? He wants to temporarily shelve certain characters, so he can devote time to something new and hopefully more interesting.


    Regardless, I don't personally feel it's a bad idea. While I'm not near the 22 character mark yet myself, I can see how it would be bothersome to have to delete characters you like, or who have some special something you can no longer obtain, just to create that new Agent to try that other other Agent storyline.

  8. Ask you doctor about this product. It's a technological solution to help people with color blindness, but it's rather expensive and doesn't always work for everyone. Your doctor is far more qualified to help you understand if this is something that is right for you or not.




    The product is basically a set of glasses that filter a small portion of the color spectrum where two colors overlap. By removing this portion of the spectrum, it allows those with color blindness to more clearly distinguish between the two colors.


    I've seen those, and while they look interesting, and are a fantastic product idea for many reasons, they will not help here.


    Not only due to expense, but also because there's not an "indoor" version, and certainly not a "computer use" version. As I recall, the glasses are most usable "outside" in "optimal lighting conditions".


    Regardless, the answer shouldn't be to drop hundreds of dollars on glasses that may or may not even work, given the conditions. The answer should be for BW to add in a Color-Blind mode, like they should have from the start.


    So I kindly ask to change something. May be implementing a colorblindmode? or just chose other colors and test this during the development or on the Pts with colorblinded people?


    I've never understood why Colorblind mode wasn't baked into games like these from the start.

    Moreover, it's truly bizarre that it has not yet been added.

  10. And to delve into the frightening waters of UnPopular Opinions:


    The "Connected Realms" feature in WoW has actually worked out fairly well.


    I'd say there are far too few realms in SWTOR as it is, to be merging yet again, but that's just my opinion, and I do believe that some type of "Connected Realms" "merging" could be one of the best possible solutions.


    To be clear: I'm not talking about Cross-Realm Zones, here, those are terrible, but I'm talking about the "mergers without actually merging" "Connected Realms".


    It pools the people together, connects their AHs (the game's GTN) and allows grouping, guilding, etc with people from the Connected Realm, BUT people still keep their names and their characters are still on each server, and what not. (Really this probably should have been what BW did in SWTOR, if they'd thought about it / had the tech / whatever at the time, during the other mergers, as I know I'm not the only one who lost basically all of my characters' names...)


    Just my 2credits.

  11. Hmmmm.


    If I were to vote from the list you have given (which I likely am not, as I refuse to go to some random website to do so, my apologies) I would vote for Farghul and Nautolan.


    It would certainly be fun to play as a LS Farghul Smuggler. For that, I'd purchase both the race and yet another character slot, likely more than one new character slot.


    Many Bothans may have died to bring us this information, but I don't think I want to play one, I'm short enough in real life. Moreover, aren't they too short to be considered a go for BW? I thought BW had very specific height requirements for possible races?


    Here's what I said in a "new race" thread from last year:


    Personally, I would LOVE to see:







    I'd not mind seeing:


    Non-Human Cyborgs

    Better options for fem Cathar... not worth the CCs to me, right now. :(

    More mask options for Miraluka



    Honestly, I want to see playable Voss more and more.

  12. I want a SMALL version of the Revan Statue.


    I just cannot afford placing it, because I still have to buy the rooms into which it can only be placed ... And that's expensive ...




    I was excited when I finally found the vendor who sells the Statues... then I read it and realized I have absolutely no place to put it, because I can't afford any of the areas with centerpieces, in any of my Strongholds... :rolleyes:


    I'd love to see a smaller version (preferably also for sale from the same vendor), that's maybe a Medium or even Large size.

  13. Eric, in the future please ask the team to reduce the costs to 1 credit or even free when such substantial changes are being made. I've spent hundreds of thousands of credits on one character alone - god forbid how much I'll have to spend on my 11 other alts.


    Agreed. I can't afford this retraining on any of my characters, right now. This retraining business was a massive, somewhat nauseating surprise when I logged in yesterday. Worse than a good chunk of my Decorations magically being inaccessible in my Decorations list.

  14. I lost my Jedi Temple Fountains when I picked them up. They are not on the decoration list at all. Not even when I choose Show All.


    It's not just Jedi fountains.

    Quite a few things just aren't listed in the Decorations list right now.



    This bug is easy to replicate by going to a fabrication droid and attempting to view just about any of the items, or by opening up your Personal Decorations from your Stronghold page and attempting to find an item, such as Alderaanian Throne (which I had just purchased and learned when I discovered this issue). For example, every Synthetic purchasable with MK-3 is simply missing from the Decorations list, as is pretty much every item purchased from those droids. This isn't the bug that makes the preview open on the wrong page, these things are just gone from the lists entirely. Also the case when you interact with a hook to use the item, it's just not on the list.


    I'd learned several things before I realized they just weren't showing up on my Decorations list. I really hope they're just temporarily hidden and will return when the bug is fixed, and not forever borked and gone for good. I was in the mood to decorate, too. :(

  15. Definitely needs fixing. The mask is skull-fitting, for crying out loud, it's not *going* to clip. Hood-up, it looks creepy and sinister and utterly evil. Hood down, especially on a female inquisitor (yeah, not rocking the skinhead with sticky out box ears look) it looks borderline absurd.


    Completely agreed.

    I love the helm to pieces, when used with a hood, but can't make myself use it without a hood up.

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