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Everything posted by Ravendevil

  1. Luminous is recruiting a DPS for HM and NiM content. Ranged or Mdps works with our group composition. We're a group of friends that raid together and like to push ourselves in challenging content while having fun. Raid times are 8.30pm AEDT on Wednesday and Saturday. Please submit your application here: http://www.leagueofwarriors.net/
  2. Carried by Three Point O is recruiting an exceptional DPS for NiM content. Melee or Ranged dps works with our current group composition. Raid times are 8.30pm AEDT on Friday and Sunday. Please submit your application here: http://carried3-0.enjin.com/recruitment
  3. This shouldn't drop higher than 208's. Raiding should be where players are rewarded for participating in group content and you need to create the incentive for new players to partake in raiding and there will be those who enjoy it and want to do more raids. If this is designed as a bridge for new players to Ops then I recommend this: What level of gear should be rewarded for clearing 5 encounters? 208 Ear + 208 Implants + 208 Belt + 208 Bracers What level of gear should be rewarded for clearing 7 encounters? 208 Head + 208 Boots + 208 Gloves +208 Pants What level of gear should be rewarded for clearing 10 encounters? 208 Mainhand + 208 Offhand + 208 Relics + 208 Chest + 1 DMC This gives them a full set of 208s and you can other rewards set of legacy gear shells, crystals, alliance crates, etc. But, realistically gear in SM doesn't matter because of Bolster, so you can make the loot whatever, just don't make it drop 220's or 224's. it would be a travesty for solo content to drop the same reward as HM and NiM raids. I still don't see why we need more Solo Content, whole expansion has been solo content.
  4. Why can't it just drop 224's? I don't understand the backwards logic that currently exists where farming easy HM's gives 224's and challenging content drops 220's. If raiders want to run NiM then it should drop NiM loot. No one running NiM raids wants a "chance" at 224, we want guaranteed 100% drop rate. I don't raid for loot, I raid to challenge myself and the team as a group and work towards something, but I feel we're being screwed over. The part about Nerfs and class balancing, small changes are better than sweeping nerfs where you gut the potential of a class to perform and clear highest level content like the 4.0.3 Marksman Sniper nerfs. Small tweaks are better, you can then evaluate how the class performs and if further changes are required.
  5. Recruiting 1x DPS Carried by Three Point O is recruiting an exceptional DPS for NiM content. Melee or Ranged dps works with our current group composition. Raid times are 8.30pm AEDT on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. Please submit your application here: http://carried3-0.enjin.com/recruitment
  6. Luminous is recruiting 1 Rdps for HM progression. The team is currently 7/10 HM and working on clearing Ravagers at the moment. We currently raid 7.30pm AEST Wednesday and 6.30pm AEST Saturday (+10UTC). We’re Pubs as well, sorry Imps. We’re looking for someone who likes to have fun and be sociable while clearing HM/NiM content. Looking for someone with a good attitude and who is willing to work as a team. Experience with progression raiding is preferred, but not necessary. Rdps is preferred, but we can look at other options; tank, Vanguard dps or healer, could also work for the right person. Mail or whisper Ta’feek in game or respond here. Thanks.
  7. <Bellatores Republica> Our team is currently looking to recruit a dps for Nightmare 55 progression. We are looking to start Nightmare TFB/S&V progression. We currently have the two HM 55 Ops on farm. As an APAC guild we raid 7pm AEST (UTC +10) on Monday and Wednesday. However, we can be flexible if required with our days. If you're interested reply to this post or mail/whisper Ta'feek in game for more information.
  8. Hey, if you're still looking around I run a progression raid team for my guild, looking to add dps to the team. Farming HM 55's for the team to be geared for NiM 55's at this stage. I sent a pm to you with some details, if you're interested. Cheers.
  9. Edited post slightly as we are now looking for 1 dps. Respond here or feel free to mail or whisper me in game to Ta'feek.
  10. Edited post slightly as we are now looking for 1 dps. Feel free to mail or whisper me in game to Ta'feek.
  11. Bellatores Republica Due to recent events, we are looking to recruit two dps into our progression raid team. We have moved to the Harbinger and are raiding there. We are looking to aquire 1 dps. We are after dedicated players, with the appropriate commitment level and a good attitude. Your job will be first and foremost to have fun, because that is after all why we game. We do insist however that you perform to the best of your capabilities, bring a positive attitude and to dedicate to your progression, and the progression of others in the team. Yes, this does mean we do require some committment from you, but it also means we are committed to your success as well. Please treat us in kind. Our Goals: -To have fun -To complete HM TFB -To complete HM S&V -To complete Nightmare EC -To complete Nightmare TFB We reserve the right to trial your performance, so be open to feedback. We're also open to feedback. Make no mistake, this is intended to be fun, but progression is also high on our list. C'aelis wants his Warstalker title. We ask you do all you can to improve your skill in the game (Dummy logs, gearing, experimenting etc). We can be flexible with days, currently we raid Monday and Wednesday at 7.00pm AEST/2.30am PDT. We are flexible and if required we can adjust to week days. For those interested, please contact Ta'feek or C'aelis in game, respond in this thread or PM me on these forums. Thanks.
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