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Everything posted by LordDelectus

  1. I am happy for you. Enjoy the new chapter we all should have been playing many, many hours ago. Nothing has been fixed for me. I have had so many issues between it not starting, then the launcher not even starting. Then it downloaded partially with 308. Closed restarted got to 99 then 308. Now it is just 308 each time. I alternate between relaunching and refreshing this page waiting for something to give.
  2. I will likely forgive everything once I am playing, but right now I am fuming. I have not had a problem before and this one is HUGE. I hope somebody gets terminated for this. I would love to see an apology letter to subscribers for this, but I won't hold my breath.
  3. I keep hitting reload and am at least comforted I am not the only one sitting around waiting for this to be fixed. Tech support said the problem should be fixed by the time I returned home from work. 41 minutes following my return, absolutely nothing. I LOVE paying for a game I am not even allowed to play.
  4. Having the same issue now as many others. 99% then 308. So *********** obnoxious!
  5. Thanks for the update Tait! We appreciate the communication.
  6. I had the same issue. You need to download the repair program, which did not come with the game when you made the purchase. I called customer support and got a link. Once the program was downloaded, I moved it to the main folder in my programsx86 and open it and it took a few seconds and the launcher was fixed. After this I followed the steps outlined above. Always close the window manually then follow up and terminate via task manager.
  7. Thanks for all those who gave me advice earlier! I called customer support and got a very helpful British fellow named Colin. He got the lanucher fixed. I finally began the download after three full launches and full exits using task manager. It took longer to repair the launcher than begin the download. I spent two hours dicking around with the game and had to return to work. I dread getting home and seeing 308 again. At least we can all be pissed off together. My general addiction to the game has been ebbing since I got readdicted last July (sub since July 2012, 12 months of hardcore play then just occasional logging for new cartel packs and expansions). The lack of new, dynamic content and too few people for hm ops on my server.
  8. So after all of this, my launcher won't even open. I reclick and it says only one instance can run at a time. I try to find it in windows task manager and nothing related to TOR shows up. I have no clue what to do, I am not tech savy. Waiting for help on the customer support line.
  9. Windows 7 Sub Non-streaming (bought the physical discs) Located in Iowa Now launcher won't even open!!!
  10. Same problem. Completely locked out of game. I rebooted, nothing happens. I am not tech savvy no idea what to do. Really angry right now. Was looking forward to this patch. I pay my sub each month. A courtesy of acknowledgement would be appreciated.
  11. I opened launcher, sign in and go to the "Play Screen" The button cannot be clicked, nothing on the download screen is happening. I try to exit launcher and it says it is patching. ***?
  12. I heard that this was the patch that would finally give you the legacy unlocks after chapter 3 of the class stories that have been affected. Irritated to see this has not been fixed. -.- I am not a new player, but this would be a huge disappointment for a new sub having completed their first story line.
  13. Yup. Bounty Hunter story with me. No achievement or closure. *********** irritating!:mad:
  14. I think the current way they are doing it makes sense. It is very similar to Final Fantasy VI, when you lose all your companions during the World of Ruin. You get them all back, if you so choose. I think the original companion for each story class must return. They are a forced interaction and often one that lasts a while, you are most likely to become attached to them. These are the status of those so far: Jedi Knight - Kira Carsen - No word. We eventually need to get the Jedi Order involved, right? Kira is the most logical choice, Jedi Consular - Qyzen Fess - We have him back. Smuggler - Corso Riggs - No word yet. Trooper - Aric Joragan - We have him back. Sith Warrior - Vette - She is in the next chapter Sith Inquisitor - Khem Val - No word yet. I miss him a great deal. Usar is nice, but I want my loyal savage back! > Imperial Agent - Kaliyo - We have her back. Bounty Hunter - Mako - No word. Hacking computers sounds like a useful skill. I would like to see her back, she is a favorite of mine.
  15. I absolutely agree! The little touches in any game make it so much more endearing. I always like hearing the responses of certain companions to a new planet, it is small, but makes the world so much more real. I want to see Theron and Satele interact more. Jace Malcom needs to come into the picture. Talk about delicious drama! What I would love most is for a great interaction of old LI's to new ones with Theron or Lana. Choices that matter right? If you cheated on some companions, I think a confrontation and eventual abandonment would only make perfect sense!
  16. I never paused to think about that. The personality differences could be rationalized. Centuries upon centuries of life would grant an incredible level of perspective and, capacity for reason. The more I contemplate, I wonder if the true body of the Emperor was in play up until the second confrontation with Revan, Scourge and Meetra Surik. The timing of this is approximately when he "discovered" Zakuul. Days prior, the Emperor learned of a second plot to overthrow him by the Dark Council. This happened centuries prior. At that time, he may have felt that by liquidating the Dark Council, he would set an example for future Council members to not question his power. With the development of a second plot AND the almost successful attempt to assassinate him, he may have had a revelation. First, it is the nature of the Sith to destroy, plot and scheme for more power. While they uphold the individual and praise strength, (as opposed to the Republic and Jedi Order), there is no bounds or limits. The Sith naturally resist the authority of others and merely bide there time until they can assume control. Knowing that not even fear could control the players of his first grand experiment, he may have decided that galactic domination under the Sith Empire was a fruitless endeavor and declared this original vision of his perfect society a failure. Second, nearly being killed was truely frightening. Without Scourge's intervention, Revan and Surik would have won. Unsettling. We know that absolute mass control of people like we saw demonstrated on Ziost is not a talent he was born with. He tricked those 8,000 Sith lords into the original ritual of Nathema. He also could not control all the minds under the rule. Vitiate may have realized his mastery of the ritual to prevent death by aging was not sufficient to ensure his immortality. He may have gone on a quest to expand his knowledge of essence transference, much like Darth Bane would, thousands of years later. He likely developed the process of creating his "Voices" or as I view them, Force Avatars, at this time. He may have discovered that he could inhabit multiple avatars and thus achieve his aims of ruling his failed experiment and preserving his true body while using one voice, then create another, the one we know as Valkorian to explore the galaxy for a suitable place for a new experiment. Since the Republic and Sith Empire dominated I would say 60-70% of the known galaxy, he would need to look to the Unknown Regions and Wild Space for a new home. Maybe his Valkorian Avatar discovered the Chiss? Would make sense. Eventually he then found the Eternal Fleet, likely resting and unclaimed in the middle of space. Then he found the superstitious and primitive people on a planet that perfectly balanced the force. Zakuul. The perfect fresh canvas for this artist to start his masterpiece without distraction, threats or disturbance. This may also answer why he wasted ANY time with a failed experiment. Essence transfer requires effort and practice and has the risk of failure, as we saw with Palpatine in his final death. Jumping around bodies is to risky, not genuine immortality. The "Voices" the ones he alternated between with Valkorian and the the one known as "The Emperor's Voice" were far safer. I assumed that his true body was kept in a very remote and very secure place by the Imperial Guard. I think Servant One may have stated this in the Sith Warrior story-line. There also may have been practical limitations. Perhaps the benefits of the Nathema Ritual only extended to the body of the performer. A full essence transfer could result in forfeiting this power, a risk Vitiaite may not have been willing to take. The only way to find out would have been through trial and error. He obviously avoided the risk. I know I had a lot of "mays" and other assumptions in my theory, but trying to make sense of this character and how the TOR universe operates is not easy and really requires some elaborate explanation to get from point A to B. If you see a flaw in this theory, let me know.
  17. Genius! The only issue is the severe personality differences. Could it be his desire to reduce most of the galaxy (Outside of it would be Zakuul...so I assume he knows the destructive limits of this ritual...he was the one that invented it) to ash was out of contempt for his failed experiment? He didn't hate all life, his love of himself and his intelligence, thinking he should basically be God, that he can correct the galaxy. Like you said, his attempt at the Garden of Eden with the Sith was a failure. So he wanted to start over and do it correctly. He is still a villain, so we must assume his motives are not out of sincere belief in bettering the lives of others, but rather on his love of self to do what others cannot. It almost sounds like he never really bought into the Sith creed. I assume the only reason he didn't destroy the Sith Empire was because he felt the Republic and Jedi Order were even worse. So at least have them both locked in combat, leaving his precious experiment alone (eventually Wild space will be fully mapped, it is a matter of when) all the while letting him prepare to strike and cripple both?
  18. For me the question is how to make sense of Valkorian/Vitiate, period. Based on what canon exists I have established these facts. A dark and powerful sith child was born. He was like this from the outset. Became Vitiate and tricked 8,000 Sith Lords into "The Ritual of Nathema" in which he absorbed them and all life on the planet Nathema. This turned him into a force aberation, much like Sion and Nihilus. He became immortal and is around 1,300 years old. Servant One stated in the SW storyline that the Emperor's real body is elsewhere. I take this to mean that Vitiate's physical body must remain alive, but his consciousness can be transferred to another body. We know Lord Cronal had this ability during the Galactic Empire era. I assume Vitiate's real body will not die from aging, but still frail and uses the Voices as his avatar into the real world. This is all fair enough, the problem is how Valkorian arrives. If memory serves, Zakuul really became what it is around 300 years prior to the Great Galactic War. I am not sure what Valkorian is. Is he another avatar of Vitiate that following Ziost, he returned to? It is stated that the Vitiate voices were withdrawn from from the Empire quite frequently. Perhaps he jumped between two avatars...leaving one incapacitated while the other was active? It is really hard to rationalize for me.
  19. OMG. I can't believe I did not catch this. It makes TOTAL sense. Excellent catch!!! I have a huge problem with Vitiate/Valkorian. Their is not continuity of personality, whatsoever. Vitiate is a madman. He want's to consume all life in the universe and be all things for all time. He is a destroyer. Valkorian is a builder. He is logical and pragmatic. The nature of what this entity is and how it operates is very poorly constructed in my opinion. Can anyone help bride these two personalities for me? I hope I am just missing a piece of lore here.
  20. Bergeren is dead. I am moving to Ebon Hawk. Just have not pulled the trigger yet.
  21. I am having problems with the datacrons as well. I want the darn decoration. On the Datacron portion of the legacy window, it shows I have unlocked every datacron. Codex shows different numbers for different toons. I made the horrible mistake of tranferring a toon to another server while hunting the datacrons and it has screwed up everything. What do I go by? Legacy window or the codex? What do I need to do in order to unlock the decorations?
  22. I love ops and the gear grind, but they simply need to add more operations. I am sorry, but the Underlurker needs to be nerfed. I have been in SO, SO, SOOOOO many groups that wipe on him like none other.
  23. Theron is my second favorite NPC after Darth Marr. They need to develop the romance storylines more. There is more to a relationship than just flirts and hints of sexual dalliances. I would like to see more complexity to your romanceble companions.
  24. I would LOVE to see TOR Kashyyk. We have three different environs to explore. The lush coastal lines, the towering tree cities and the frightening dark lands. I think Ryloth, Sleheyron and Manaan would be great additions.
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