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Everything posted by -Damask-

  1. This better not be a conscious attempt to force us to buy more cartel packs to get a real black bed later on! If so then I will be demanding a refund for this blue bed that appears black in the preview window but then is clearly blue when placed. http://i.imgur.com/tP22FNN.jpg *** bioware why wont my image embed.
  2. Do they have a green nametag? This is retardedly low and needs to be fixed btw. Also not all green nametag NPCs have animations... Such as the guardsmen, and the companion holos. I know you're going to be getting rid of the holos, because they're stupid and they suck- but they dont move at all, they just stand there; as do the guardsmen. So the fact that they have no animation doesn't exclude them form being NPCs, so having animations shouldn't include them. As it is now there's no reason for me to buy a Tatooine stronghold if I can't display more than 25 pets.
  3. Praxon Aero, Echo, Strato, and Xeno are all broken and cannot be placed on large or narrow hooks. Other praxons are functioning correctly. This should take about 5 min for you to fix. Please do do soon!
  4. 0MFG... Again proof that the devs do not play the game! And I would post in SH since it is a deco item and part of the SH expansion.
  5. Right, I'm not saying we should need to use a hook from the entryway to display an item in the garage, but we should certainly be able to move an item to anywhere else in the room in which the hook resides. I really don't care if it takes me a minute to find which items go with which hooks. If its a little frustrating I don't care because I can actually put stuff where I want it and I have no one to blame but myself if I confuse myself. Given how much this would help us be able to set up our SH the way we want to, and not be limited to random and inconvenient hook placement, the benefits gained would far outweigh the possible negatives. For example- I have 14 Aratech speeders. I can only display 11 of them on the balcony of my DK/Cor apartment because of the stupid hook placement. If we could move a reasonable amount, I could use the extra 4 blue rectangle hooks by the landing pad ramp and put my additional 3 Aratechs on those and adjust the X,Y to put them in line with the other 11. As it is now I have to compromise and it looks like crap. For such a minor change that would take the devs maybe 5 minutes we would gain so much. And if people are really so simple that they cant keep track of what item goes with what hook, and bioware cant think of a better way to do that (like clicking the actual item) then just add a setting in preferences that lets us change the max hook X,Y values. People can opt to change it or leave it alone if they like. Also the 1000 was a suggestion for the centerpiece and starship hooks. Since they are so large to begin with, they would need a much larger adjustment value. Go try to use the 10 place adjustment on a starship and tell me why the hell that's even there at all?!? It's totally worthless lol
  6. The problem is that they think everything is a "trivial matter not worth their time". Like picking unique icons for items, attacks, and buffs/debuffs. Reusing the same icon for 5 different things in game (many of which you have on your screen at the same time) never occurred to them to be a bad idea. Allowing (theoretically) 12 madness sorcs into an operation but giving them no way to determine who's attack debuffs belong to who never occurred to them to be a bad idea. In reality, both problems have a quick and simple solution. For the first, simply copy the icon over to photoshop and slide the RGB slider to the right until the color changes a noticeable amount. Then copy back and viola! Problem solved! Took a total of 20 seconds. The second- simply reserve the bottom most row of debuffs on the boss for the player. Icons hold a predetermined spot in said bottom row based on their alpha position in the abilities list. Problem solved! Nobody will ever curse bioware again because it takes them 5 seconds in the middle of a fight to pick out their incendiary missile, creeping terror, interrogation probe, corrosive dart, etc out from the other 4 or 5 of them currently effecting the enemy. Would have taken maybe 20 minutes for a talented programmer to solve that bug, a few hours for a bad one. The least they could do is let people develop addons if they refuse to solve or even address these huge glaring inadequacies. Keeping the game free of third party conflict bugs is a moot point if people are leaving in droves because the UI sucks ***. And yes the issue where other players see a totally different version of the emote as you is utterly retarded! Pretty much makes the whole emote worthless if people cant see it! Now, instead of addressing these huge flaws already in game, they blindly forge ahead and release yet another bug filled expansion full of more half developed ideas. As usual they did the absolute minimum required to fulfill their promises. Not only can our companions not sit in chairs or lay seductively in the bed, but they cant even wear their proper armor or be of the correct race because they are holograms!!! Those of us who spend millions on pets and mounts cant even display them because of the NPC limit. We cant even position our couch in the center of the wall it is in front of because of the retarded 10 place max side to side movement! Idk about you but I would have been much happier with one well done SH, that lets us actually put stuff where we want it, rather than 4 quickly thrown together ones with terribly restrictive hooks, and no scaling, z axis, or reasonable x,y movement adjustments.
  7. Really what they need to do is let us design our own strongholds. Decorating a pre-determined space with pre-determined stuff that does absolutely nothing (with the exception of random lootable crap that can only be looted a few times per day) is going to get mighty boring. There's no reason we shouldn't be able to change the color of the walls in our tatooine SH, or add new walls, tunnels and buildings to the desert area surrounding the SH. The original Doom had a level editor. I see no reason why a game two decades later should be less advanced?!? Other games that were just released have housing editors that are far more advanced... Hint hint bioware.
  8. Oh and another bug- X, and Y axis are totally inconsistent! One hook has X moving side to side, another has it moving front to back. C'mon bioware!
  9. This X, Y movement margin is utterly retarded! Whether its a small green square or a centerpiece or starship hook its still only 10 pixels we can move them? That's insane! There are floor narrow blue hooks where we cant even move the couch to the side enough to get it centered in front of the wall! Given how badly this hinders us from being creative and how easy this is to fix this is a bad joke. We can't even set up the tatooine cantina bar properly if we want to put it in a corner because it is so huge and can only move 10 places. This is ridiculous!! Just set the max X, Y movement to like 100 for small hooks and like 1000 for large hooks. From a programming standpoint there's no reason why we shouldn't be able to adjust the position to wherever we want. Positioning it 10 pixels away from center takes just as much memory and resources as 87 pixels would. IDK why you devs didn't just play wildstar for a day and copy their housing setup. I guess universal positioning, x,y,z axis and size scaling were just too many manhours for bioware You guys need to learn a thing or two about reverse engineering! Seriously, if we have 6 speeders to display, but only have 5 hooks, why the **** can't we just use a hook from the other side of the room and adjust the position to +48x, +25y or whatever and move the speeder to where we need it? This is a huge oversight and theres no good reason for it. This is as bad an oversight as when you decided to leave out a way for us to manage our attack debuff icons in a operations environment. You could have said "ok so the bottom row of the 5 rows of debuffs on the boss belongs to the player" problem solved! 5 extra minutes of coding, saves us a lifetime of grief... It's just people being lazy- PLEASE FIX THIS! Fixing this will pretty much alleviate a large portion of the fail which was implemented when you decided to go with hooks in the first place. If we absolutely positively have to have hooks, the least you can do with this flawed system is let us put stuff where we want by letting us adjust the position a reasonable amount.
  10. The buff is an insult anyway. If you conquer makeb it wont work in TC, even though you can stand at the door of TC and CLEARLY see that the instance is still on the planet makeb- not like there's some EC type shuttle that takes you off planet. Please explain how any reasonable person can claim that TC is not within the planet makeb?!? 50 million credits minimum, some guilds spending up to 100 mil, and this piddly POS buff only works for leveling lowbies. What a bunch of crap!
  11. Ok so am I the only one who notices that some people who are at the top of the list on prestige can have some pretty ugly looking strongholds? They are littered with cheap, ugly, non-color coordinated junk! There needs to be a better way to decide who gets to top the list. For one the more we spend decorating our SH the more prestige we should get. Just like IRL, a Ferrari gets you more prestige than a fleet of Hyundais... No good reason why the ugly doodoo brown generator thing should give the same prestige as the centerpiece emperor statue! C'mon bioware!
  12. You can still get officer notes, just change the display. Yes correct, the genius dev responsible set it to sort conquest points by alpha, instead of by number. Hence alphabetically it goes 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 etc... so "9" is greater than "8000" because its by alpha.
  13. If you are a warrior who PvPs all the way to 55 and never touch a class mission then Marr stil refers to you as the Emperors Hand. Its just the devs being too lazy to a) check; or b) make separate Marr dialogues; or c) exclude people from Makeb who haven't completed their class quest. People should be excluded completely from the content if they haven't completed their class missions because in a RP sense they haven't earned the galaxy wide recognition that allows darth Marr to know about them and give a crap if they show up to makeb wanting to help. He would be like "who the **** are you? like im going to trust a nobody to handle the empires most sensitive intel and trust you with the fate of this most critical planet? how did you get on my bridge? sheeeit fool... <force choke>"
  14. It is not a buff- do the math. Calculate each bomb at a damage of 100 to make it easy on your thc addled brains. It is a huge nerf! Again! Once again the devs have failed to differentiate from a PvP spec, a PvE spec, and target dummy spec. I really thought they had learned when they miraculously failed to ruin rage for pve last time.
  15. signed and give us the ability to set level, stats, and expertise so they actually resemble a real pve/ pvp fight
  16. Since I long ago deleted that useless piece of cargo bay space wasting crap, I do not remember how it worked. But if It allows you to shoot in 3rd person mode then YES definitely! The least they should do is allow us to take screenshots, if not upload our own jpg or png files that we can then place on the walls. If we are going to spend all this time, credits, cartel coins and/or money to upgrade our strongholds, only to get to 100% and get no tangible advantage over other players whatsoever, and then the only thing that makes our stronghold "unique" is the random way we choose to decorate with the same few hundred stock items that everyone else in the game has... Sorry if I'm not that excited. Hell we can't even be remotely original with our designs due to the NPC limit! As usual bioware has ignored what other games had to offer vis-a-vis similar content. The most fun thing about wildstar housing is navigating jump puzzles created by other players that span the entire 3 dimensional space and can take hours to complete. One super fun game I've played many hours while at work is that flash game called "Crush the Castle" . You attack premade castles with a trebuchet and varying explosive payloads. After you beat the game you can spend time attacking player made castles, which, tbh, mostly suck but there are about 10% that are just as fun as the ones the devs made. We need somehting like that here. How about they open up the desert exhaustion zone of tatooine and allow us to place giant trampolines, pools of liquid, bridges, springboards, etc (think portal and portal 2) so we can actually DO something unique with this new hook framework. We should actually be able to create our own basic huttball courts now. Decorations are great and all but until they actually do something I don't see myself really caring about trying to distinguish myself from everyone else's identical floorplan and stock furniture. Basically if you've seen a dozen decently decorated strongholds in this game you've already pretty much seen them all. Nothing unique or exciting worth spending time exploring after the first day or so. Let us make puzzles, let us make physics, let us do more! At the very least let us make custom wall hangers and signs so we can leave messages for our guests!
  17. As usual bioware half-assed the whole thing. Not only do they give you no actual advantage for maxing out your SH (other than aesthetics), but it doesn't even compare to other games which allow you to place stuff anywhere, and allow you to control the z axis and scale the size of items placed. But you should really know this by now, and lower your expectations accordingly.
  18. The ones with green names over their heads are NPCs; whether they are companions, actual NPCs, animal speeders or pets. Yes this is total BS. I collect pets not mounts so I can't even start my SH
  19. F**K THAT!!! I'm already spending credits and cartel coins to buy crap to decorate with. You sons of b*****s had better not think about charging me for the privilege of being able to place the crap I just paid for. And... I sure as f**k didn't spend tens of millions of credits and endless hours over the past two years collecting hundreds of pets just to have you tell me I can't display all of my little aggressor droid clones. They definitely need to get rid of this limit.
  20. Also fails to deploy in certain areas of the new huttball map (and not in the waiting area or endzone). Also broken in certain areas of DF, as if there is an invisible barrier that causes it to fall off if you pass it.
  21. Cmon we all know that just because another game comes up with a quick and painless method of doing something in a way that works well and everyone likes... pretty much guarantees that bioware will do it exactly the opposite! They will take a simple concept and work backwards until it is the most difficult, un-intuiitive and harsh alternative possible. Guild wars dye system is a prime example. You buy a dye, you unlock that color, you can then click on your gear with a paint bucket tool and color the region on the piece you click on in that color. Easy; quick; effective. How they managed to fail so hard implementing such a simple concept astounds me.
  22. Bioware specifically said they wanted OS to stay an excellent AOE ability... They lied! If they can't even honor their own statements why should we keep any faith in their abilities? Its obvious that these devs responsible for this change have never leveled a sniper. They make posts about how some guide a player wrote helped them level their character. They are the ones responsible for designing the damn game, why should they have to rely on players to help them learn how to play?!? A 70%+ nerf to a level 48 ability is insane. And they didn't even have the courtesy to move OS down to where it belongs now at level 15ish... They ignored dozens of perfectly good ideas on how to "fix" orbital, and they have proved that they have no idea how to balance classes, they have shown that multiple times now. They obviously have no oversight by anyone who resembles a competent player, and they just make these changes based on a meager understanding of how the game actually works and whatever their bosses at EA tell them to do. Why should we stick around and keep wasting our time when the next change they make could ruin another class for no good reason whatsoever? If you don't have the time to properly learn how a class works then you have no business messing with that classes skills! Making a classes endgame ability that consists of an orbital bombardment by a weapon satellite do substantially less damage than a knife stab just shows how clueless you all really are! Spend all that money you get from ****** people on cartel packs and cartel gear and hire some new devs! You blatantly ignore hundreds of bugs and flaws in the game for months and years but when a bug comes along that gives us the slightest advantage or a minute of fun and you fix it immediately! And now you have totally ignored all common sense and ruined our only ability for managing trash mobs. Your incompetence really astounds me... Why bother even having a PTS when you ignore what everyone tells you and just go live with every terrible new mistake you think up? You can't properly balance other classes so you destroy one classes best ability to appease the ones you ignore! I can see it now the next change you are going to come up with to "balance" assassins' crappy dps is to reduce the damage of ravage by 70% ... You need to be accountable for your mistakes. Explain why you lied about keeping orbital a viable AOE ability, explain how you justify a 70% nerf, explain how you justify a knife stab being more powerful than an orbital strike, explain why you ignored everyone's suggestions about how you could keep orbital the same for groups while reducing damage on single target... This crap where you post one thing every week or so and then never respond back has got to stop. Especially when your decisions make no ******* sense and just show how unsuited you all are to be doing this job... Or, admit that you are wrong, change it back, give us our set bonus back, and put your time into fixing the other classes whos QQing resulted in this terrible idea. And it has nothing to do with FOTM as some of you noobs think. It has to do with improvement. I play many hours a day and an always trying to improve my dps while playing a spec I enjoy. Through subtle changes in rotation and my skill increase in the class I can improve my dps with time. Every day I try to parse higher than the day before. When some inexperienced neophyte who has no business even programming a TI-83 comes along and ruins the possibility of me ever improving my dps in marksman and makes me switch to a spec I hate (which actually does more dps) it just makes me loathe this game a little more and puts me a little more closer to moving on to a game here they actually care about the serious gamer. Everything here is so tailored to bads and people who have never played an mmo before. And bioware does absolutely nothing to help people learn to play correctly. The load screens spout BS about the cartel market now instead of actually giving people info on how to play their AC. Had you actually listened to actual real snipers and not a bunch of one-character noobs and baddies who QQ about other classes instead of learning to play their own class you would have heard why this was a ridiculously stupid idea. But you bioware guys aren't interested in actually improving the game for the real players, just signing new subs and selling them cartel crap and 50 different varactyls. How else do you explain why there is thousands of hours spent designing reskins of ugly outfits (none of which have a decent pair of boots) and hideous bright multicolored weapons, and exactly 0 hours spent developing a buff/debuff management system so I can tell which of the 5 ******* corrosive darts on a boss belong to me! You need to start listening to your customers! Had you listened to us before you launched that epic failure that is the dye system (or just googled how any number of other games do it) you would have learned that giving us single modules for gear that has 3 and 4 color regions is not a good idea! If you guys actually play the game you would learn that having an icon that represents 3 and 4 different things is a bad idea, especially when said icon can and does appear twice at the same time on your screen and means totally different things. But I guess all the f2p baddies don't bother to look at icons anyway, which is why they always try to CC mobs with boss immunity. Why isn't that on any of the load screen tips? Not to get off topic here but my point is that you need to start taking this game as seriously as we do. The actual serious players who have 5+ 55s who run HMs and know how the game works... Spending all your time trying to appease the casual player who has no loyalty or vested interest in the game whatsoever is going to only help to typecast this game as a second tier MMO and not worth the serious gamer's attention. It's bad enough the content is so ridiculously easy that you can solo 4 man heroics with ease and you can program a bot to stand in one place and rotate and auto tab and fire and this will successfully level you with no other instruction or human interaction whatsoever. And we cant even flag ourselves and kill these bots because you geniuses wont let people pvp on hutta! So we have to just stand there feeling sick at your total lack of caring that chinese spam bots can powerlevel with impunity right in front of the cantina! It's bad enough that you can get to 55 whithout ever reading a single word of text or listening to a single line of dialogue, and no choice you ever make ever matters! (Unless you want to get a relic before 55, which all require you to pick ALL lightside or ALL darkside choices!). And the storyline for some classes is so poorly done that after reading the novel by Drew Karpshyn you are utterly disgusted at bioware's lack of giving a **** about keeping the lore believable and a reasonably challenging gaming experience. Stop tailoring the game to noobs and little kids and stop ruining our signature abilities. We understand that you're grossly understaffed (despite all the cartel market revenue), but if you can't properly develop the game then you need to rely on our experience and use the PTS properly as a forum for feedback on changes rather than just a way for those who have the time to download it to play the new content early. I really really want to be able to log on to these forums and say something nice, but you make that really impossible!
  23. With the devs making posts about how a player written class guides really helped them out while leveling their characters... WTH do you expect? It's obvious that this guy in charge of class balance never played a sniper, and its clear that he doesn't even read the other dev's posts. Since just a few months ago they posted how they want orbital to remain an excellent AOE but now they make it completely useless to the point where grenades are a better damage option. A 70%+ nerf (yes that's right, the 62% number is BS!) of the classes signature ability just proves how bad they are at class balance. They lie to our faces as if we can't see right through them. There are a 100 better ways to remove OS from single target rotation while keeping it an excellent AOE (which they said) but they chose to ignore every one of those ideas that we gave them. They need to answer for that as well as answer for why they didn't move OS to a sub-20 ability considering it is much less useful then sweeping blasters or suppressive fire is now. Level 48 for this utter piece of crap? And they need to change back the War Hero pvp armoring set bonuses!!! They did that crap out of vindictiveness. You can't even get that gear anymore why are they messing with it? They have proved time and time again that they are unqualified and far too understaffed to properly balance classes and this was nothing more than a failed attempt to appease the under performing classes. An ORBITAL STRIKE from an ORBITING WEAPON SATELLITE OF DEATH is supposed to be a harder hitting ability than other terrestrial or man-portable weapon systems! Don't they understand w.t.f. it is??? Haven't they ever seen Under Siege 2? That is not a joke... How the **** do you explain how an orbiting weapon satellite is one of the worst abilities in the game now and less powerful after 3 bursts than a single stab from a knife??? If they don't stop this nonsensical class change model they will keep losing players to other games. But this is EA after all and all they care about is short term profits. Just look at BF4. Millions of people demanding their money back for that pre-beta fail release that they knew about 100% but didn't care and released it anyway.
  24. I guess you guys are too new to remember rakata and battlemaster weapons. The simple fact is that it was bioware who chose to give us Imps the Black-Red from the beginning.
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