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Everything posted by WhoDaresWins

  1. BioWare writing is not amazing, it's good but it people only praise them as the masters of the quill because it stands above most of the rubbish in other video games.
  2. Believe me, playing as an Agent the "I'm taking your prisoner" options aren't much better since nine times out of ten they'll just go "NO, YOU WON'T TAKE ME ALIVE!" before pulling out a thermal detonator, electrocuting themselves or taking a cyonide pill.
  3. Rakghouls = Werewolves. Blacklight Virus (Deathtroopers) = Zombies.
  4. Two days? Mate, I know several people (including myself) who work full time who hit 50 last week. Yes, trying to endlessly whack down a 50 Juggernaught in PvP kit takes forever and a day, but there is no point complain when the change is coming anyway. They call it patience.
  5. *Looks at signature* Another Inquisitor trying to throw the heat off themselves.
  6. You're kidding, right? The game already has the 'stylised realism which is a codeword for cartoony (not that I mind the graphics, I do quite like them). It already looks Goofy when you have Body Type 3 and 4's running around. Chat bubbles - amongst many other things - seem like a feature they genuinely wanted to put in and were working on but the EA taskmasters were scaling the barricades.
  7. Wait until you do the final Agent boss. You can die to the Elite patrols before reaching him, but he goes down like a wet paper towel.
  8. I'm sorry but if you're not wanting to be spoilt then don't go to a SPOILER forum. Even if the rule was in place, anybody with a bit of savvy would realise many people aren't going to be smart enough to avoid putting spoilers in the titles.
  9. Nope. I also viewed it in this light which is why I was surprised Satele didn't get off'ed either. Personally if I was writing the class stories I'd have had the Knight/Consular tag team Malgus in the finale and the Warrior/Inquisitor take on Satele but hey.
  10. Because BioWare has a fetish for slaughtering Empire characters.
  11. I don't see her becoming a Companion due to that old chestnut of "We won't let you kill Companions because people will rage they don't get them anymore". I could however forsee her making a few more appearances further down the line of the 'Planet main quests' provided you spared her, but a full on Companion won't happen. Same with (Trooper spoilers):
  12. This. The Balmorra story for the Empire takes place before that of the Republic and vice versa for Taris.
  13. Companion Missions also felt skipped over. In Mass Effect or Dragon Age... heck, KotOR as well, if you got to a certain point of 'Affection' with them you'd get those missions/quests/whatever based around the past of that companion. They were very much 'story driven' and helped you to get emotionally invested in the character it revolved around. In TOR we get one for our first Companion and none for the others. Instead they will just say "Hey, there's this really important thing from my past that has cropped up and I want to go and sort it out. That cool?" and if you agree you just get a black screen and "That went well. Thanks boss!". It seems to me like they wanted to include more but ran out of time because the EA taskmasters were clawing at the gates. But I agree, hearing Temple call my character "Sir" the rest of the time and "Husband/love" the others is a bit jarring.
  14. Why should it matter if the enemy was in my face when I activate the ability, or if they were in my face when everybody else is knocked back? It's blatantly obvious this was how it was intended or else they would INSTANTLY be knocked by the second you activate the ability and not after the animation finishes. It takes more practice in timing it for when the enemy is almost in range than it does waiting for them to already be carving you a fancy new chest ****** with their lightsaber.
  15. It's the timing that is the issue. In theory, you should be able to hit the ability so that by the time the animation finishes they are sent flying JUST as they get a few inches from you (the actual time the pulse detonates) but instead they are only effected if they're in your face beating on you as you hit it. Timing it right should be the 'correct' way, but it is infact the opposite where you are at a LOSS because you tried to time it just right. Then again, you're probably somebody who would accept it if BioWare made every single ability unusable and still defend it.
  16. What community? As somebody who has played WoW from Vanilla there was as much of a community before Cross-Server communities as there was after; AKA NONE. It's a myth conjured by the people who stroke their e-peens and like to pretend players will run in fear of them if they appear in the Warzone. The closest thing I have ever seen to a 'PvP Server Community' was ironically on Lord of the Rings Online where there were strict Creep players (IE: Purposely underpowered underdogs who could effectively use zerg tactics) versus Player players (IE: Regular characters at the level-cap who were more powerful individually but lacked numbers). That was on a game not focused on PvP at all. Being a Creep was to purposely make yourself an Underdog and a powerful well-known Creep was a reputation WELL EARNED. Imagine playing Dark/Demon Souls, only the enemies were played by real people. Yes, there were bad apples but ultimately the relationships between Creeps, seeing well-known respected and infamous faces on the field of battle was what I could well and truly call 'Community'.
  17. Nobody actually plays Operative/Scoundrel on my server so I fail to see what all the whining is about.
  18. The server I am actually has more Republic players than Empire, but it still doesn't stop Huttball pinging about 60% of the time. I enjoy Huttball as a one off distraction every once in a while but not as a common Warzone... kind of like Space Combat really. As somebody who played DAoC and WAR I am a firm believer in encouraging faction pride. Granted, it may not run as strong as in those games but look at WoW and you will see how patriotic people get about their own side. That should be encouraged rather than just having us mindlessly smash our own faction. I am not saying Huttball should be removed nor that 'Neutral' Warzones should be done away entirely but Republic v Empire should be the norm.
  19. In this day and age where most MMO players want instant gratification and whine if they have to spend more than fifteen minutes doing something (see; everybody complaining Huttball takes too long) I very much doubt we will see something like Alterac Valley, especially not on the scale nor length of Vanilla matches where it was not uncommon to see them lasting over two real life days. That and after it was nerfed into the ground with tickets and weaker mobs it just became a glorified PvE race where nobody actually fought the other side.
  20. I highly doubt they were involved romanticly, but a platonic relationship between the two I could have seen existing. Just because a male and female character are quite close doesn't necessarily mean they're boinking each other or in love, as much as the shippers would like to have you believe otherwise.
  21. Wrong. The Jedi Order in this era is a fair bit more liberal. Relationships are permitted IF the Jedi Council approves it which I doubt is an all together easy process but non-the-less exists. All children that are a result of it are raised by the Order as a whole. Obviously, not everybody is going to agree with them doing that but enough are 'okay, but only if...' for them to do it as a policy.
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