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Posts posted by AngelofMissy

  1. So I log in, see that I'm no longer on CR server, but on some other one. One toon name got changed, sorta no big deal. The BIG deal is, the hate coming from the new server. You think we like the change?


    If your pissed, tell it to Bioware, not the players.


    Did they burn a cross in your front yard? That's hate......

  2. Hi folks! Thanks for raising awareness for this! Rest assured that Oceanic servers will be getting 12 character slots as well. Apologies for the confusion and the wait as we work on making this adjustment. Thank you for your patience!


    Because that would be an undstandable oversight. You guys are doing a bang up job at EAware!

  3. Yes it will die like LOTRO and Champions online and Star Trek Online and DCU Online and EQ and EQ II and Pirates of the Burning Sea and Vanguard Saga of Heroes and DDO died.




    .....oh wait



    I look at it as the game won't die but it will be considered an underachiever at best.

  4. Does Chevy do that? How about prudential life insurance? Cable company? No, they offer a service, you either buy it or you don't. The reason is because no two people are going to want the same thing. For every player that wanted a cross server LFG there was one that did not. For every player that wants tougher crafting there is one that wants easier crafting.


    In short, a town hall meeting would be a waste of time except for purposes of allowingnsumer, believe they have some sort of right to partake in the decision making process and direction of the game.


    I"m pretty sure companies have weys of getting feedback on the services or products they offer..... MMO players aren't any different than any other consumer. When direct t.v. starts to cut the big 10 channel from their services you don't think folks providing feedback have an influence on whether they make the deal or not? I wonder what you think about the released ending to Mass Effect 3? Did feedback from the playerbase influence the direction of that game? From my perspective the disappointment in the ending caused Bioware to change things up.....


    While I respect your opinion, I disagree with you. EA-bioware has really started to ruin its reputation. They really need to start to turn the ship around. There are a lot of us Biorware fans that want to love and support them. Bioware themselves say they are going f2p because of exit poll surveys-I think they say 30 of 40 percent of exiting players said the fee is the problem so they change.


    Anyway-to each their own. I think more frequent, honest, communication whether it be a town hall type format or some other would be good for the overall community. How many folks were surprised by the legacy name change?

  5. I think that kind of exchange between the executive producers and the community would be great.

    The guild summit back in March, which I was blessed to be a part of, allowed for this direct and open dialogue. Not saying everyone come to Austin kind of deal...but an online version.



    (I have my bottle of bioware hand sanitizer I got from your front office to prove I was there...)

  6. Your first name is your unique name (just like in the other MMOs you talk about). It's the one that is used when you mail things, join teams, join guilds, are added to friends lists, etc. and that is still keeping it's uniqueness, just like in those other MMOs.




    Except some of us that screwed over on server transfers that lost our first names that we put time and effort into to obtain.....

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