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Everything posted by HELLCAMAWALKN

  1. alot of us thought it would be out with free to play, what was i thinking
  2. maybe if we make enough noise they will get it together a little faster maybe by 5.3
  3. When? We have been told "soon" 2 major patches ago and im not seeing anything about it in 1.6 patch notes. This is something that should be on the top of the to do list. There are plenty of people i know waiting for this to come back and PAY to play. Please give us a date or better yet put it in 1.6
  4. I don't understand why we don't have this yet, it would be really cool to have a place your guild could hang out and duel, socialize, que for pvp, etc. I played galaxies and we used our player cities, houses, and guild halls alot more than the main areas. I have heard from alot of people that swtor was entertaining this idea but has not done it yet. You could make an entire new legacy tab just for guild halls. I have heard ALOT of people say this would be a great idea and i wouldnt think it would do anything but good for the community and players. Maybe even put a cantina in it and a dojo/pvp training room. So many things we could do with this option (even if its expensive in-game)
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