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    Sports Games Weightlifting Motorcycles
  1. My opinion of the best for each class in PvP ( Top 3 choices if possible) Juggernaut Tank: Xzander, Tarnaa, Tal'rinder Juggernaut Dps: Wolfenstein, (Can't think of anymore drawing a huge blank on this atm) Marauder: Lafayette, Frequency Sorc Healer: Kyarra, Vulpes, Lilu Sorc Dps: Chilled, Rekursion Assassin: Huungsolow, Nakitomi, Dizom Merc Healer: Donna (have played with merc healer in the mornings lately but the name is escaping me) Merc DPS: Deebs, Chasso (these two are very close either one could be the best) Op Healer: Keiki, Sittin-on-Toiylet, Beckett Sniper: Mastachafe, Obejudian, Bilski I didn't add Powertechs, Op Dps, or Sin tank simply because there are to many of them or none of them. Zenod and anyone else that made a list that I didn't mention: I haven't played many matches with or against you to add you this is based solely on who I play and see the most often.
  2. I want to say that I don't believe I am the best PvPer or the best Marauder on the server. Their are a lot of maras and sents that I believe are better than me that don't do solo ranked (other classes as well). I have had matches where I had to carry the team and the team has had to carry me. I don't believe either group or solo rank is a true testament to skill. As you guys are stating group is about having the right comp to compete and being able to work well together as a team. Solo is a lot like the lottery with better odds to not end up with fresh 55's just trying to get ranked comms.
  3. Shout out to pandemonium (draft, refleckz, tirrian, and honey) for filling out the rest of our ranked team tonight. Also a shout out to Kill Squad, Death Smile, immortalis, and Death Sentence for queing ranked.
  4. I know Saturdays are a hard time to do ranked as everyone has lives outside of gaming (or should)but Saturday nights are my only free nights atm. I will be trying to get a ranked team going with unconquered if anyone is interested in throwing a team together to have some ranked fun let me know in game ill be on around 7 p.m. cst on Saturdays.
  5. Guild name: D-Bag Keyboard Junkies Faction: Imperial Focus: PvP Have fun be respectful Website: dkj.enjin.com Open recruiting any level any class
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