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Everything posted by _Kharn_

  1. Step by step: 1º Now u can lvl up from 70 to 75 (What is supposed to be an increase) 2º Now u have better gear, bigger IR and stats. (What is supposed to be ANOTHER increase) So.... why all ops/fps are cap to lvl 70 with the exception of Dxun? I mean, making sense of this is just imposible. And is not only the lvl cap, with a "higher" lvl, and a "higher" gear, u see your stats in a fp/op and they are MUCH lower than before. I mean a diferent of 2k in main damage, which means about almost half of the dps/healing. So, if u have about 5.5-6k main damage in the fleet, in a fp/op u go down to 3.1-3.5k, and just for fan, if u enter in a warzone, your main damage goes to 8.5-9.5k... eh.... what? 0_0 xD Summary: Higher lvl + higher gear = Lower stats in pve content // Crazy and useless super buff in pvp. And for the record im very happy with lot of the new stuff from 6.0, but this? It just makes absolutely no sense.
  2. If you assamble a group of 8 people and queue for a GF operation, when you enter the system automatically set it into 16 players story mode, been imposible to complete it.
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