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10 Good
  1. As a reply to you're second post maybe they could add some new quests like for jedi knights and consular training an padawan or apprentice and same for the sith and for troopers maybe train a new havoc sqaud member and bounty hunters could train a bounty hunter or something like that would be really cool. They could add that for each class so you can get a new companion and maybe you can customize that companion and name them and everything would be amazing.
  2. I would like to see Atton Rands outfit specifically his jacket and also Miras outfit would look nice, Mission Vaos outfit would also be one i would love to see on the cartel market or in new packs. This isnt something i want in the cartel market but i would like the head band that Mission wears because i find the current Twi'lek head bands lacking and none of them i really like and I would love the one Mission uses
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