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    Theatre, gaming (PC/PS3), all sorts of books, watching tv...and lots of other fun stuff
  1. This is the #1 biggest problem I'm having with the game. For a year all new content we have gotten could have been played offline and alone, while the reason why great portion of the playerbase keeps playing because is the social and MMO part of the game. I do realize there are those who don't care about group content and there are those who aren't sold on replaying the story all over again. The problem here is that only story has had any attention for a year now. Neither side of playerbase should be ignored and this is what Bioware is struggling really badly right now. I hope that there will be announcements of new group content alongside story soon for the sake of the playersbase.
  2. I couldn't agree more on this post. I have been playing this game since launch and just like KBN said was lured in the first time by the story. Operations and PvP were the content that has kept me and my guildmates playing the game all these years. I really don't mind new story content. I absolutely enjoyed the nine first chapters of KoFTE, but I doubt I'll play through it again more than twice (as light and dark side female and male pub and imp characters). I truly wish devs would listen to us and focus on keeping long time subscribers playing with new OPS, FP's and PvP maps rather than gaining short time new subscribers with new story content. This is a MMO afterall. If the game would have been single player offline game from the start, well that would be different story.
  3. I have played gunslinger as my main for since 1.2. and tbh there are many ways to counter sins. 1. Keep them away from you. Use leg shot + pulse detonator + knockback on speedshot/penetrating rounds. Use the root ability on speedhot/penetrating rounds. After that escape with roll. Also use hunker down to prevent them cc:ing you. 2. When they come near use dirty kick or the extra cc in saboteur spec. 3. If they are still alive and coming to you and your knockbacks are on cd, use diversion on yourself. Also pop your shield. 4. If they pop their shield avoid using weapon (white) damage abilities, use tech instead (SS is bad in this situation, DF and Sab are better against sins) Those are the main points in countering sins. You can also try to surprise them by using combination of roll+dirty kick. They are not expecting you to come towards them so you get an advantage.
  4. I have played gunslinger as my main for since 1.2. and tbh there are many ways to counter sins. 1. Keep them away from you. Use leg shot + pulse detonator + knockback on speedshot/penetrating rounds. Use the root ability on speedhot/penetrating rounds. After that escape with roll. Also use hunker down to prevent them cc:ing you. 2. When they come near use dirty kick or the extra cc in saboteur spec. 3. If they are still alive and coming to you and your knockbacks are on cd, use diversion on yourself. Also pop your shield. 4. If they pop their shield avoid using weapon (white) damage abilities, use tech instead (SS is bad in this situation, DF and Sab are better against sins) Those are the main points in countering sins. You can also try to surprise them by using combination of roll+dirty kick. They are not expecting you to come towards them so you get an advantage.
  5. During the last double xp weekend I was levelling with my friend and we ended up in a situation that was pretty damn hilarious! Well we were in Kuat, me and my friend as DPS and other 2 players tank and healer. Pretty soon we noticed that there were something really weird with our tank. 1st he wasn't in tanking form and 2nd when we asked him to shield my friend as she was getting aggro all the time he put a SHIELD MARKER on her!!!! I understand that is was double xp but still, come on ppl! Have to say that we had pretty good laugh in TS At least it was kuat so we finished it with 3dps and a healer.
  6. Really could you please warn before shutting down servers! I was in middle of damn hard h4 there which we were just beating!
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