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Everything posted by Bunions

  1. Anyone know how the new relic that gives +225 primary stat plays into what is BiS for Watchman sentinels? I've tried to peruse the forums to find something about it but couldn't find anything about it. Anyone have a link to a thread where people tested out the primary stat relic? Currently using SA relic + Boundless Ages and I'm assuming the SA relic is still BiS for us, it's just a matter of Boundless Ages versus Focused Retribution
  2. I know for a fact that he has also done it while I was standing still right next to him for an extended period of time and then he smacked me for 31k with Driving Thrust. Is this ability in place to perhaps discourage a tank from kiting the boss around the room to take less damage? If this is the case, it seems buggy because he does this attack in circumstances that seem impossible to avoid. Another example: He started casting Force execution, I moved just to the outside of the circle and got hit by that purple beam. Right after he was done casting, he hit me with a 31k Driving thrust to finish me off. The only thing I know for certain is that I did not have the tanking crystal when he would hit me this hard, so it might be that the crystal is required to make this attack manageable. And yes I have 41k HP but I am very rarely at 100% HP when he does this attack on me.
  3. Anyone know what causes him to do ridiculously high damage with his "Driving Thrust" ability to tanks? It seems random that sometimes he will hit Driving Thrust on the tank for ~30k which is pretty crazy because it often kills the tank. Does this happen because if you are too far away from Raptus, then he leaps to you? Do you *need* the tanking crystal at all times when tanking him to avoid getting almost 1-shot by his driving thrust? Any insight would be awesome as this seems to be the only thing that gives our group trouble on this fight. He seems to do it right after we come out of the portals or during the last phase (phase 3).
  4. Your tank needs to taunt Calph in the future or else he will reset, he basically needs to be aggroed on someone or else after a short period of time (10+ seconds) he will despawn.
  5. Queue'd up for 10 straight team ranked warzones tonight and had quite a lot of fun with it. My only gripe is that literally EVERY team we went up against had at least 1 scoundrel/op healer. Is this how it's going to be in team ranked now? We did just fine with our sage heals and pulled out some wins no problem. I'll admit I've been a bit too addicted to the solo ranked queue ( 4 dps v 4 dps is too much fun), though only a handful of my guildies are really geared for team ranked. Give it a bit more time for people to get some of the new pvp gear and I'm sure you'll see us (purpleparallel) more often in the team ranked.
  6. Here's what frustrates me more than anything......our group kills a few bosses in DF on HM and got the belt off the first boss. Then next day we go and kill 1st boss in DP and she also drops......wait for it.... a BELT. What kind of garbage is that? Belt has a chance to drop off TWO bosses? What a huge waste for our group to get two of the SAME item that does not help our gear progression.
  7. In the first 13 seconds of your parse you gained "Power Surge" three times lol come on dude, I give you props for trying to put watchman sents on the board since combat seems to be dominating at the moment. However, I think taking advantage of a bug by using 2 SA relics to do it is a bit cheap.
  8. sorry I haven't heard about the recent events with the sorc rep so I guess I misunderstood Anyway I consider that "all burn crits heal the sent" rather than just crits from zen to be a mild oversight but still, I thank you for correcting me!
  9. heals only come from zen, which doesn't last for very long and doesn't pop up *that* often. If you think breaking 3k as a watchman sentinel is that easy then why is the leaderboard dominated by carnage/combat spec sents/maras? So what you are saying is that any class that has self heals using 1 SA relic should have their parses disqualifed? Sounds fair to me
  10. I see you are taking advantage of the current bug that allows both Serendipitous Assault relics to proc
  11. I am using an underworld SA relic and a underworld boundless ages click relic. As the person above me stated, the SA relic can proc off of heals and damage (I'm watchman). I am also using a reusable adrenal
  12. post above me has some good points but also some things I would disagree with. Annihiliation/Watchman have very little AOE damage and is a gigantic waste of DPS if they are running to the small adds, they can easily just throw 50% of their aoe damage (twin saber throw) on the small adds while they are moving to the jealous male. I do agree that cleansing people in their spots right away rather than running to a wall/edge will help keep DPS on the boss. When my group was first doing this we would have similar problems (enrage @ 5%). I'm assuming all your DPS use attack adrenals? That would be #1. Another way we found to keep DPS on the boss is that the first red pool only has 5 adds (compared to I believe 10 for 2nd and 3rd red pool). So we would have a healer go in the first pool and only ONE range dps on the small adds while the other range dps stayed on the boss all the way until the 2nd red pool. For 2nd and 3rd red pool we would have a range dps in the pool and both RDPS would kill the small adds while MDPS killed male as normal. This was enough to push us over the edge and beat the enrage. Also you might want to consider having your 2nd mara/sent wait to use blood/inspiration until he pops back up from his first burrow as there is really no way that 2nd mara/sent is gonna be able to use bloodthirst/inspiration a 2nd time.
  13. 3026 DPS - Watchman Sentinel (Erexion) 36/8/2 http://www.torparse.com/a/402539/time/1377725170/1377725473/0/Overview Only 75 gear I have is belt and bracers and a Shadowed earpiece. Rest is full 72s
  14. This just takes the fun out of it. What's the point of calling it a "records" thread if half the people aren't adding to the competition.
  15. Heya PurpleParallel is a pretty big guild that currently has two progression groups and is about to form up a 3rd one that is going to start HM ops if you are interested. We are mainly PVE-focused but recently have started establishing ourselves in PVP as well. Scheduling shouldn't be an issue as we literally run ops almost every night of the week. If this sounds like it might be the place for you feel free to hit me up in game on Bunions/Erexion or PM me here on the forums. website: http://purpleparallel.swtorhost.com/
  16. This line made me giggle because the guy you quoted actually had a pretty logical and well-stated argument, yet your response is this pile of refuse. Some of the new nightmare fights are most certainly not "easy mode", unlike the way the HM versions were when they were released. So your comparison of nightmare mode to getting a gold star for showing up is completely off base. You know a lot of these issues could be solved if bioware would actually release HM at the same time as Nightmare.......would satisfy all levels of raiding guilds. But as someone mentioned earlier, content is released at a snail's pace so either the "hardcore" guilds will get bored or the "casual" raiding guilds will be bored.
  17. I am looking to join a group that is working on NiM Progression on my sentinel (Erexion) who is full 72s. I cannot raid Sunday/Monday as I do raid on my tank during those times. I am not particularly interested in running HM SV or HM TFB anymore because I've cleared both those instances more times than I can count and am frankly very bored with it. Also since HM and NIM share lockouts, I'd really prefer not to lockout my sent on hard mode. I've killed the first boss in NIM TFB and have done extensive work on a few of the other bosses so I am familiar with the fights. I do have MOX am willing to run it and do a tryout if need be. Also looking only for an 8 MAN group, my computer starts to lag a bit when I'm running the game + MOX + voicechat and in 16 man ops it gets absolutely horrible so only looking for 8 man groups please. Here is a sample parse of mine: http://www.torparse.com/a/335626/time/1373664780/1373665094/0/Overview (2883 DPS) I will probably do some more parsing today if you require more sample parses. Hit me up in game on Erexion or Bunions, thank you!
  18. I am looking to be apart of a permanent nim group with my sentinel (this is erexion). I ran with you guys and seemed like our overall dps was sufficient to beat those enrage timers. My only issue is I cannot run sunday nights because that is when I will be running nim progression on my shadow tank with my prog group.
  19. I've been looking to get into some ranked warzones whether it's kickball or whatever. Name is Erexion, sentinel. Also i'm sure others from purple parallel would be interested in this (we just merged with blackjack)
  20. I only pvp pub side and since 2.0 hit I've won about 75% of my regular 55 warzone queues against imperials whether I'm grouped with guildies or solo queueing. I remember before 2.0 when trying to queue in the evenings, you would run into so many imp premades it would make your head spin. Nowadays it seems like a lot of the strong imp competition has left and many of the premades are not nearly as intimidating anymore. I really no longer have any concerns about queueing in the evenings when imps used to dominate during that time. Maybe that's just me though, in pub vs pub it's more of 50/50 as far as winning goes
  21. thank you for the response, this is exactly what I was looking for here. There really isn't ANY other fight where it's so much easier to have a shadow not tank the boss. Like I said before Kitru, I did not really post this to argue about whether or not shadow tanks need to be "fixed". Especially since we'd both probably be happy if they were to get buffed a bit. Really don't want this topic to get more off-topic than it already has
  22. I understand where you are coming from, but I have to disagree and say that it seems like it would be easier to change ONE fight's mechanics than to change an entire class. By changing the class you open up a whole world of re-balancing issues and not just for PVE but PVP as well. What could be balanced PVE might completely unbalance things in PVP. Even if shadow tanks are at a disadvantage in every fight because of the "spikiness", the gap between tanks is still small enough that the fights can still be completed. However, in 16 man thrasher HM the gap between tanks is HUGE. To the point to me that it seems impossible for a shadow tank. That's great that you know shadow tanks that have done it but it sounds like you have not so you don't know how extreme this gap is. I would like to hear from shadow tanks that have done this to see what exactly they did to stay alive, what kind of stats they have, and their thoughts on how ridiculous this fight is for shadow tanks.
  23. I think you missed the point, I did not post this to argue whether shadow tanks as a whole are better/worse off than other tanks. The fact of the matter is that *geared* shadow tanks ARE viable for every other fight in this game. Even if the damage is a bit spikier than other tanks, healers are still able to keep them alive given that the tank isn't doing stupid crap with his cooldowns. The point of my post is that this fight *is* not possible on 16 man hard mode having a shadow tank it. Even spacing out my cooldowns the best that I can.....I get about 90 seconds into the fight before I've had to burn all 3 of my CD's. This leaves about a 30 second window where I hope and pray that luck goes our way and I can survive before battle readiness comes back up.......and almost everytime I do not. Has anyone been able to do this with a shadow tanking it? We even tried tank-swapping when my cooldowns were down with another shadow tank who could burn his cooldowns and we STILL couldn't do it. And yet when we put a vanguard tank on it she was able to tank him the whole fight without a tank swap with WORSE GEAR. This fight NEEDS to be tweaked so that shadows are viable for it because as of right now, they are not.
  24. This fight just straight pisses me off as a shadow tank. It is damn near impossible to tank Thrasher on 16 man hard mode as a shadow/ssin tank. Anyone else having trouble with this? I've tanked him on 8 man hard mode several times and while yes I get hit hard........it's still very doable and 1 healer can keep me up. However, with 16 man it just does not seem very possible. He would hit me for 20-23k fairly often (swipe) and even with 2 healers on me, it would almost be inevitable that at some point my damage intake would spike too fast for them to keep up. My stats are: 25% defense, 35% DR, 34% shield (before KW), 43% absorb (I also use the proc Def relic). These stats are more than enough for anything 8 man hard mode and even the majority of the other bosses in 16 man hard mode but certainly not for Thrasher. We eventually beat the boss by having a vanguard tank Thrasher (I was put on adds) and I will mention that this vanguard was significantly less geared than I am. Is this boss just simply NOT tankable by a shadow tank? Personally I think that's some BS and they need to FIX this so that a shadow has a chance to tank this without some sort of tank-swap being required or a vanguard/guardian tanking it instead.
  25. I've never had a problem with jumping off the platform to get back to Home as a tank (you will hear your character yell as if you had died but end up at Home platform all safe and sound). HOWEVER, if you try and jump off the platform as SCREAM is being cast on you......it WILL insta-kill you. You have to wait on the platform and take scream first before jumping off the back of the platform.
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