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Posts posted by Nefla

  1. Yeah the whole grandiose story of your character being the most strong and special person in the galaxy makes sense for a force prodigy like our jedi or sith but a two bit criminal or bounty hunter? Lol wut? It definitely seems silly every time especially with how silly you could play them and how cowardly you could make your smuggler. Yeah I'm sure this snarky, cowardly petty criminal weasel really attracted the attention of this all powerful immortal being :D
  2. I liked Jedi Under Siege and Onslaught but I have to say neither one was amazing or really made me excited. I'm someone who didn't care either way whether we were doing traditional Empire vs Republic or something else so that doesn't factor into my opinion. I just wanted something longer and more involved, I wanted more new and interesting NPCs to interact with (we got a few) new cultures and lore to experience, I really miss our companions and their interactions and input as well. This felt fine but formulaic and expected, it didn't elicit any strong emotions from me (aside from frustration when playing a saboteur and not being able to openly support my chosen side). If we were getting regular story updates every 1-3 months this would be fine but for something we had to wait a year for and will likely have to wait another year to continue? It's not enough.
  3. And you would be still paying for the rest of the game without Onslaught. What's your point?

    My point was that we've been paying for the same content for years and little of value has been added with Onslaught. Why should people stay subscribed if all we get is a small trickle like this?

  4. Good and I thought there was something wrong with me. I loved DA origins but 2 and Inquisition felt off to me.

    I quit 5 min into Inquisition and halfway through 2.

    But I still remember Alistair, Leliana and Morrigan :)

    Yeah DA:I was a good example of BioWare reacting way too strongly to critique and going way too far in the opposite direction. People heavily criticized DA2 because of the reused maps and because Hawke felt so downtrodden and reactive, losing or being dragged around most of the time instead of being proactive and having goals. So instead of returning to a more balanced Origins style game, in response they made big empty beautiful maps at the cost of interesting side quests and NPCs and they made the protagonist absolutely steamroll every obstacle including the last boss with only one real setback but even that immediately turns around and results in you getting a much better base by the end of the cutscene. By the end of the game you kind of feel like a bully because the villain is so ineffectual. It was a lot of flash over substance and not enough time and development was given to any character. To add insult to injury they implemented this "power" system where you couldn't progress the main story unless you unlocked each part with "power" that you got by grinding mind numbingly boring fetch quests with little to no pretense of story in the vein of "kill X number of enemies" or "collect X number of elfroots." BioWare certainly isn't the company it once was, it feels like every new game is a step down from the last with Anthem being the end of the line.

  5. Well, realistically, there's more to the game than just Onslaught. And there's more to Onslaught than just the base story.

    And we've been paying for the rest of the game for years, $180 a year for subs, more if you buy CC. I'm not seeing anything else of value in Onslaught beyond the base story. I guess some of the new decorations are nice?

  6. There is a lot more coming this is the set up ...and honestly, atm i am still dealing with gearing and i JUST did my first run through's and haven't even begun doing dailies or exploring plus, the set up and new planets are amazing..hmmm have you done the new raid yet and gotten all your 8 of your class done yet? how about your command ( can't think of the new name ) to 999 on all 8 of the afore mentioned characters...personally i have only gotten to 5 on most of mine..if you have let me know i would love to know how you did all that in 5 days.

    We were led to believe the traitor stuff was the setup and a real expansion would be coming after then Jedi Under Siege was the setup and Onslaught would be the expansion, now Onslaught is supposed to be the setup? What are they supposedly setting up? When are we actually getting something substantial or at regular intervals? What do you mean getting your 8 classes done? The original class stories? We all did those years ago. Taking all 8 classes through Onslaught? There's no reason. The differences are based on faction and loyalty not class.

  7. Paid my sub, and less than 6 hours later I'd finished? Bit expensive for so little. :(

    Especially if you subbed before they pushed the expansion release date back. $45 bucks for those 6 hours (and I'm counting replays in that)

  8. And with the bugs you may have to wait longer. I was able to do the story and get to talk to Kira and Scourge about the weapon but when I go to talk to them privately (and assuming I start a romance with Scourge) it doesn't start when I travel to talk to either Kira or Scourge and the devs seems to not be paying attention (as usual p)

    Luckily I had no problem, I jumped on that immediately and of course recorded it as well.

  9. I'm very sad and disappointed about this as well, in fact of the 44 characters I currently have, I've only brought 6 through the new content. 4 of them are romancing Theron, one is romancing Arcann who we will probably never see again and a jedi knight I hustled to get up to the current content when I found out Scourge could be a love interest (though we'll probably never get content from him again either). All of my characters who romanced vanilla companions were abandoned when their love interest was abandoned. For example my male sith warrior who married Vette was abandoned after KotET, my female Jedi Consular who romanced Felix Iresso never made it into any of the expansions and languishes at lv 50 (not worth going through everything just for a 2 minute return cutscene and nothing ever again) etc...
  10. This! I preordered Anthem to support BioWare and because I was hopeful but I played it for a month and then was done. That game is horribad and they should have kept focusing on Dragon Age, Mass Effect, and SWTOR which are all established games with a solid following.

    Completely agree. I can't believe they gave Mass Effect to the inexperienced "B-team" while having the more experienced devs and writers work on Anthem as well as taking devs off of SWtOR and Dragon Age for Anthem (and it still turned out like trash because BioWare is known only for story and character heavy RPGs).

  11. The time and resources are there, management at BW is notoriously terrible these days and EA has privilege to choose priorities. Anthem was in the works since ME3 was still dropping dlc and all of the gameplay was made just a year before it launched. I recommend the Kotaku article for details and one of the dozen Jimquisition vids to really get what was going on there.




    Precisely this.

    I did read it, total crapshow. I stand by my statement that I wish the resources had gone to SWtOR instead of trying to have the company known for story and character heavy RPGs and ONLY story and character heavy RPGs make some generic looter-shooter. SWtOR has felt neglected for years and we only get a few short scraps of story like once a year.

  12. It was always a trade-off.


    If needing one voice actor instead of seventeen to record lines for a conversation makes it easier for them to add content to the game, then I can live with it.


    If it's a choice between these KOTOR-style conversations and not having your character talk to the NPCs at all, because of the costs of having so many fully animated, voiced-over cutscenes ... Well, these conversations are better than nothing.


    I wish this game hadn't fallen to the status of "better than nothing" :( I wish they had used the time and resources they wasted making Anthem on SWtOR instead.

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