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Everything posted by Stevebudz

  1. Okay, lets face it, most people who go to the forums have a problem on their hands. These people want everyone to know and share their pain about the problem so that it can be fixed as quickly as possible. Most of the things they say on a forum post is a bunch of mindless complaining and useless information. There is no way you can convince the pvp devs on how to fix something. These guys focus on fixing the pvp problems, and I highly doubt there is anything you can tell them that they don't already know. For example, i'm positive that the pvp devs know Juggernauts and Guardians can easily get big numbers with little effort and it is frustrating to the players victimized by this. Please don't waste their time complaining. Don't expect responses from devs to these kinds of posts either. What can developers work with? 1) Money Best way to improve the game is to subscribe. If you're F2P and complaining, please stop. I can guarantee that by giving them money, the game will improve. It may not feel like it, but its true. 2) Time Be patient, the best players don't rise out of no where. And balance doesn't come instantly, but frustration will.It is important to be patient with the developers. If they tell us that they're fixing problems, then they're probably fixing problems. It's important for them to keep priorities straight, otherwise this game would be even worse. Imagine if SWTOR released a knock-off of WoW pokemon and decided to release only 1 new op in the next X-Pac. People would be pretty mad. 3) It isn't a L2P problem If you seriously believe there is a major flaw in PvP, double check your tactics. Are you doing everything you can to prevent the disastrous problem and the broken mechanics of the game are the ONLY thing coming to bite you in the butt? If you told the devs that you ran around a warzone, ignoring everything except for a single Juggernaut/Guardian, and did EVERYTHING to keep him away and not get destroyed by him, and eventually despite everything in your arsenal, he still killed you? It seems like 90% of all forum posts complaining about balance are really just victims of their lack of skill. hint: unbind the s-key. Anyways, sorry for the wall of text. This game really needs all the help it can get. I see potential for the game even though many people would disagree. I'm a huge fan of pvp and really interested in seeing it improve. So instead of sending out my own complaints i'd rather just try to help people with their own. Lemme know what you guys think. I sorta typed this up while playing an alt because I was bored and read a couple of badly put-together posts. would be nice to hear from the devs what kind of feedback they can use from the community
  2. I love the pilots armor, looks really sexy on chicks. The tight pants is definitely the reason I got it. mmm kinky
  3. Guide to Guides: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=582705 There, did it for you!
  4. LOL Jedi Guardian takes you on this boring set of abilities, a 15 sec AoE (your only AoE which makes tanking a nightmare!!!) an ability with a pretty lame name and animation. Sundering Strike? Blade Storm? terrible gust of wind animation, kinda makes me glad it has a cooldown! Force leap is cool and I feel like they could really work on ALL THE EMPTY GLOBALS O MY GOSH in my rotation. Im spamming strike for half my globals all the way up to level 30!!!! That is ridiculous! besides a lack of big numbers and serious threat generation, the story is very fun and entertaining along with a kira romance which is the only reason I play the jedi guardian (shes the voice actor for seranna in skyrim dawnguard). I'm hoping for better at level 50 but overall pretty bad. Jedi Sage is fun at later levels and lacks a good story overall, so dont play a sage if u want to have fun, theyre pretty powerful though. Agent so far is fun, neat storyline, I LOVE IT WHEN DARTH JADUS DIED. Cuz earlier he electrocuted me to death because i wouldnt bow to him. THANK YOU BIOWARE!!! Wish I didnt roll sniper and went operative but wutevs its still cool. Just take this for feedback not a vote on anything cuz im still a noob at the classes
  5. As a general guideline to follow for what happens with populations is.... 1) if the population is about greater than 1-2 thousand people. Assume that they are alike any population, there are a-holes, cool people, gays, republicans and democrats, etc etc. 2) Never assume any "side" is different. Don't be a person to make a mistake and level a character on the imp side because you believe pvp is better there. 3) They are just people, like YOU!
  6. its cake lol, i can do it without losing any hull damage.
  7. *clicks "Hide Head Slot" *Gets rid of ugly tiara, ugly hood replaces it. mission accomplished.
  8. Why are we getting paired with people have more talent points - more abilities - not to mention pvp gear potential? Should definitely split it into a ladder.
  9. I'm not sure why, but I feel like the game has a sorta... lag to it that isn't because of network issues because I get 44ms. I feel like my globals have a lag between them that is really awkward. I don't get this feeling in WoW at all, maybe i'm having a hard time adjusting or maybe Bioware needs to adjust something with the game, I dunno. I like to button mash, but I feel like the globals are either too slow or too laggy for it to be worth the "mashing". Anyone else get this feeling, im not complaining about the balance or anything, nor am I saying its remotely close to being balanced, but it would be much more bearable if I didnt have this "feeling". maybe its the force idk. feels wierd, and definitely isn't fun sometimes especially when those tight globals to saving your life are extremely important. I think a way to fix this would be to put more abilities off the global cooldown? Like Force Mend should be off the global so I have a split second to cry for help when I got a sith warrior on me.
  10. I'm a level 22 jedi guardian tank. I know its not viable in pvp so don't shoot me down. I've done plenty of pvp before in multiple games and this is the worst. I'm getting 4 shot by ,idk what cuz im a noob, I think an operative and a sentinel, but i have saber ward and warding call active and it's almost a glitch where it does nothing for me. I'm not even badly geared for my level either, I tank pve mobs just fine but when I walk into a warzone I'm getting mowed down?
  11. The commendation vendors are spoilers because they literally show the quest line (planet wise). Usually the idea is that I find out watching the conversations but instead I found out because of the vendors.
  12. Realize guys that this solvable commendation "puzzle" is only relevant to NEW players, like me. So shuffling them around for everyone is a bad idea and I agreed to that earlier. I was pointing out why it was a problem and suggesting that it be avoided. "just dont use the commendation vendor on fleet" is a irrelevant point because a new player will make tons of mistakes and the fleet vendors are an easy way to run back and use the points you picked up but forgot to use. New players MUST look around, unless somebody is out there warning newbies of the spoilers (I highly doubt), then what you said doesn't make much sense. These commendation vendors are convenient to everyone but also a spoiler and that is why it is a mistake.
  13. The way it is planted is almost like just telling you where you're going whereas you can ignore the level req on the planet by simply not keeping track of them. The commendation vendors make it obvious and impossible to ignore because you MUST search the vendor icons for the planet you are looking for. In that case you are reading the planet names and thus the spoiler. I know this isn't of great magnitude to some, but just imagine if there were "companion name vendor" lined up right next to your trainer and had no idea that "companion name" was actually going to join your team and it spoiled it, that would really make me angry. Like I would throw a chair at a Jawa probably.
  14. While looking around the commendation vendors on the Republic Fleet I noticed something. The commendation vendors are aligned by what planet you go to next... I'm not sure why this was implemented, its not hard to look around for a vendor, and I'm sure a new player like me wouldn't get too big of a headache doing it considering they should expect to not know where everything is. But, was it really worth the HUGE spoiler by the placement of these vendors? Simple audio bugs when I'm in conversations is something I can deal with, but really, placing simple vendors in level order... Yes I can deal with it, but if I were the devs I would be embarrassed by this. I don't care if you fix it and i'm sure 99% of the people don't care either, but try not to place spoilers in simple patterns like that. This wasn't a "hint" it was a giveaway.
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