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Everything posted by Ihmettelija

  1. Thankyou all from your comments and support I know that this kind of player to player trasaction is not specifically supported by the game, but my opinion no matter of that reason, bioware should at least explain why they wont be doing anything instead of just sendin me the "thankyou for contacting customer service! -ticket and then just stop prosessing my issue. Selling guildships (as well as stuff like looking for a crafter to turn your mats to whatever you like) is and most likely will be quite common in the future as well and I will also be selling the old guildship on tofn at some point. Because it's something that is benefical to the community, so they should encourage people to help each others and to create new partnerships and not doing the opposite (ie. showing that you shouldn't trust no one, and if you do your screwed and it's your fault, not for excample the ones who scammed you). I will also look into the opinion of calling/contacting bw again because of this issue, and hopefully I'll get better answer this time. -Iján
  2. I decided to post this to general discussion instead of server forum, since I wanted to warn as many people as possible. A couple of weeks ago I ran into a guy wanting to sell his guils with a flagship. Since our old guild was just moving out from tofn to re, we decided to give it a go and purchase it. The guy showing around was really nice, gave me a silver key to the ship so I could browse decorations they had and so on. He wanted money first before giving the guild completely to me. I informed him (just in case) that I've been taking screenshots of our conversation and I would be taking this hole thing to BW if he was about to scam me. He didn't mind about it so I trusted him with our money (around 20 000 000). After getting the money he kicked me out of the guild and logged out, so yeah, it was a scam after all. So why am I writing this to you instead of the customer service? I actually did contact them as well and got very vast automatic response (or so did it seem). I provided them with basically every information I had from time it happened to guild and character name as well as names for a couple of witnesses. After a few week of wating my ticket was marked closed with no moneyrefund or whatsoever. Of course I don't know whether or not they punished the other player, but since I didn't get any money back, I'm assuming that they found him not guilty (if they would have there's no real reason why they wouldn't return my money as well, right?). Since the scam was so well played and the guy wasn't afraid of me contacting Bioware I assume that this is something he has done before wihtout any consequences I'm a bit afraid of what kind of image Bioware is giving to scammers since things like this can go unpunished. I'm also feeling kind of sad. Since beeing a subscriber for 3 years, meaning I've payed over 400 euros to them is this really the way they are about to treat me? I've seen similar kinds of situations dealt by Blizzard back in my WoW days very differently, so that the victoms actually have gotten their money back. I wont be posting any specific names since that might make Bioware to delete this thread, but I just wanted to say that the guild I was about to purchase on Red Eclipse was named one perry common word with couple of strange letters (for instance: ô, ó, ò, ê etc.) and the seller english was quite broken. So TL;DR don't buy anything from anyone since you can't count on Bioware taking down the scammers. - Iján / Red Eclipse
  3. For now on, I'll type in since the main language in this guild is finnish. Tomb of Freedon Naddin suomikillat (Aha TY, Nahkurin Orsi, Bantha's Backside) päättivät yhdistaa voimansa, ostaa kilta-aluksen, ja luoda yhdessä jotain suurta ja kaunista. Killasta löytyy tällähetkellä kaksi aktiivista raidiryhmää, (DF 4/5 NiM kaadettu Nightmare powerin aikaan) sekä jonkun verran pvp:n pelaajia. Mikäli tarpeeksi aktiiviraidaamisesta kiinnostuneita löytyy, kolmannen raidiryhmän perustaminen ei ole ongelma. Suuren killan etuna näkyy Conquestissa. Kun on enemmän ihmisiä mukana farmauksessa, on paremmat mahdollisuudet oikeasti saada jotain hallintaamme. Kiltamestarin haaveena on myös juoksututtaa kaikille jäsenille avoimia gearausraideja, niin että jokainen halukas pääsee pelissä raidaamista kokeilemaan. Myös flashpointtien/pvp:n/dailyen juokseminen yhdessä on toivottavaa. Mumble löytyy, jonne mielellämme toivotamme tervetulleeksi kaikki joiden huumorintaju on tarpeeksi matalalla, kuuntelemaan huonoja vitsejä päivästä toiseen. Mukaan pääsee whispaamalla jollekulle kiltalaiselle. Varsinaisia Officereja killssa ovat Ijan, Elsara, Dalysar, Malisir, Hellä & Kettu. Mutta oikeastaan lähes kaikilla Reilunkerhon jäsenillä on oikeus kutsua kiltaan, eli reippaasti vaan kuiskuttelemaan sillähetkellä onlinessa olevilla (/who reilukerho)
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