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Posts posted by Treblt

  1. **** happens. GG.


    Btw regarding the harbinger player, wasnt it only 1? And wasnt he doing better than you as well?


    Solow, Peythar, and the Varrah are ALL from Harbinger, and Vigi doing more damage than combat shouldn't be a surprise. Wait, let me talk about how exciting it is to beat opfotm when he pugs with people he's never played with... Not that I've ever played with maniac either. Keep going guys, you guys look great :D

    From the sounds of it, harbinger just raped you guys too.


    idk, Looks like ilysia managed a full 100k more than you that last game, and I managed a good 200k more than you, so there's that.


    Oh, and by tunneled, you mean we did enough damage to the maras to get them to pop CD's then hard swapped tank when we got procs? All the while, chain rooting, peeling, pacifying, and in general, annoying the maras enough to keep our tank alive. Think your tank took a whopping ~100k each game, as did each mara.

  2. Ummmmm......we won every game. We only tank tunneled you one game too.




    Was talking about pts "Lets split DPS and rape them" *dies both rounds within 130*. No one really cares about whether you beat me while I pugged a team with harbinger players that previously couldn't live longer than a minute against you.



    Edit: http://i.imgur.com/RHvoz9B.jpg Was very impressed with the two marauders chain pacifying our tank.

  3. Haha you guys are bad simply because youre to bad to combat their tank tunnel all you do is cry about it if it bothers you why dont you figure out how to beat it (you dont care about this game) well then why complain anyways


    We already did figure out how to beat it, pretty reliably too. Just have to take an actual full team, instead of playing with random harbinger players ;). Bit far behind on the times, Blees. Besides, when did you start defending the same people that make fun of you? Trying to get yourself into Ambien's spot Im thinking. So short ago you were talking about unsubbing when bastion players wouldn't play pot5 anymore because you didn't have anyone to carry you to beating Dolce.

  4. Wildstar NA server


    Pergo or go home.


    Pretty much every single player that's actually good from SWTOR will be together (excluding PoT5, mostly because no one actually likes them).

    Also excluding EU, because they are good but they are across the Atlantic and EU servers rool.

  5. As Sensei Blanket says,

    "tank tunnel is the hardest strategy I have ever played in arena, in any game. The skill level necessary to pick out a singular target and tunnel it, irregardless of the conditions is nearly impossible to successfully achieve. True dedication is required to mantain the palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy condition you exist in while tank tunneling. It is truly a next level type of trance, and I applaud any brave soul that can accomplish total peace while doing so."

    As Sensei Blanket has spoken, such is truth and it is so written on the pages of the TriHard Prophecy of the Five Tome.

  6. Be honest: how many threads did you post this in?


    every single one, because everyone thinks tank tunnel is the gayest thing ever, and tbh it should be impossible to lose as a tank tunnel unless the other team outright outplays you or you're against double healer. This is like the upgraded souped up version of tank tunnel


    They were seriously globalling 40k Guardian tanks, if you don't think thats gay, then idk


    edit: it was also agreed on that the game is going into it's final hurrah as WS launches so we needed to send it with a good laugh!

  7. I miss 8v8's :(

    Haha you were hunting me down too! Was SS first match and got dominated. I only had 4 pvp pieces myself haha.


    All I read was "I suck pls poopsent come carry me to victory"

    Friend me on my sent Alden. @Poopsent

  8. Hope to see all you swtor "top ranked" players running around in arenas getting wrecked :)


    Inb4 u find out that WS is even easier and judging from what I've seen in beta, swtor top ranked players and top wow arena players will just demolish early arena teams because they don't even know how to communicate basic info.

  9. I WANTED 4s GROUP to be strong but once people got their **** pushed in countless times they giveup, not a large enough player pool even if they implemented cross realm queues you would still see like what a max of 6 teams queuing? I like SWTOR but this has turned into complete ****, I was supposed to be the only **** talker ;)


    just xfer all toons to harbinger for games until 5 am.



    Wildstar open beta starting tomorrow.

  10. Vossen can make a team pretty much whenever.


    pls, name in sig for all potential callouts and drama.


    This is an important forum rule and u are not following it.

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