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Everything posted by yiggdrasill

  1. ok I am aware of pvp, starfighter and flashpoint dallies and weeklies but are there any for the space combat runs? (as in the rail shooters)
  2. thanks for the answers it was just a bit weird was all im used to having a world split between the factions and the closer you go to their territory the more dangerous it is
  3. i arrived on balmorra today in bug town the republic outpost, ok thats all fine but... i was in bug town earlyer with a sith and saw no republic base, i think its even the same place as the imp one how does this work? i figier they have done somthing to stop lvl 33 repub players pvping the lvl 20 imps but an explenation on how two areas can exist on exactly the same spot would be nice
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