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10 Good
  1. Unused props in SWG usually turned into used things later in some quest. Which was the point here. There is plenty of opportunity for content to be added which would improve the open feel of the various worlds. Such as stairs to nowhere, overall low content areas with extra doors... We need to consolidate servers, then add content ASAP. I doubt the company couldn't see it coming either. They know how fast we chew this stuff up! As a noob have there been any major updates? or added content yet at all?
  2. I can agree with this. In SWG the "legacy" series was a way to level PVE style, while learning the lay of the land so to speak. I'd love this game to be similar in that new content added regularly, such as longer missions, quests, Short missions, gathering and collecting missions, as well as missions designed just to get crafting schematics, be constantly added to improve the open feel of the world. Once this starts to feel more open (as in missions not so attached to the "legacy" line are everywhere you simply can't take those until later) you'd feel like a more a fluid world had opened up. THEN, even during the legacy series you'd see the more open world around you. You simply couldn't access those things until later. Adding temporary stuff likely won't help to much. Just anger people who want more content after L50.
  3. As a noob. I just transferred via quit and start on another server. Not that this is going to solve the content, or "open world feel" issues. But at least now when I reach 50 I'll have people to play with! ALTHOUGH I played my first toon up to L24 before starting a new one on a "heavy" server. I DO hope to play that guy again some day.
  4. I picked a server in the middle, ALL of them said "LIGHT" at the time. None said anything else. At this point I have yet to see my server say anything except "light". However I see people everyday. Not a lot of them mind you, but a few. some running the same mission as me. Some just selling junk to the Med droid. But,.. I've joined and quit two guilds. Still a member of the third. I've yet to see a member online count higher then 5. The first two guilds, Five was the entire member count.
  5. Exactly Ki-Tau!! I had missions in SWG I never got around to. Was always finding some cave in the middle of nowhere that had a mission line I've never seen, or just forgotten! I was going on group dragon hunts to get quality enzymes to craft a better fighting pet! THAT was all being funded by selling mount animals, which used up the low end enzymes I had collected in the process. Sometimes it was hard to find a Cantina with an entertainer who was of a level capable of buffing me the way I wanted for the next crafting attempt for my Rancor, but there were always 1-3 player Ents buffing. Base busts would pull 80-100 people twice a week on Ahazi and it was considered a low pop server in the end! I was running a town of 100 active players 6-7 months prior to the "announcement" it was ending. I was paying for multiple accounts, as were two other guild mates. We had one of the last towns with a shuttle port. The biggest thing that ruined it in the end, was the real money grubbing! Suddenly they had the "card game", which was an obvious cash cow. Your only chance to get all the "new stuff" was to buy it through a "lotto". That was when my guild all quit playing!
  6. Three weeks into SWG... Standing at a mission kiosk, just outside the Corellian spaceport, CAN NOT get a mission because the servers can't generate the missions as fast as the people crowding around the kiosk (this is literally THOUSANDS of people) were taking them, finishing them, and returning to turn them in. I remember no elbow room in that HUGE courtyard!! So I went into the countryside to kill some beasts, and was killed by the rubber banding, caused by the HUNDREDS of other people around me doing the same thing! (pissed me off so bad I quit for a month). How does that add up to this population?? The beginning of SWG was insane! Population SO huge they had to create MANY servers instead of a few. (I suspect this is why WE have so many dead servers here?) The issue with SWG was they slowly ruined the game, catering to the whiners. Where they originally said there would ONLY be Jedi who, by some miracle succeeded at a series of nearly impossible missions. That only 1% of the population would EVER succeed at becoming a Jedi! They instead made everyone equal. Thus ruining the game! (among many other issues). The thing SWG had this doesn't have is a live open feel. It's a series of missions leading to ???? You feel like your in an elaborate hallway. AGAIN everyone is about equal. Then add low population. Something at least a few servers still avoided right up to the end of SWG. (One was still high pop at the end!!). I played on Ahazi BTW. it was one of the evacuated servers once server transfer didn't cost real money.
  7. I put off trying this game after many many YEARS of SWG. I preferred SWG in the beginning, before the NGE. However it was such an open world, I could never quite quit playing. I was actually running three accounts when they announced ending it, FOR this! So, for the last six months I've been mulling around the wastelands of the grand canyon. That world is as open as SWG was, but a post apocalyptic "cowboy-ish" theme. It's issue is ALSO catering to the whiners. Although now F2P, the servers are empty, because the game play went to crap in the process. I also completed (twice) all of STO! In about two months. They've added NOTHING in two years. The "universe" feels small and confined. Once you've tracked the entire process, you're done! Nothing else left except to wait until they let you repeat it in a few months. I came here because I miss my game!! Swooping across the Corellian plains, harassing noobs to join my clan in the Tatooine plaza! HUGE group hunts for dragons, Base busts on Weds and Saturdays!! My endless attempts to make my own top quality fighting Rancor!! (to which I never succeeded at!) So, I'm now 14 days into SWtOR. (L24 on Sunday morning before my official 14th day). The graphics are amazing. Beyond that I feel as though I am playing in a long hallway with many turns. Although the background looks huge, it's just a picture! All the "turns" are no more then mission paths leading to a dead end. I was told in "general 1" that the game "opens up" at around L16-22. Which appears to be a load. That person must not have played an "open map" game such as SWG before. Adding to that, the lack of other players. Why does this game have SO many servers?? I looked down the list and every server said light. Not even a single one said Medium, or Standard??? Even in the end SWG had a few servers with a heavy load! So to answer this thread. I will play until the two months I already paid for end. I'll likely have 2 maxed toons by then. Both of which will have shown me most of what the game has. Unless they can find a way to make the world/s feel like your not being guided down a one way path? I can't see playing this past the described point! Once I've essentially seen and done everything (which was impossible in SWG). I'll quit playing all together, is what I'm saying. It's why STO is dead to me already. NOTHING to do I haven't already done. BTW: After SO many years on SWG, I still hadn't come even close to doing it all. I miss that! I really wish they'd try to turn this into a more graphics intense version of that game. ALSO: It should be nearly impossible to become a Jedi. IF you pull it off you SHOULD be insanely powerful over NON Jedi (just like the movies)! There SHOULD be a bit of imbalance between classes! It's what makes the entire thing "real". Why be a Tasmanian devil, when a rabbit is just as tough??
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