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Posts posted by klashis

  1. I have some simple(?) ideas I think would help.

    I see the emotions/Passion between some of the people here so let me preface this by saying I'm not trying to offend anyone! I'm a long-time player and supporter of the game never breaking my sub since launch. I still have the disc set.  Even when I don't play it I still pay monthly because I love the game that much. These are just suggestions folks.. I'm someone that's sitting on excess credits as well so I feel what everyone is saying here. Here's how we can spend the money. I think.


    Premium Buffs: Introduce premium services that players can purchase with credits, such as faster travel times, increased experience gain, or bonus loot drops from enemies. Put these as buffs/stims sold by an in-game vendor with effects that can last for up to a week forcing players to rebuy it each week. It doesn't take away from players who can't afford it but it def is a premium service. Maybe change which buffs we get each week.


    Currency Rework: Get rid of all the other in-game currencies. They are pointless. Just make everything cost credits unlocked through the rep system. Split the Credits into Republic Credits and Imperial Credits and choose exclusive items for both sides and also items that can be brought with credit. Keep CC store stuff but perhaps take away some of the items that over-perform on GTN. 


    Galactic War Chests: Get rid of all the other chests. Have just one. Introduce a new type of chest that players can purchase with credits to gain access to rare or exclusive items, such as mounts, pets, or cosmetic armor sets. These could and should be randomized to keep people spending a healthy amount of credits. Again the idea here is to get people to spend the credits they have so the economy can stabilize. 


    Bounty Hunting: Allow players to pay credits to place bounties on other players. Players can then attempt to capture or kill the target to collect the bounty, providing a fun and competitive pvp gameplay experience while also removing credits from the economy. There should be a button to press that would allow you to participate in this mode. It's basically an open pvp mode with credits attached to it. Sort of reminds me of what GTA Online does if you kill a person they drop money but you can also put a bounty on anyone and anyone can collect it. 


    Reputation Boosts: Allow players to purchase reputation boosts with credits, which would increase the rate at which they gain reputation with certain factions or groups in the game.


    Transaction Fees: Introduce a small percentage fee for each transaction made on the GTN. For example, you could charge a 2-5% fee on all items sold on the GTN. 


    GTN taxes:  Implement a sales tax on all items sold on the GTN. This would work similarly to transaction fees but would be a fixed percentage added to the total sale price of the item, rather than a percentage of the profits earned from the sale.


    Premium GTN Services: Offer premium services on the GTN that players can purchase with credits. For example, you could allow players to pay credits for faster delivery times or increased visibility for their listings. These premium services would help to remove credits from the economy while also providing additional benefits to players who are willing to pay for them. Sort of like a verified seller on Amazon. 


    Personal Starship Upgrades: allow players to spend credits to upgrade their personal starship with new cosmetic features or functional upgrades, such as increased storage space or faster travel times. Also would be cool to purchase and use any ship from the class stories for any character. Let us fully customize the interior with credit brought items. Again you could add a vendor here for this as well. Could be a cheaper alternative to the SH.. All credit based.


    Galactic Bank (hear me out lol):

    Investment Opportunities: A Galactic Bank could offer investment opportunities for players, such as interest-bearing accounts or investment options that allow players to earn a return on their saved credits.

    Also, allow new players to take out loans from either the bank or players with a certain amount of credits in their account. The loans could then be paid back using a payment system. This would go very far in helping the game feel more alive and help deal with credit sellers outside the game. 

    Currency Exchange: A Galactic Bank could also provide a currency exchange service, allowing players to exchange one type of currency for another, such as Republic Credits for Imperial Credits or Cartel Coins for Credits.


    I know this sounds complicated but it doesn't have to be! The simpler the better in my humble opinion. I know these are credit sinks but I think they are creative ways to solve our inflation issue. Im not saying BW has to do all of these or any of these, I'm just trying to get the wheels turning!

    Sidebar: Remember when 100k was rich?  haha

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  2. From your list I support the Defections and Planet Exploration ideas, the Defections could be made possible after the Eternal Empire is defeated (eventually) and the Republic and Empire return to their respective places in the Galaxy, the Outlander, after so much interaction with Imperials and Republic alike could change sides if he feels so in the history epilogue. With Planet Exploration they could expand the Stronghold system by making "expansion zones" on the existing planeTs, outside the traditional history zones, in these zones players and guilds could build their strongholds: buildings, houses, towns, bases, everything depending on the planet they are working in and without instancing. As for the new species, I would Like Chagrian, Rodian and Kel Dor added.


    Actually makes a lot of sense! Would be awesome if they gave the choice after the EE is defeated.. tbh this makes a lot of sense, I hope bioware is doing this anyway

  3. If someone gives negative comments on your ideas, you don't have to take it personally. There's nothing wrong with taking the high road.

    If you searched the topics before starting this thread you might have seen many logical explanations why things you suggested will never happen.



    Never? You know this because you work at bioware right?

  4. SWTOR is not SWG and it never will be. Deal with it.


    WOW you couldn't wait to say that.. you planned that all year huh? It's so original!


    I wasn't trying to make it like SWG.. actually I can google it if you want, but last time I checked adding more stars wars stuff to a stars wars game isn't going to make it less star wars..


    I love TOR I am simply trying to enhance it. Its time for the game to grow, there is nothing wrong with pulling from past Star Wars games, Single Player or MMO to get ideas.


    I actually hated that SWG game, this is just a suggestion, as I think it would make TOR even more enjoyable than it is


    If you dont like it then guess what. :rak_03:.

  5. Thanks to the people who actually had input about my quick list of suggestions. To the others who just came in here to say "NO not gonna happen, stupid list" I hope you get stabbed in the back by your best friend.


    I was merely suggesting quick things without going into detail because i was short on time, i planned on explaining it today but a few of you already made valid points thanks.


    A few things about droid class: yes i have noticed a few players playing as Droids from the armor packs, but it would be cool to actually become a HK Droid or a Medical Droid. I have an idea how that works.


    It could be a class that you unlock at 55 but basically you can roll a new character and droid will be there for selection. You will be able to make your droid look how you want based on several armors from the armor pack.


    From 55-60 you will gain all your skills. 3 different roles a Tank/DMG/Healer.

    The type of droid parts you can use (parts is the same thing as armor here) depends on if you are DPS/Heals/Tank. The armors can be changed if you decide to respec into another role, but you can never be let's say a Healer Droid wearing Tank Droid gear. It cannot be used for The outfits tab either, unless you are the right spec.


    Yes what I'm proposing is spec locked gear which I know wouldn't be very popular at first but it gives people a real reason to commit to a spec instead of wanting to bunny hop from spec to spec.


    I did not have any special Ideas about Wookiees or Trandoshan but I think the only obstacle there is the voice over thing.


    The Entertainer Class would be a class that works much like a bard. Basically a class that can give GODLY buffs. For Instance.. being able to boost Mastery by 80 for 10 minutes. Those types of things. The trick to it, would be similar to SWG where you kinda need to find a entertainer in a cantina to get the BEST buffs.


    Entertainer Class would be broken into 2 Specs




    Both of these can buff different things and neither could do ALL buffs so that way it makes both spec have equal value. I think this class should start from level 1 because it would be neat to experience how one becomes a Galactic Superstar. THAT IS THE STORY.


    Your toon is a struggling artist, playing cantinas trying to get a break, the story will be filled with action, combat and romance as you work your way up to being a Galactic Superstar.


    Another point about Entertainer is certain cantinas provide better durations or certain types of buffs.. or maybe it could be based on how many "Shows" you have successfully completed.



    Entertainers have something called "Shows" where they actually HAVE to buff a certain amount of people to get XP towards their spec of choice. It's the only class that works like this, but they also have the ability to use blaster pistols..( can't be unprotected) your level will rise the more "Shows" you complete but for it to count as a show it has to happen in a cantina. If you dont buff in the cantina then you do not get the xp gain. You can still buff but you dont get xp for buffs unless in a cantina. Also Buffs that happen in a cantina are stronger than ones that happen in a FP or OPS or anywhere else. Other than that you still get XP like all other classes.


    Due to their nature Entertainers wear Light Armor but have a high survivability and have spells that could negate all damage for short periods of time.


    I dont have this all the way figured out im not a developer but these are just idea i wanted to throw out there.. I know there is a lot more involved with mechanics and such

  6. Add Races: Wookiees, Droids, Trandoshan


    Add Class: Entertainer, Droid Engineer


    Add: Free Flight in space


    Fix: PVP Imbalance (*this is every mmo but tor is really bad) add more open world PVP


    Allow: Players to Defect to the other side of the war. (Jedi become Sith, Sith become Jedi, Bounty Hunters take jobs from Republic etc)


    Add: Planet exploration. Basically make each planet about 50% bigger.


    Fix: Crafting, make it more meaningful AKA some of the best gear/mods can only be crafted

  7. Add Races: Wookies, Droids, Trandoshan


    Add Class: Entertainer


    Add: Free Flight in space


    Fix: PVP Imbalance (*this is every mmo but tor is really bad) add more open world PVP


    Allow: Players to Defect to the other side of the war. (Jedi become Sith, Sith become Jedi, Bounty Hunters take jobs from Republic etc)


    Add: Planet exploration. Basically make each planet about 50% bigger.


    Fix: Crafting, make it more meaningful AKA some of the best gear/mods can only be crafted

  8. To hear BW talk about FP and OPS there is a reason we're not getting any new ones.


    BW apparently claims not enough cared for them so back to story as a main drive. Screw you if your guild did and other of course but I think that is a mistake in their design for launching this expansion. It's a piece of the MMO puzzle that needs new content just as much as PVP and just as much as story. Leaving out new content in a new expansion for 2 of thsoe 3 areas is a mistake in my eyes. Gamers consume story to quickly to rely so much on story, then leaving nothing but 1 to 4 year old content to try and hold gamers.


    Im curious. Why do people think there are no new FPs or OPs coming at all? Who said that? The launch of xpac may not but im sure after the dust settles we will be getting FPs and OPs.. just wait. This generation has no patience. When have they ever dropped a new xpac and not given us FPs or Ops at some point ?

  9. How does a North American game not take priority in NA? How does making it better for Europeans, to have a better down time, (Euro's using a North American server mind you...) not what they signed up for? 0.o?


    Maybe I'm crazy but the Aussie's on our servers signed up for a NA server right?


    I would assume the EU server also do not have a prime-time outage.


    I work in I.T. you have late nights. You have over-nighters. It's your job, be it dolly parton nine to fivers, corporate meetings or games.. you work nights, not prime times.


    I live in Los Angeles. Bioware is in Texas last time i checked..its 4:20 AM here,im up cause i fell asleep at 7pm from driving all day but this is def NOT prime time in america.

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