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Everything posted by klashis

  1. I have some simple(?) ideas I think would help. I see the emotions/Passion between some of the people here so let me preface this by saying I'm not trying to offend anyone! I'm a long-time player and supporter of the game never breaking my sub since launch. I still have the disc set. Even when I don't play it I still pay monthly because I love the game that much. These are just suggestions folks.. I'm someone that's sitting on excess credits as well so I feel what everyone is saying here. Here's how we can spend the money. I think. Premium Buffs: Introduce premium services that players can purchase with credits, such as faster travel times, increased experience gain, or bonus loot drops from enemies. Put these as buffs/stims sold by an in-game vendor with effects that can last for up to a week forcing players to rebuy it each week. It doesn't take away from players who can't afford it but it def is a premium service. Maybe change which buffs we get each week. Currency Rework: Get rid of all the other in-game currencies. They are pointless. Just make everything cost credits unlocked through the rep system. Split the Credits into Republic Credits and Imperial Credits and choose exclusive items for both sides and also items that can be brought with credit. Keep CC store stuff but perhaps take away some of the items that over-perform on GTN. Galactic War Chests: Get rid of all the other chests. Have just one. Introduce a new type of chest that players can purchase with credits to gain access to rare or exclusive items, such as mounts, pets, or cosmetic armor sets. These could and should be randomized to keep people spending a healthy amount of credits. Again the idea here is to get people to spend the credits they have so the economy can stabilize. Bounty Hunting: Allow players to pay credits to place bounties on other players. Players can then attempt to capture or kill the target to collect the bounty, providing a fun and competitive pvp gameplay experience while also removing credits from the economy. There should be a button to press that would allow you to participate in this mode. It's basically an open pvp mode with credits attached to it. Sort of reminds me of what GTA Online does if you kill a person they drop money but you can also put a bounty on anyone and anyone can collect it. Reputation Boosts: Allow players to purchase reputation boosts with credits, which would increase the rate at which they gain reputation with certain factions or groups in the game. Transaction Fees: Introduce a small percentage fee for each transaction made on the GTN. For example, you could charge a 2-5% fee on all items sold on the GTN. GTN taxes: Implement a sales tax on all items sold on the GTN. This would work similarly to transaction fees but would be a fixed percentage added to the total sale price of the item, rather than a percentage of the profits earned from the sale. Premium GTN Services: Offer premium services on the GTN that players can purchase with credits. For example, you could allow players to pay credits for faster delivery times or increased visibility for their listings. These premium services would help to remove credits from the economy while also providing additional benefits to players who are willing to pay for them. Sort of like a verified seller on Amazon. Personal Starship Upgrades: allow players to spend credits to upgrade their personal starship with new cosmetic features or functional upgrades, such as increased storage space or faster travel times. Also would be cool to purchase and use any ship from the class stories for any character. Let us fully customize the interior with credit brought items. Again you could add a vendor here for this as well. Could be a cheaper alternative to the SH.. All credit based. Galactic Bank (hear me out lol): Investment Opportunities: A Galactic Bank could offer investment opportunities for players, such as interest-bearing accounts or investment options that allow players to earn a return on their saved credits. Also, allow new players to take out loans from either the bank or players with a certain amount of credits in their account. The loans could then be paid back using a payment system. This would go very far in helping the game feel more alive and help deal with credit sellers outside the game. Currency Exchange: A Galactic Bank could also provide a currency exchange service, allowing players to exchange one type of currency for another, such as Republic Credits for Imperial Credits or Cartel Coins for Credits. I know this sounds complicated but it doesn't have to be! The simpler the better in my humble opinion. I know these are credit sinks but I think they are creative ways to solve our inflation issue. Im not saying BW has to do all of these or any of these, I'm just trying to get the wheels turning! Sidebar: Remember when 100k was rich? haha
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