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Posts posted by ryanthedark

  1. What would be awesome is that your abilities as a Jedi or Sith change based on alignment. Like, at LS 4, Sorc would stop having lightning abilities and instead, they would change to Sage abilities. Warriors choke would turn into the Knight stasis etc.


    Ah, one can dream :p


    This is an excellent idea

  2. To those that value a role playing alignment based game, this post is for you. It has been long in my consideration that having alignment tiers should reward you in other ways than just titles and cosmetics.


    What I seek to introduce is having abilities that become available by reaching a specific alignment tier. For example, reaching Dark III could enable you to summon a Sithspawn to aid you in combat. Another case would be reaching Light III and being able to cast Jedi Lightning. I hope that many of you will post your idea on this thread.

  3. Excellent observation. Will someone accept the challenge to a duel so we can resolve this debate once and for all? My server is The Red Eclipse and my character is Darth Retribus LVL 55 Sith sorcerer.
  4. What kind of wrath are you?? You don't even have the balls to accept a Kaggath challenge from a dark council member. If you are truly so great and eternal, then accept the challenge. Or admit my superiority and exile yourself to Malachor V
  5. This is Darth Retribus of the dark council.


    It's about time we settled the age old score between the Wrath and myself. To accomplish this, I declare a Kaggath against any Sith Warrior with the honor and bravery to accept it. The arena is Dromund Kass. Seek me out and the Kaggath can begin. To the winner, eternal glory. To the loser, death and an eternity of shame.


    Yours sincerely,

    Darth Retribus Havoc

    Head of the Sphere of Ancient Knowledge

    Dark Lord of the Sith

  6. To be fair, we've seen plenty of examples of the story jumping ahead and the kids becoming more predominant characters in the Expanded Universe. Nothing to stop a future expansion having that kind of an effect, allowing us to see some more of the Republic history to pan out. We've got about 3,500 years to fill before we reach Phantom Menace anyway. ;-)


    Or you could try what Dragon Age did and introduce a parallel expansion that takes place 25-30 years after the events of SWTOR. That way the timeline is solved. The new storyline would revolve around the Empire having a comeback especially after Makeb. Then in the Inquisitor's case, the child would most likely be a Sith and would be super privileged at Korriban academy.(Daddy rules the Empire) :rak_03: The storyline then proceeds onward and you can still access your old characters and possibly interact with them in the expansion.

  7. It can change the end of the story in some cases, and it also changes character reactions to you during the story.


    For example, when you finish Hutta on an Imperial Agent then talk to keeper, he says something different depending on your alignment - he chastises you if you go close to full light or dark side, but praises you if you have about equal light side or dark side points.


    And I know that the end of the jedi knight class story has a slightly different ending sequence depending on if you're lightside or darkside.

    If you're darkside, the jedi council decides that you're not ready to be a master yet, but the military in protest of that recognizes you as a General. You get the Master title either way because players weren't happy with the General title.


    I so want the General title. Then I can be General of the republic like Kenobi :(

  8. It can change the end of the story in some cases, and it also changes character reactions to you during the story.


    For example, when you finish Hutta on an Imperial Agent then talk to keeper, he says something different depending on your alignment - he chastises you if you go close to full light or dark side, but praises you if you have about equal light side or dark side points.


    And I know that the end of the jedi knight class story has a slightly different ending sequence depending on if you're lightside or darkside.

    If you're darkside, the jedi council decides that you're not ready to be a master yet, but the military in protest of that recognizes you as a General. You get the Master title either way because players weren't happy with the General title.


    I so want the General title. Then I can be General of the republic like Kenobi :(

  9. It is a cool set, but to me it is one of those iconic pieces of armouring specific to a particular Sith of note, much the same as Vader has unique armour, and (before the Cartel releases) so did Revan, Malak, Nihilus etc. Yes we always need extra cool armouring options, but I think these iconic pieces should be left to their original wearers, and give us the tools and the variations to make our own iconic Sith instead! :D


    It does raise one point in this thread I do fully agree with though, A cloak slot would be great.


    The cloak slot is the best idea I've come up with so far to improve Swtor. Being able to add cloaks to BH gear and SI gear would be awesome. A cloak with the Ancient Exemplar's Robe would be awesome.

  10. Agreeing is all nice and all but how do we inform Bioware and SWTOR about our request? The armor would make us look awesome and real Dark Lords. It should be a lvl 50 piece of end game gear given that the new lvl 55 armor sets look like ****. They took the inquisitor helm from Diablo and the with warrior looks like Dredd. This is the revenge of the Sith Traditionalists. Long live Darth Thanaton!!!
  11. Wouldn't it be cool if we could wear the armor from The Great Hyperspace War and look like Naga Sadow and other ancient Sith Lords. I was thinking if we could send a petition to SWTOR to develop it and sell it for credits or cartel coins. There could be two different sets, one for the Sith inquisitor and one for the Sith warrior.
  12. Are you entirely sure, though? It isn't ever specifically said what happened after we leave the ship. For all we know, he could have escaped, bribed, had inside agents there,, etc.. I tend to believe that if in any option he lives, especially considering that they even give you the option to "join" him, that he's intended to live, but just be out of the plot for the time being.


    It just depends on whether the writers find a reason to have him return to the plot at any point or not.


    But in the end we lose anyways. Coz Darth Bane kills of our beloved empire and goes into hiding. sob

  13. Darth Retribus: Dark Councilor secretly plotting to form a new empire with aid of Darth Khreios the Emperor's Wrath. Dark Side alignment.


    Darth Khreios: One of Darth Retribus' secret allies. Father of Jedi Master Charlen. Light Side alignment.


    Master Charmeia: Jedi Council member and secret spouse of Darth Khreios. Works together with Khreos and Retribus to build a new empire. Neutral alignment.


    Master Charlen: Heroic Jedi Knight and son of Darth Khreios. Together with Darth Khreios and the ret of his family kills the Emperor on Korriban. Light Side alignment


    Darth Concealus: Son of Charlen and second Emperor of the newly declared. Pureblood Empire. Dark Side alignment

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