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Posts posted by Engeopathichero

  1. For everyone saying "do the math Broadsword" I highly doubt you all have done the math either. Heroics do not take that much time, as a matter of fact you probably did a few while getting the rep during galactic seasons. It was only a matter of time before they nerfed the rep thing, like it was way over tuned. Adding in the heroics promotes more people playing the game, instead of just logging in to push a button then leave.

    For those arguing it took time to get those rep tokens, if you are talking about doing a single daily for that pop, really? Oh no it took you 2 minutes to do a daily and get the rep pop. Doing the entire daily area was unnecessary at that point, it is on you for spending more time than you needed to. The seasons ones you could get a low amount token and do the same thing, which you could probably do just by logging in and popping a previous earned token to get more tokens. It wasn't balanced.

    As someone who gets over 5 million from time to time for guild conquest on a single character I can't tell you enough how great these changes are. It will make it so I spend less time doing things I hate just for conquest. Heroics really don't take much time, and they at least make you interact more than clicking a token. Many are very quick as well, heck I even made a list for all the quickest for making credits on SV before the transfers. Now that can be used for conquest. I also won't have to think so hard to get the 100k on an alt when I'm not playing as much. I'm very much looking forward to it.

    No matter what y'all overreacting big time, just crying you actually have to play the game now instead of just log in and click once to get rewards.

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  2. Just tried to start on a new character and noticed this, came to the forums first to see if anyone else was having the issue lol. Assume it is a bug and will hopefully be fixed soon, main point of the speeder since it isn't the nicest looking one.

  3. I won't go into detail on what I agree and disagree with on this post, but I think there are definitely some good ideas in here. Bonus tech frags to certain ops is a much better idea than the current system I think, it would get people running specific ones again. Make it so only veteran and master ops do, like the NiM gear dropping from HM from certain ops back in the day. That would encourage some variety, and people to learn and run ops. 


    Also agree the ability pruning was done horribly. Not to mention the currency nonsense we have now too. Both were digressions from good changes in the past.

  4. 14 hours ago, roachfex said:

    So the credit limit seems to be moving in the right direction, but I'm unfamiliar with what transfers with a character. It seems as though all mail is lost - how about personal cargo / inventory? and unlocks still apply? Also, account wide currencies / crafting inventory - these are left behind? And legacy / legacy unlocks (including collections)? 

    Swtorista has a guide going over all of this, https://swtorista.com/articles/how-to-transfer-servers-in-swtor/

  5. Just now, TrixxieTriss said:

    True, but that’s assuming you got all you’re gear slots mostly filled so bolster works enough & you don’t die repeatedly. 

    If you die with the solo droid you are doing something wrong, or just pulling too much, you really don't need gear.

    • Haha 1
  6. 1 minute ago, TrixxieTriss said:

    You don’t even need to do that. Just do all the class & starter planet side quests & heroics with one of the free XP boosts active & you’ll be close to lvl 20 when you leave.

    I mean BT and Esseles have solo mode, faster than questing.

  7. At this point I'm curious why they don't just make both groups happy and start a fresh start server in another region. Let APAC have a regional server and the fresh start people have a home where ping doesn't matter and credits do. It would boost sales and subs, I simply don't understand why they haven't done it at this point, there is obviously a market for both and they are losing money when they could be gaining it in both subs and cartel coin sales. Heck just open up a new server in APAC and leave SV as a fresh start, let any transfer off SV but not let anyone transfer to. That way everyone is happy.

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  8. At this point you have proven the want of one, and it should not be a regional server in a less populated region. It is a disservice to APAC players and obviously there is a market for a fresh start server. Stop trying to make one server for both groups, just make a fresh start server for NA or Europe and open up Shae Vizla so you can actually appease both groups. It will make more money in the long run, since you keep losing subs trying to appease both. Will also stop the infighting on the forums.

  9. Just now, heeeysa said:

    Playing the GTN isn't something that should exist. I've already made a post about that asking for re-selling to not be allowed.

    PvP hasn't lived, the server isn't old enough yet.

    There's also no seasons active which is always going to be the time when populations are at their smallest.

    I'm not going to argue with you, just know that after playing the game for most of it's existence instead of just the past couple months you apparently have, know that not only in this game, but every MMO, that is how it works. Also I have no clue what you are talking about with PvP, server age has nothing to do with that, and it was popping quite a bit when the server first launched, more so than now so that argument doesn't make sense. Seasons are part of it but not the main issue. 


    I know you won't listen because you are obviously not the type to, but I would stop talking about something you have limited experience in and let those that have been playing far longer and understand the game better talk about. Not just this game either, MMO's in general. You don't know how it works, stop pretending to, and for the love of all that is holy please don't spread the nonsense to the devs.

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  10. 4 minutes ago, JohnnyGatt said:

    I understand their wanting to stop credit sellers, And if they only offered this to APAC accounts from the last Transfer it would not be an issue. Every single Aussie I've heard talk about this have been either founding players or started day one of AU servers who purchased the game And have years of recorded subscriptions on their account. These current changes just mean every active credit seller from around the world is now going to transfer 240 million on level 20 characters that take two hours to grind out. This change just made it no longer a fresh start server and there are no reasons for these restrictions. Just when I thought I couldn't make any more baffling decisions they called this one out. If anything this change is going to encourage credit farmers to flock to the server as they will make a lot more bang for their buck grinding bounties. 

    I think you overestimate the amount of credit sellers that actually sub to the game. Also underestimate how quickly BS finds and bans them.

  11. 1 minute ago, heeeysa said:

    No, it's not. There's no issues finding groups. The server isn't 12 years old, it's still maturing. It was only going to get better. Now it's going to be dead before it even had a chance.

    No issue finding groups? Have you actually tried? PvP is dead, ops are practically non existent, the only thing that pops at a moderate rate is Vet FP's. Also I've been playing for nearly all of that 12 years, prices have always been at a level where you had to play the GTN to buy cosmetics. 240 million was a comfortable amount of credits, and that was before the drain on credits that just because you don't go through doesn't mean don't exist.

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  12. 6 minutes ago, heeeysa said:

    So you're happy to just kill the server like the rest? I don't understand. Why are you folding to people who clearly don't even play the game and just want to ruin the economy? This will not end well. Everything is going to cost 10-20x more than it currently does(initially, but will only go up) because of the huge influx of credits. If people can't afford to buy things then what's the point of playing anymore? Chasing character customisation options is literally the only thing we have. If you can't grind for it through heroics etc. then we're left with nothing to do.

    Please re-consider. 32m was more than enough, it didn't need to change.

    If you think that much is going to kill the server then you clearly haven't been paying attention to the server. The server was dying, this is the only way to save it. Also buying cosmetics off the GTN always required playing the GTN in the past, why should it be any different now? You also need players on the server to sell those cosmetics in the first place. I don't think prices are going to go up as much as you think, in fact I think the extra supply will drive prices down. It might go up but I highly doubt for more than the max amount, and don't forget all the credits that will be spent other places than the GTN. Guildship unlocks, gear, gear repairs, companion gifts, etc. Not all of that 240 million is going onto the GTN, and frankly you can just sell whatever you aren't going to use on the GTN and make plenty for the cosmetics. It really isn't that hard.

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  13. 54 minutes ago, Nommaz said:

    I also think it's a bit low, BUT I can work with that if the remove the per character restriction and make it legacy. 

    Easy enough to make mules, level 20 takes a couple of hours at most. Just do Esseles or Black Talon on the way to capital world and get your ship. Spacebar and 1 spam.

  14. Just want to pop in and say though I still think 240 million is too little, it is certainly much, much better, and closer to a compromise. I would assume over time they are going to open transfers for the remaining amount of credits eventually anyway, starting small I understand. I'd still prefer a little more, but that is enough to jumpstart the server I think.

    For those saying the "sub x amount of time" is an unnecessary restriction, you are not taking into account credit sellers. They are trying to keep credit sellers off the server, please stop complaining about it being there, the new limit is much better and will do much more toward what they are trying to do. That is the only reason for the restriction, has nothing to do with "punishing" players who didn't sub when the server came out. It is a very necessary restriction.

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  15. 9 minutes ago, ufion said:

    And for all those people who are rejoicing at the low credits, know this: all of the endgame community are leaving, you lose access to people who put up items on the GTN, people who have skill and experience to run Operations and more, and you will fizzle and dry out running your heroics daily when there's nothing to buy on the GTN , with only 5 other people on the fleet.

    1000000000000% this. Already struggling endgame, and with this news most if not all the people actually selling things on the GTN are leaving until a change is made.

    • Thanks 1
  16. I'm going to go deeper on my last posts. The raiding community on Shae Vizla was already small. Those selling things like augments on the GTN were raiders. Who is going to buy the mats others sell now that they are gone? I was the only person selling some tank augs, and now unless the raid team I joined the server for somehow survives with 2 people, a tank and healer, already in short supply, already quitting the game over this news.

    I did not plan to transfer characters, I planned to use the influx of credits on the GTN to help fund raiding. I have been running heroics and dailies every free moment for weeks. I have less than 1 million credits between the 500k per night I spend raiding and the rest goes to crafting. I have enough legacy unlocks to be okay but I still have most ship upgrades still needed, that I simply don't have the credits for. Keep in mind when I say every free moment, I am disabled. I can't work, so I play SWTOR to help fill time. I have been doing every daily area besides like Iokath and enough heroics to do most of the weeklies. Every day, for weeks. Just to raid. Now the team is already falling apart, and I'm burned out running heroics just to survive. This post just made all my work useless.

    At this point a major reversal on this decision is needed, but unfortunately, the damage is done. Many subs who have now cancelled due to this awful decision will not come back. The server may be in trouble because of it. I don't need to play on SV, and I'm really sorry for those that do. But I put in a lot of hard work, including a full set of 344 Rakata gear with blue augments. I'm now hoping to transfer a character with that gear off the server. I just can't fathom how BS thought this would be a good idea. They see the numbers. They know the server is losing population due to not having enough credits. This is not only tone deaf, but this feels like they didn't even do the research to see how hard it is. They obviously aren't raiding.

    I have been looking for a raid team that does what this raid team was doing for months, if not years. Now I have to find another, and probably at a time not as ideal for me. I've been playing this game since almost launch, I missed the founder title by a few months. I have seen some dumb decisions but nothing like this since Ben Irving was removed for doing this kind of thing too much. I don't know who is responsible for this decision but I get the feeling Keith was not it.

    I know running a game server is expensive, which is why you tried to test a fresh start and have an APAC server at the same time, but you just effectively ruined any chance of learning anything because all of the people that would have let you test it just decided to either quit the game or move to another server. I have not seen a single person give positive feedback on this. Any hope you had of testing a fresh start server just died along with the APAC server. The server was already suffering with the announcement of transfers, this was the final nail in the coffin. At least now you can write the book on how to kill a server and piss off a continent of players at the same time.

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  17. 1 hour ago, commanderpaul said:

    miss the free transfer cut off by 2 days..... wth regardless 2m per toon is not enough to even do outfits again let alone all strongholds again before i even think about raiding... people have only been doing heroics to fund repairs and playing as a stopgap measure until transfers now many including myself have unsubbed. 

    you have now killed any raiding apart from story modes and ev/kp hm on SV 

    please reconsider and make the only APAC server unrestricted just like every other regional server and make a fresh start server in NA for all those who want it or even just a second APAC server without restrictions and let us take our stuff there leaving SV for the fresh start heorics grinders


    You've seen sm runs? I've joined 4 chat channels and pubside especially rarely has any ops going, and even EV and KP were so bad I stopped doing them because I was tired of bad groups and high repair bills for easy content.

    • Sad 1
  18. Instead of helping the server you have just effectively killed it. I seriously hope this is reconsidered, I already know several are now deciding to unsub due to this decision, and those that are staying are staying on the other servers despite the ping. This was a terrible mistake.

    • Like 4
  19. 2 minutes ago, DarthNillard said:

    Ain't nobody trying to redo EVERYTHING from scratch if they don't have to....

    I've now done this twice, once as an experiment to see how long it would take a "fresh" player to make 1 billion and now again for SV, also don't plan on transferring characters personally cause I'm a masochist. Like yes I'm a nobody but not the way you describe lol. Technically I didn't "need" to do either, honestly would have probably fresh start SV even if transfers were a thing. But again, I'm weird.

  20. As someone who initially wanted to keep credit transfers low, I don't know if that is an option anymore. I completely understand wanting to have a fresh start server to monitor economy, and wanting an APAC server. Unfortunately doing both on the same server has caused a lot of problems. At this point I don't even know if they can accurately figure out the economy anymore because the limits are making too many not want to play. Not being able to transfer legacy unlocks and gear means it is a true fresh start, and believe me, as someone who has now done that twice in the past year, it is a lot of work. Not everyone has the time or will to do it, and now the server is paying the price for it.

    At this point I would recommend a limit of 500 million credits. That should be enough to jumpstart the economy (which is also dying due to population decline) and give players who don't want to do the grind again enough to purchase what they need, including repair bills. Right now the entire server is suffering due to the restrictions and lack of communication. This server needs transfers sooner rather than later, otherwise they are going to lose players.

    At this point, a decent chunk of credits to help not have to run dailies and heroics every free moment is needed. I have been running every weekly besides Voss, Correlia, Makeb, and Iokath, on 2 characters twice a week to try and fund repairs and unlocks. I do that over the course of the week. I am struggling. I try to supplement by selling augments and aug kits. Barely any sales, and I'm pretty much spending everything I make immediately funding new crafters and repairs. If I, as someone who is disabled and spends the majority of the day on the game, is struggling as much as I am after a month of hardcore grinding, I can only imagine what those who do work are dealing with.

    This doesn't even get into the other issues no transfers are causing. Barely any ops are run outside of raid groups. Those that are generally have new players who have never even seen EV before. Not just one or two either, most of the group. I can't even do KP HM anymore due to several bad experiences with it (one was 500k repairs in a guild run). PvP is barely getting pops from what I understand. No one can run MM Flashpoints due to no one queuing for them. Even VM Flashpoints have trouble popping right now. I also know I'm not the only one who has had issues. Experienced players are needed to run this content, and most aren't because not only do they have to start fresh, but it is a struggle to afford it once they even get to the point they can raid. Not to mention getting gear again, implant destiny achievements, and alts, that all cost credits. Then the groups they get are so much worse than their original server they stop wanting to run them, I know I have.

    There are more issues too but I will stop there. Bottom line, transfers are needed soon, and a decent chunk of credits with it. Otherwise people are going to stop playing this server.

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  21. 1 minute ago, Nommaz said:

    I feel it should be limited to the max cost of something on the GTN personally, but I can see them going lower than that, A happy medium would be the amount it costs to fully setup a new toons legacy perks IMO

    Neither of these make any sense, GTN prices are going to go up with more credits available, and transferring a character will transfer all legacy perks. Also GTN prices are set by the player, unless you are talking about something actually sold, which still is a bad idea because people who know how to make credits spend stupid amounts on stuff sometimes, and they are the minority. Basing a limit off the minority makes no sense, great for the poor but the rich are gonna be mad.

  22. 38 minutes ago, FrontLineFodder said:

    How much is being able to buy things off the GTN as FTP players one of the main deciding factors in people wanting the economy kept down.

    Not just FTP, augments and other items that are over a million but are at least affordable right now, purple augs go for about 500k which is way easier to grind than 10+ million (depending on server). Gold augs are usually in the 3 million range from what I hear which again is much more affordable than 200 million or whatever they go for on inflation servers.

    46 minutes ago, heeeysa said:

    You also have to bind people's stuff to them so they can't be added to the GTN after being transferred.

    Why? More things being available on the GTN will be a good thing, and will help the server a ton. The only people who benefit from less being available on the GTN are Broadsword. Makes more people spend cartel coins for things that aren't on the market. Mats can just be converted into things that sell so that argument doesn't work either. I have never understood why people think item transfers are a bad thing, nothing that can't be done already, if you want to spam the market with something you buy off cartel you already can, and they can't make it so any mats you transfer with are tied to you no matter what you craft. 

    The only reason to not want item transfers is either to boost business in Cartel Coins for Broadsword or because you want prices to stay higher to make credits off the GTN. More competition will make prices more affordable on the GTN. More items available will mean less direct purchases off the Cartel Market.

    Item transfers only help the player base, not the other way around.

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  23. I do not have time to read through all responses so this may have been said already but I'm gonna say it anyway, if it is per character then there needs to be limits to how many total characters can be transferred to a server, at least over a period of time. For instance, on my main server alone I have probably 80 characters that will most likely qualify for transfer, what is to say I don't just load up the max on those 80 characters and transfer enough credits to destroy the economy on SV. I'm not going to do that, but what is to stop people from doing that exact thing. Depending on the limit you set, you also need to set a max amount that can be transferred to SV, whether that be amount of characters you can transfer or a max amount of credits allowed to transfer needs to be enforced. 

    If you limit it to say 10 characters per 30 days or something like that I think that is fine, yeah it will kill the economy eventually but will also allow you to keep an eye on it so it doesn't get abused. Unless there is a limit on how many characters can bring credits it is going to destroy the economy. The fact that you are placing a limit on how many credits says you don't want that, don't let people abuse it. I still think something along the lines of a limit per account would be better but if you can't do that I think this is the next best thing.

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