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Posts posted by Zombietroll

  1. My solution is zero target break in 360 degrees under 10 ft for force user strength based melee combat. Unfair yes and no. With lag many people loose attacks and they are force users they know where u are. Any target engaged with same is at a speed disadvantage if targeted or engaged in combat unless using a special escape. Basically they are the brains and have spent time away from physical combat training to learn their skill. In a purely physical escape they should loose. Also a sniper using cover in close combat in plain sight should be immune to leap, but they should also not get the same advantage that being 15' away in real cover should afford. Or how about medals for engaging in combat against over whelming odds.


    So you get kited often due to lag and that means bioware should nerf ranged characters?


    Also you site realism as an indicator of what needs balancing in a game with lightsabers. Lolz.

  2. What are you going to do anyway after your toon is fully geared in say.. two weeks, if the cap is removed?

    If it's about to do something else in this game, why not doing it when you reach that cap?


    Thats what annihilating every NPC on Nar Shadaa while sitting on group finder is for :D


    Achievements would be way better though if they had been counting since launch. I really think I would have most of 'em by now.

  3. You only have to look at sabre reflect, electro net and phase shift to see that other classes have gained abilities that either slow, increase damage or allow fast movement and what do we get.........


    Adding a slow: Force slow

    Increase damage: Polarity shift for all specs already accomplished this I think

    Allow faster movement: Force speed


    Why would you ask for things you already have?

  4. > Remove Thundering Blasts cooldown, increase damage overall by 70%

    > Increase overall damage with all Force powers by 70%.

    > increase Electrocute's distance back to original, add 500% dmg increase.

    > Increase Static Barrier absorbtion amount by 1000% and allow it to be spam cast.

    > Allow flying and ability to warp to anywhere on map.

    > Give Sorcerors the ability to kill anyone or anything instantly.


    This pales in comparison to the pre-2.0 stun bubble

  5. Its almost like there was no PTS, or as if you didnt listen to any of the feedback given...


    or maybe its your terrible project management that forces you to meet deadlines no matter if your product is ready or not?


    regardless, we are just about out of patience for this nonsense.


    I heard insulting the Devs in forum posts gets results. We should all definitely hop on this bandwagon immediately, followed by threatening to pull our subs. :rolleyes:

  6. I think they need to add two things to the system.


    2) Ability to toggle a "Story Mode" item when you que.


    This will let others know you intend to experience the full story. Using that option causes the system to try and match you to other players that have also chosen that option.


    This would be great. I also think the que time for a non-tank wanting to see the whole story would be around two hours or more.

  7. And with the advent of the group finder how are those players going to even find a group to do their initial run if everyone else is in group finder. That's like trying to make it a law that virgins can only have sex with virgins. Great, but where are we going to find enough virgins.


    We are playing an MMO about Star Wars, isn't everyone here a virgin?

  8. Well forgive us for using BG = Battlegrounds instead of Warzones, we don't need to learn a new vernacular for every game unless people wish to be pedantic and pick on that one bit instead of the rest of the content in a particular set of posts.


    I feel the same way about the phrase 'elder game' as opposed to 'end-game'. Its like Bioware is trying to distance itself from WoW and other games.

  9. Nope that's not spammable.


    Oh and on top of it all it has a positional requirement on it. So learn to strafe properly and stop keyboard turning.


    Maul is fine.


    I'm a terrible at pvp when I try and DD on my operative, and I find it easy to get 'behind' someone. The game seems to think that 'behind' refers to anything in the rear 180 degrees of someone, so even being off to the side enables the condition.


    And if you were a strafing god, this is luckily stun wars, after all. Try strafing out of that.

  10. What do you care what others want credits for ? No one has to give any kind of reason to you or anyone else for that matter.

    And wrong forum to tell people "do dailies". Probably avoiding mind numbing horribly boring dailes are one of the top reasons to craft.


    Anyway, I think your post lives up to your name. Kudos for that.


    I really don't give 2 Siths what he wants or needs credits for. I'm pointing out that it is pointless to sit on fleet all day crafting and then come to the forums and complain that the top tier materials only drop for the players running content. Grinding credits for the sake of grinding credits isn't what the game is about, and the economy will never reflect that as a result.


    My tone, though harsh, is a reply in kind for his attack on the raiding community. He explicitly stated that we are pampered by the Devs and are all somehow extremely rich in credits.


    The amount of credits spent in wipes alone accounts for making rare materials a reward for end-game (elder game) content. It is also not like the entire raid group group is getting multiple Mass Manipulation Generators each. They are generally used as a resource for the entire guild or raid group for gearing up, or assigned to individuals by a /roll.

  11. I made it through SM TFB using group finder last night. We one shot the first two bosses, but operator 9 gave us a bit of trouble. We had a token wipe, where everyone was just getting a feel for the fight and mechanics, to be expected.


    Our next try took us to yellow phase almost flawlessly. Then the Sorc healer who was supposed to go to the middle completely spaced out. We typed directions into ops chat in caps, whispered him where to go, even had the tank try kiting him into the middle. We even had another Sorc extricate him into the middle, which he promptly force sped out of, I guess thinking it was a fight mechanic to run out of. We cleared the fight 2 pulls later.

  12. Marauder has pretty terrible AOE damage in both of its commonly used operations specs. It is also melee, which means it has to take more boss mechanic AOE damage in some fights, and risk getting cleaved in others if not careful. The utility is pretty strong for the class, and the defensive cooldowns are the best non-tank set in the game. Perfectly balanced? Maybe not, but I would say it is within the 5% margin for error.


    Sniper has a spec for front-end burst, an AOE heavy spec, and a solid DoT spec. All of them are raid capable and ranged at 35 meters now, which is far enough to circumvent or mitigate raid damage AOE and a few mechanics. Entrench, the bubble, and vital regulators rounds out their utility quite nicely.


    What they lack to compensate is the ability to off-heal or cleanse when the wookies hit the fan. I've seen Sorc and Merc DPS die because they refused to throw as static barrier or heal on themselves at a crucial moment. Does that mean their utility doesn't exist? Obviously there are fights with tight enrage timers that throwing an off-heal isn't feasible because the dps check is too tight (HM Styrack, NiM Kephess pre 2.0). But any other time a live DPS is going to outdamage a dead one. Worst case scenario when throwing an off-heal would be losing damage, and hopefully i can repay that as a healer with a couple corrosive darts.

  13. I think mine is still set almost entirely to default, but I barely notice the numbers anymore. It mostly registers to me as hit, miss, or critical.


    The longer you spend not focusing on the numbers, the more your likely your brain will be to categorize them as unimportant and the less they will detract your attention from elsewhere.

  14. I wonder if I'm the only one who wants to be able to make my characters 'feminine assets' larger? I want to keep the smallest body type (looks best to me and allows fitting through small spaces) but I would love to have twin death stars the size of the larger frames.


    I would gladly spend a couple thousand Cartel coins on this improvement.

  15. What he means by damage prevention model is tailoring your kill order and CCs in such a way to minimize the damage done to the group, especially the tank, thereby increasing group survivability, etc.


    And as for the rest and how it all works, elites do more damage than strongs, it's just that the ratio or mob damage to mob HPs make it the smart move generally to kill weakest to strongest. I don't remember the numbers but I think it's something like a strong mob does 25% less damage than an elite, but the elite has twice as many HPs. So just to use some completely made up numbers to illustrate the point...


    Say you have 1 strong and 1 elite in the group, takes 10 seconds to kill the strong and 20 to kill the elite, 30 seconds total fight time no matter what order. Elite does 400 dps, so at 25% less the stong will do 300 dps.


    If you kill the elite first that's 400 dps for 20 seconds - 8000 damage taken, then the strong dies so that's another 300 dps for 30 seconds - 9000 damage taken for a total of 17000 damage in 30 seconds.


    Conversely if you kill the strong first that's 300 dps for 10 second - 3000 dps, then the elite dies so that's another 400 dps for 30 seconds - 12000 damage taken for a total of 15000 damage in 30 seconds.


    So by killing the strong first you prevent 2000 damage from being taken by the tank. And that in a nutshell is the damage prevention model. CC the strongest when possible and kill the weak first to minimize incoming damage and reduce the likelihood of deaths and wipes.


    Sounds legit and makes way more sense then the guy saying to CC strongs over elites :D

  16. I assume most people in the thread aren't including healers in the interrupt rotation. If I am in an HM FP, I often enjoy the time to interrupt (the casters at the end of Athiss are a good example). In operations however, I very rarely have time or spare concentration to time an interrupt. Exception possibly being if someone asks for it concisely on teamspeak/mumble.

    Honestly, if I were to pick an 8 man raid group, I would probably have the following composition:


    Commando Healer (better burst heals than a scoundrel in 2.0)


    I ask this only because I have read a lot of your posts and see wisdom in many of the things you say. How do Commandos (Mercs) have better burst healing than Scoundrel (Operative)? Maybe I've just never grouped with a good one, but to my limited knowledge about merc healing the class has heat (ammo) management issues and a lot of short cooldowns on odd skills. I benched my merc healer long before level cap, perhaps too soon, due to the way the class handled early.


    Are the base numbers on Merc (Commando) heals significantly larger than Ops (Soundrels) or is it by some other merit that they achieve higher burst (such as their move that burns stacks to gain bonus healing).


    I'm currently gearing up a Sorc healer alt to see what it can do compared to my Operative. If Mercs are really as good as you say though, I might be inclined to finish leveling it as well.

  18. Hey fellow tanks,



    I seem to be experiencing some interesting things when i run content. For example, i sometimes taunt a target, it has the animation that it is being taunted, completely ignores me, and goes for someone else. When the animation taunt, and the taunt runs of him, he comes to me like he realized he is supposed to attack me. This has happened with both my single and aoe taunt in:


    1. Cademimu

    2. TFB

    3. S&V

    4. Athiss

    5. Hammerstation.



    Is it client-server lag? Do i have some issue with the game itself or the overall lag that seems to govern TOFN lately makes me experience this?


    A few of the bosses have mechanic that makes them immune to taunts, or simply do some raid damage and may look like they aren't focused on you. You could try turning on your target of target indicator in UI if you haven't already done so.

  19. I have seen tanks guard a dps malee over a healer, but as long as they know what they are doing, you don't need to be concerned with it.


    The purpose of guarding a melee DPS is to help mitigate AOE damage which more often affects melee DPS, and to reduce their aggro. A melee DPS only needs to reach 110% of the current highest threat to gain aggro of a mob, whereas a healer outside 4 meters needs to reach 130%. Typically the aggro healers get is on mobs the tank and DPS haven't touched yet, where a single heal will give aggro.

  20. I just did this fight for the first time on HM last night and one-shot it. Once Olok came out, the other healer announced in mumble that he was field respeccing to DPS mid-fight. I still didn't have any trouble healing it, as a matter of fact I still had time for a couple shivs and orbital strikes every now and then. I think the fight could use a bit of tuning during the coin phase as well as the actual boss phase. Both are just way too easy, even on HM.
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