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Everything posted by Necronomicanomic

  1. 100% right here, cause all I see anymore in pvp is premades of smashers and bubble specced sages and sorcerers stunbubbling all the smashers the whole match. Its all the time. Fix this BW or some people may agree like me and pick another game soon cause its getting extremely old very fast.
  2. All I can say to this is, Go to MADNESS on this skill tree. Only chance )
  3. The imbalance is not a mistake that bioware created, its on-purpose trying to get more players to create smashers and such, cause that leads to more money, but actually the imbalance is losing players lol. And to get an answer from any BW support is a joke, 98% of the employees I bet know nothing about the game at all rofl. BW please hire people that actually know the game
  4. I think its ridiculous. Just about the majority of my deaths in pvp match are from a force sweep or a smash. I play on the red eclipse server, and that's all I see lately, especially on the imps side, I see all these premades running 4 smashers and just grind metals off everybody even at their spawn area, how is this balance at all. It's just sad really.
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