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Everything posted by kofipower

  1. I thought earlier that I don't think it makes sense to have free transfers. Now the server is down again.
  2. There is a couple ppl I know that would have millions of credits on their heads.
  3. Note: This story is very old so I hope this guy isn't around anymore So its just a regular day in Novare Coast. Bu then a vanguard called Prince joins the enemy team. He literally camped in their spawn the entire time just using harpoon on cooldown. He was pulling them up so they would explode causing constant deaths. It took the collaboration of my entire team to pull him down and smash his face in. It pissed the team off so much and we lost because of respawn timers.
  4. You should make a item that you can create through crafting. It is basicly like a augument kit but it makes any item moddable. PLZ ADD THIS!!!!
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